Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2755 Crazy

Chapter 2755 Crazy

"Reporting to Kong Qiu Shangxian, nothing has been found near Flying Dragon City."

"However, our manpower has already been arranged, but once that kid shows up, he will definitely not be able to escape our eyes and ears."

Flying Dragon City, inside the largest palace.

Above, a thin man with wisdom in his eyes was quietly listening to the report of the person below.

This person is the new Flying Dragon Messenger, one of the true disciples of Lingxiao Palace, Kong Qiu.

It is also the person who advises Yunxiao.

"Show your face? Idiot, if you were that kid, would you appear in front of people in an open and aboveboard manner at this time?" Kong Qiu scolded angrily.

The people below were slightly stunned, and a look of bewilderment flashed across their faces, and said, "That..."

He obviously didn't know what to do.

"It's so stupid, everyone knows about the Broken Dragon Mountain Range, even if he is really interested in the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, he will only pretend to be a bidder, and let me check to find out the details of all the bidders, without missing a single one. "


When the people below heard the words, they responded quickly.

Finally, he was about to leave.

"By the way! How about the Second Prince? Didn't he come up with any new tricks?" At this time, Kong Qiu asked again.

The person below was startled for a moment, then reacted and said hastily: "Return to your lord, he has been more honest in the past two days, he should be afraid of your lord."

"Hmph? Are you afraid of me? Relying on the Second Elder, how could he take me seriously? He is afraid of Senior Brother. This second son will want him to look good one day sooner or later."

Kong Qiu's words were full of contempt.

The people below were silent, as if they didn't know how to answer.

After all, the second son is the son of the second elder of the Lingxiao Temple, and the person at the top is not afraid, but he dare not make a mistake.

"My lord! Although he has been more honest in the past two days, it seems that he is determined to win the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. Will this affect our plan?"

The person below asked.

"It's okay!"

Kong Qiu waved his hand, this is a formal auction, the highest bidder wins, no influence or no influence.

For our plan, it is enough to attract that person out. As for whose hands the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill falls into, that is the matter of Xianling Pavilion.

"But, what if that kid never showed up?"

The person below asked again.

No wonder he asked this question. In the past few days, the news of the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill auction has spread, but the people who came here one after another were all familiar faces. If the other party didn't show up, the superiors would blame It would be too unfair for him to be unfavorable in his work, so he asked tentatively.

And these words made Kong Qiu slightly frown.

"Will not!"

But soon, his brows widened again, and he said affirmatively, "He will definitely appear, if he dares to challenge my true disciple of Lingxiao Palace, he will not come."

"Check it out for me. If he hasn't shown up yet, it doesn't mean he hasn't come. Maybe he's hiding among some bidders."


The people below nodded, not daring to be negligent, and immediately took the order and left.

In the main hall, Kong Qiu was the only one left.

"His words are not impossible, are you really sure?" Just at this moment, an ethereal voice resounded in the hall, and at the same time, a stalwart figure slowly gathered, it was Yunxiao.

It was Yunxiao at this moment, and the brows were full of coldness and evil spirit.

It seemed that letting Fang Yi escape a few days ago still made people angry.

"I've seen Big Brother!"

Kong Qiu didn't seem to be surprised to see the person coming, he gave a slight salute, and then continued: "It's probably not far from ten, that kid is so daring, he will definitely come."

"It's just that it may be difficult to hide him in this situation. If so, then he will inevitably hide in the dark. In this way, we will be much more passive."

Kong Qiu looked worried.

yes!The auction participants don't know how many people are there. With the opponent's cultivation base, if he deliberately conceals his identity, it is definitely not an easy task to find out.

At least those servants can't tell the difference.

Even if he has never fought against the opponent, he has no way of judging.

I am afraid that only the elder brother, who is familiar with the other party's breath, can recognize it.

"It doesn't matter! As long as he dares to come, no matter how he comes, I will find him out, and I would rather kill him than let him go."

There was a cold light in Yun Xiao's eyes, revealing his killing intent.

These words made Kong Qiu's expression change.

No one knows Yun Xiao better than him, and no one knows Yun Xiao's determination better than him. From this tone, if Fang Yi cannot be found, it is not impossible to kill all bidders.

How can he not be surprised.

"Eldest brother, think twice, this matter can be big or small, and it's in Flying Dragon City, under the watchful eyes of everyone, once it gets out, then..."

Kong Qiu was obviously a little worried, and that was strange, he was not as crazy as Yun Xiao.

Imprisoning, or even massacring, all attendees in order to uncover a figure who might not exist is not ordinary madness.

"Apart from this, do you have any other options?"

Yun Xiao was indifferent, and asked instead.


Kong Qiu was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Okay! That's it. The plan is still the same. I don't want to kill innocent people in vain. You do your best to find that person for me."

After finishing speaking, Yun Xiao has drifted away.

In the same place, Kong Qiu looked helpless, and his face was still slightly pale.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. Once it gets out, the entire Lingxiao Temple will be greatly implicated.

For now, the only way is to find that person as soon as possible.


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about the conversation here.

Yun Xiao's madness was obviously beyond his expectation.

However, even if he knew, he would not have any fear. At the first level of legend, he could easily escape from the opponent's hands. Now that he has reached the second level of legend, it is even easier.

and so……

At this moment, what he cares about is the harvest of Jubao Chamber of Commerce and his party.

And the exercises in the three storage rings before.

Now, he is Guo Wenguang, and he can also be regarded as a member of Lingxiao Temple. His appearance, breath, and even the fluctuation of his soul are enough to deceive the world under the transformation of the prisoner's sky-changing mirror.

Only the skill method is the biggest flaw.

Once you start, it is very likely to reveal your secrets.

That's why he came to comprehend these exercises. Of course, besides that, he also wanted to see the exercises of Lingxiao Temple and confirm each other.

"Ling Xiao Jue! It is compulsory for disciples of Ling Xiao Palace to practice mental skills?"

Fang Yi picked up this mental method first, and it is also the reliance of Lingxiao Palace.

It is rumored that it was the founding father of the Lingxiao Palace, the exercises created by the Great Emperor Lingxiao, which are infinitely powerful. Thanks to this, the Lingxiao Palace can continue to this day.

Fang Yi has heard some similar legends in the past few days.

So he also has some expectations in his heart.

It is a pity that the Ling Xiao Jue owned by the three seems to be incomplete, but this is not surprising, such a unique skill of the sect is naturally more difficult to obtain as you go to the later stage.

Immediately, Fang Yi began to comprehend carefully.

And time, also unconsciously, quietly passed.


(End of this chapter)

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