Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2754

Chapter 2754

Jubao Chamber of Commerce is located in the most prosperous street in Feilong City.

Under the leadership of He Er, the two came all the way.

That's all for Fang Yi, with a strong heart, and at the moment he is in the form of Guo Wenguang, so he naturally has no scruples, but Concubine Han is obviously different. Who is Guo Wenguang?I'm afraid no one in Feilong City knows about it, and the woman who followed behind him has almost ruined her reputation for a lifetime.

The eyes of others looking at it are a little different.

How can this make her bear it.

The only thing that gave her some comfort was that all these years, she had been staying in Feijian Villa, going deep and secluded. Even when she went out occasionally, she would change into men's clothing, so almost no outsiders knew her.

To have is to hear.


A group of three people came to a large-scale chamber of commerce, and the entire seven-story building was full of pedestrians.

At the entrance of the chamber of commerce, servants who had been clever for a long time came up quickly.

"I have seen the young master!"

"Yeah!" Fang Yi nodded casually, and strode away with a full-bodied look of the master. During this period, many people saluted Fang Yi.

And Concubine Han introduced these people to him through sound transmission.

It’s also thanks to bringing Concubine Han here this time, otherwise, a person like Guo Wenguang can be considered a number one figure in Feilong City. He knows a lot of people, and without Concubine Han’s explanation, Fang Yi is really not sure if he will reveal his secrets. .

Of course, it also benefited from Guo Wenguang's usual arrogance and domineering attitude towards everyone, which saved Fang Yi a lot of trouble.

"I have seen the young master, but I don't know that the young master is coming suddenly, and I will welcome you from afar!"

Inside the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, an old man saluted Fang Yi respectfully.

From Concubine Han's explanation, Fang Yi learned that this person is the second shopkeeper of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, and usually assists the big shopkeeper Gu Wanfang in handling the affairs of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

In Flying Dragon City, he can be considered a character.

Of course, in Guo Wenguang's eyes, he is just a slave.

"Don't come here with these vain people. I'm in a good mood today. Where's the shopkeeper? Go and call him here!"

Fang Yi said in a grandiose manner, full of the appearance of the second generation.

Concubine Han on the side looked at him in surprise. If she hadn't clearly known that Guo Wenguang had changed at this moment, she would have really wondered if she had made a mistake.

Otherwise, how could the other party pretend to be so domineering.

"Young master, you forgot. For the auction two days later, the big treasurer has been mobilizing funds around these days to ensure that the young master can win the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill."

The second treasurer replied respectfully.

That's it!

Fang Yi knew it in his heart, but he couldn't help saying: "Nonsense, how can I forget it, I just want to see how he raised money."

"Young master, don't worry, the shopkeeper has been busy with this matter for the past few days, and there will definitely be nothing wrong."

The second shopkeeper didn't dare to have any doubts, so he had to say.

"That's good!"

Fang Yi nodded. Originally, he came to Jubao Chamber of Commerce this time to see how Gu Wanfang was preparing. Since the other party was working hard, it meant that he had no doubts about his identity, so there was no need.

"Since that's the case, then show me around! Have you got any new gadgets recently?"

Instead, Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he asked.

This is another reason why he came to Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

The Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce can be regarded as a treasure house, and there is no reason to return empty-handed after entering the treasure house.

Han Fei's bright eyes also brightened slightly, as if she had seen through Fang Yi's intentions.

However, she naturally wouldn't say much.

The second shopkeeper didn't dare to say more, and led a group of people to visit the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Judging by his appearance, Guo Wenguang must have been fishing here for things.

Of course, this is the young master here, so naturally he can take whatever he wants.

Fang Yi is not polite either.

However, in order not to be exposed, he can only choose enough and pick out some weird things.

"That's right! My son has recently become interested in the rules of space, so I mobilize the people below to collect as many space dao patterns as possible."

At the end, Fang Yi did not forget to give an order.

This is not his whim, in fact, he has a strong interest in space.

It's just that in the lower realms, the heaven, earth and dao patterns are extremely rare, and it's good luck to get two, but it's different here.

Although the heaven and earth dao patterns are still precious, they are not so rare.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let the Jubao Chamber of Commerce collect it, so why not do it.

"Yes!! Little one, let's go on."

The second shopkeeper didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and he just ordered it to go on, just kidding, no one knows the virtues of his young master, and who dares to disobey.

"Okay! Let's do it! When the big shopkeeper comes back, let him send all the things he collected to me."

After learning about the general situation of the competitors in the auction, Fang Yi finally said out of boredom.

The second shopkeeper naturally echoed and watched Fang Yi leave.

A heart also seemed to relax.

However, he didn't know that Fang Yi was not.

Although Fang Yi has a strong heart, even a small second shopkeeper is completely ignored, but once his feet are exposed, all previous efforts will be wasted.

This is not what he wants to see.

Fortunately, these people usually succumbed to Guo Wenguang's lustful power, and never thought about the possibility of others pretending to be fake, otherwise it would be really troublesome.


"After passing this test, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill is almost at your fingertips. I hope you will not forget your promise."

Returning to the previous residence, Concubine Han couldn't help but said.

I don't know if it's because she has calmed down, or because she has gotten used to it. At this moment, she doesn't have much fear, and her reaction has a sense of warning.

Fang Yi couldn't help but looked up at her, and said, "You are really impatient."

"Of course!"

Concubine Han replied generously, "Nine-turn Resurrection Pill belongs to you, but my brother... how can I not be in a hurry."

Seeing her like this, Fang Yi didn't need to say anything, he just said: "You think it's too simple, do you really think it's so easy to get Nine Turns Resurrection Pill?"

"What do you mean? Those people who bid for the auction are not strong enough to compete with you. Even if there are a few with similar financial resources, I'm afraid they won't do their best for just one pill."

"Moreover, they still have to take into account the face of the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace."

Concubine Han's words are obviously correct. Fang Yi's capital is not her own, so she won't be reluctant to auction it off, but other people are different.

Financial resources are one thing, and the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace is another, so...

However, there was one thing she didn't know.

But Fang Yi is very clear that this auction is probably a game.

A bureau against oneself.

Since it was a game, how could the person who arranged it easily let other people get the Nine-Return Resurrection Pill.

However, if he didn't show up in the end, what would the person who arranged it do?

Fang Yi is also a little unsure about this point, and at present, it seems that he can only wait quietly.


(End of this chapter)

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