Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2753 Jubao Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 2753 Jubao Chamber of Commerce

In the early morning, when the first ray of morning light falls through the windows into the wing room.

Concubine Han gradually woke up, with a sweet and satisfied smile faintly hanging from the corner of her mouth. Obviously, she slept very peacefully this time.

But then, she seemed to realize something, and suddenly opened her eyes.

Her bright eyes were filled with fear and self-blame.

How did I fall asleep?

And still sleeping so deeply, did anything happen last night?At this moment, Concubine Han seemed a little flustered, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her clothes were still intact.

"Wake up and get up!"

At this moment, Fang Yi's voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Concubine Han's expression tightened again, and she looked subconsciously, only to see that Fang Yi was still sitting cross-legged in the original place, as if he hadn't moved a bit.

However, the dining table in the wing room was already filled with sumptuous breakfast.

There are also washing supplies on the washing table next to it.

These things were naturally not prepared by Fang Yi, but when Concubine Han saw these things, she had a different feeling.

"What are you waiting for? After washing, you can go out with me. The auction is only two days away."

Fang Yi urged.

Maybe it was because of the peaceful night, Concubine Han seemed more confident, curling her lips, as if to express her dissatisfaction.

Of course, she only dared to do this, but she didn't neglect her hands in the slightest, she obediently washed them, and then ate.

Maybe it was because of yesterday's experience, or maybe it was because the food was too rich.

In short, looking at the delicious food on the table, her eyes lit up slightly.

It is said that food is the greatest temptation to human beings, especially women, and it can't be faked at all. You can understand this by looking at Concubine Han's appearance at the moment.

This was because Fang Yi was on the side, which made her somewhat considerate, otherwise she didn't know what would happen.

"Hey! Don't you want to eat?"

After a pause, she asked Fang Yi.

"Hurry up! There's so much nonsense here." Fang Yi said impatiently.

Seeing this, Concubine Han suddenly felt like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, as if she didn't know a good heart.

Today, with the cultivation base of the two of them, they don't need to eat anymore, it's just a habit. Fang Yi doesn't have that kind of leisure at the moment.

After a while, Concubine Han had finished her meal.

Then he looked at Fang Yi again and asked, "Hey! Where are you taking me in a while?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce. Find out about the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce's situation, as well as the situation of other bidders, and whether the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce's financial resources can ensure that it can win the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill."

Fang Yi replied casually.

Of course, by the way, you can also see what good things are in the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime.

After Concubine Han fell asleep yesterday, he did not forget to tidy up the spoils.

The two major offerings, as well as the storage rings of Guo Wenguang and the other three, really made him a fortune. There are hundreds of thousands of immortal stones, and there are also many immortal pills.

However, they are all the most common cultivation pills.

In addition, there are some exercises and weapons, which seem to be good, but they can't catch Fang Yi's eyes.

To his surprise, the storage rings of the three of them each had several patterns of heaven and earth.

You know, heaven and earth dao patterns are extremely precious in the lower realm, and Fang Yi didn't find anything special in the fairy world, but the fact that the three of them can have so many heaven and earth dao patterns is enough to show that somewhere in the fairy world, maybe a certain In some places, there must be a lot of heaven and earth dao patterns.

It's not surprising when you think about it, this is the fairy world after all, known as the world of rules.

The best place to learn the rules.

It must have its wonders, but Fang Yi has just arrived, and his understanding of this world is too limited.

The Jubao Chamber of Commerce is still a chamber of commerce, and there may be other things in it that I don't know about. What's more, even if these are excluded, I am Guo Wenguang, and I must understand the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

Hearing about the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, Concubine Han's eyes lit up obviously.

However, thinking of what Fang Yi said yesterday, her expression became a little weird again.

After a while, he said: "I will fully cooperate with you, but I also hope that you can keep your promise."

With that said, she got up and walked towards Fang Yi.

Fang Yi glanced at her slightly, with a half-smile, he didn't bother to answer, and walked out the door.

"I have seen the young master!"

Outside the door, several servants had been waiting for him. When they saw Fang Yi coming out, they quickly saluted.

The one who took the lead was the thin young man from yesterday.

"His name is He Er, Guo Wenguang's most loyal son-in-law. I heard that he killed many women for Guo Wenguang. He is very good at bearding and running horses. He is the same as Guo Wenguang."

At the same time, Concubine Han's angry voice sounded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

I have to say that Fang Yi did the right thing in bringing Concubine Han, otherwise, he would know nothing about the people around Guo Wenguang, and he would soon reveal his secrets. With Concubine Han's help, it would be different.

"How did the young master rest last night?"

The thin young man had a flattering smile on his face, full of vulgarity.

Especially when she saw Concubine Han coming out, her look...

"What do you say?"

Fang Yi looked smug and prevaricated casually.

"The young master is really amazing. In just one night, he tamed the beauty so obediently and obediently, the villain is very impressed." The emaciated young man understood and did not hesitate to praise him.

No wonder, overnight, Concubine Han followed Fang Yi obediently, like a little daughter-in-law.

Anyone who sees it will be confused.

What's more, the other party's mind is full of things like male robbers and female prostitutes.


When Concubine Han heard this, she immediately became furious and was about to lose her temper.

"Cough!" Fortunately, Fang Yi coughed lightly at the right time, forcing her to suppress it.

"Remember! From today on, she is my son's woman, and you must not be rude to her in the future."

Afterwards, Fang Yi said to the servants again.

"Understood! Don't worry, young master, the little ones will treat the girl like a hostess in the future." The thin young man replied first, looking at Concubine Han with a flattering expression.

However, in Concubine Han's eyes, this undoubtedly made her even more disgusted.

It's just that for some reason, hearing Fang Yi's words always made her feel weird and uncomfortable, and her cheeks could not help but turn slightly red.

"Okay! My son is going to the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, so let's lead the way!"


Hearing this, the thin young man hurriedly opened the way.

Fang Yi was not polite, and strode away, and Concubine Han had no choice but to follow, with her head down, like a little daughter-in-law.

Those who don't know probably really think of the two as a newlywed couple.

Even she herself had a different feeling when she heard the people talking behind her, as if what was really going on with that person.

It's just for the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, and for the sake of my brother, that's all I have to do for the time being.

But she is a young girl after all, no matter how she hears these remarks, her pretty face can't help but turn redder.

However, she didn't know that the more she was like this, the more she looked like a perfect little daughter-in-law.


(End of this chapter)

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