Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2756 Disagreement

Chapter 2756 Disagreement

Xianling Pavilion is located in the busiest street in Feilong City. Although it is not large in scale, it is one of the busiest places in Feilong City because of its reputation.

At this moment, there are countless people entering and leaving.

Compared with this hustle and bustle, the back hall of Xianling Pavilion, a certain exquisite hall, was unusually quiet.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

The voice is sharp and sharp, expressing his firmness.

The person who spoke was a resolute and majestic middle-aged man, Wan Qianshan, who is also the person in charge of Xianling Pavilion in Feilong City.

And sitting opposite Wanqian Mountain is Kong Qiu.

"Treasurer Wan, stay safe and don't be impatient. This matter will not have the slightest impact on Xianling Pavilion. I guarantee that Xianling Pavilion will not suffer any losses. This matter will also be strictly prohibited from spreading."

Kong Qiu was guaranteeing the ticket, but his face was a bit embarrassed.

After all, he also knows that this is not a trivial matter for Xianling Pavilion, but it can be big or small. Once it gets out, it will undoubtedly have a great blow to the goodwill of Xianling Pavilion.

and so……

But, remembering what the elder brother said, there are some things he has to fight for.

"My lord Kong Qiu, you said it lightly. Once word of this gets out, it is absolutely impossible for me to stay in Xianling Pavilion for the next three days."

Wan Qianshan refused again.

It's no wonder he was so decisive, because Kong Qiu actually tried to set up a large formation in Xianling Pavilion to trap all the bidders who participated in the auction tomorrow.

This is undoubtedly trapping Xianling Pavilion in injustice, how could Wan Qianshan agree.

"Impossible? This seat wants to know, why do you?"

Suddenly, another cold voice sounded in the hall.

Accompanied by this sound, a terrifying energy crushed, like mountains, pressing down thousands of mountains.

Boom! !

In an instant, the furnishings in the entire hall completely collapsed and turned into ashes.

Wan Qianshan's figure was struck by lightning, and he retreated again and again, cold sweat rolled down his forehead like rain, and his whole face instantly became extremely pale.

However, his expression was still determined.

The next moment, there was another figure in the hall, it was Yun Xiao.

"Big Brother!!"

Seeing this, Kong Qiu stepped forward and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Yun Xiao directly reaching out his hand.

"Wanqianshan, don't dare to touch you because you think that there is Xianling Pavilion behind you. This seat doesn't believe it. For you, Xianling Pavilion will turn against Lingxiao Palace."

Yun Xiao's words were extremely cold, full of warning.

Strictly speaking, a threat.

However, Wan Qianshan didn't seem to be afraid, and also sneered, saying: "Master Yunxiao is really amazing. Although Wan Mou is not worth mentioning, the reputation of Xianling Pavilion is definitely not something anyone can challenge."

"Including Lingxiao Palace!"

Wan Qianshan's words were also blunt.

Just kidding, the Fairy Spirit Pavilion can spread over nine days, so how can it be so simple.

How can Yunxiao and Lingxiao Palace scare them.

"Presumptuous! Don't forget, this is the site of Lingxiao Palace."

Yun Xiao was furious, his face darkened, and that terrifying power became more and more ferocious, like a giant beast out of its cage.

A hint of anger could not help but appear in Wan Qianshan's eyes. With a big step, the two powerful energies collided instantly, and the entire hall was crumbling.

At that moment, the aura around Wan Qianshan seemed to be uplifted in an instant.


A look of astonishment flashed across Yun Xiao's eyes, obviously, Wan Qianshan's strength was beyond his expectation.

However, it didn't surprise him too much.

"Xianling Pavilion is really extraordinary. The chiefs of Flying Dragon City are all so good, good! Very good!" Yun Xiao said two good things in succession, and the aura around him also rose steadily.

Wan Qianshan did not show any weakness, and saw that it was about to explode.

"Eldest brother, please be safe and don't be impatient, shopkeeper Wan, please calm down."

Seeing that the situation is not good, Kong Qiu hastily dissuaded him.

"Lingxiao Palace and Xianling Pavilion have always cooperated harmoniously, and we must not make a big fight just because of such a trivial matter. It's not worth it, it's not worth it at all."

"Hmph! My Fairy Spirit Pavilion has already cooperated as much as possible. You said that an auction is needed, so Wan moved forward the auction of the Nine-Returning Soul Pill. Now..."

Wan Qianshan seemed a little resentful.

It's no wonder that the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill is no small matter. The auction will be brought forward in a hurry, which means that the momentum is not big enough, and the influence is naturally much smaller, so the loss is bound to be not small.

But, after all, this is the site of High Heaven Palace. Although Xianling Pavilion is not afraid, it has always adhered to the belief of win-win cooperation. Since High Heaven Palace has such a request, there is no point for them to refute each other's face for this matter.

But in the end, the other party pushed forward, which was absolutely unacceptable to them.

Kong Qiu obviously also understood this point, and felt a little troubled.

"What Shopkeeper Wan said is true."

Immediately, he had no choice but to agree, acting as a peacemaker, and then said: "To tell the truth, Master Wan, the reason why Kong and others arranged this auction is to attract a person, and this person is the most important person in Lingxiao Palace. It matters."

"It can even be said that it will affect the future of my Lingxiao Temple. It is precisely because of this that Kong made this unreasonable request."

"However, since shopkeeper Wan is so persistent, Kong has no intention of embarrassing shopkeeper Wan, so he came up with a compromise."

"Kong and others won't do it inside the Fairy Pavilion, but outside the Fairy Pavilion. However, they need the cooperation of Master Wan and the Fairy Pavilion. What do you think?"

"Of course, shopkeeper Wan can rest assured that this move will definitely not damage the reputation of Xianling Pavilion."

Kong Qiu was kind and sincere.

Even if Wan Qianshan is a little reluctant, this is someone else's territory after all, as long as it doesn't damage the reputation of Xianling Pavilion, other things are fine.

Dang even said: "The bottom line of my Fairy Pavilion is that I can't damage my own reputation. For other things, if Lingxiao Palace needs our cooperation, there is nothing wrong with it."

This is considered a disguised concession. Of course, both sides took a step back.

Kong Qiu was overjoyed when he heard this.

Yun Xiao's eyes were still cold, but he didn't say anything. He also knew what kind of existence the Fairy Spirit Pavilion was. He was naturally not afraid of a branch of Feilong City, but if...

"If that's the case, then it's settled, there's Lao Wan the shopkeeper."

"After the matter is completed, Kong will come to the door to thank you."

Kong Qiu said politely.

After that, they left Xianling Pavilion with Yunxiao.

"Did you find out? Who are they so eager for?" In the silent hall, Wan Qianshan asked with a gloomy expression, looking at the backs of the two as they went away.

"Returning to my lord, I'm not sure yet, but I believe it should be related to the Polong Mountain Range, who claims to be the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable."

In the shadows, a man came out and replied.

"Oh! The descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal? Isn't that himself? Unfortunately, he has not obtained the Nine Dragons Seal. Could it be that the other person is also the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal? And has the Nine Dragons Seal? The eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace is so caring?"

Wan Qianshan's eyes were as bright as torches, as if he could understand the world.

"Continue to investigate, we must find that person."



(End of this chapter)

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