Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2758 Arrogant

Chapter 2758 Arrogant

"It's you!"

The two walked out of the hall and were about to go to the Fairy Spirit Pavilion when Concubine Han came to meet her right at this moment.

"I almost forgot about you!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly.

When Concubine Han heard this, her face suddenly became a little unhappy, but in the eyes of those followers, it turned into resentment, and her face became more and more exciting.

Concubine Han was already extremely upset, but now that she noticed everyone's gazes, she almost exploded with rage.

But, there is nothing to do.

Fortunately, Fang Yi resolved her embarrassment at this time, "Since you are here, let's go with me! However, my woman can't show her face in public, let's change it up a little!"

Fang Yi thought for a while and said.

This is naturally for the good of Concubine Han. If she just goes out like this, the reputation of Miss Feijian Villa will be completely stink.

Moreover, once discovered by Ren Lao and others, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

and so……

Concubine Han is not stupid, so she naturally understands this truth, but for some reason, this always makes her a little uncomfortable, as if standing next to the other party makes her lose the other party's person, is she shameful?

Of course, in this case, she would not act foolishly, and obediently modified it.

Suddenly, she transformed into a charming woman.

Temperament and appearance have almost changed drastically, the difference is that they are equally amazing, making people unable to move their eyes away.

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded playfully, perhaps only such a woman is not afraid to go in and out with Guo Wenguang.

"Let's go!" Immediately, he was not polite, hugged Concubine Han by the waist, and walked out the door.

This! !

Concubine Han obviously didn't react in a hurry, and panic appeared in her eyes.

Pretty face also turned red.

It seemed as if he wanted to resist, but in the end, he had to let Fang Yi do whatever he wanted, because this was a play, and Guo Wenguang had always been so dissolute in front of people.

This is not difficult to see from the disapproving eyes of those followers.

Many people even showed envy and admiration.

Of course, Concubine Han was uncomfortable all over, staring at Fang Yi with her bright eyes, especially when she felt the eyes of passers-by on the street, the anger in her heart became more and more steamy.

Just about to warn Fang Yi a few words.

But suddenly found that the latter's gaze was calm, without any distracting thoughts.

On the contrary, I seem to be too sensitive.

This feeling of not knowing where to reason despite having suffered a loss made her extremely depressed.

Fortunately, Xianling Pavilion has already appeared in sight.

"Young master! We are here!"

A group of people stopped in front of the Fairy Spirit Pavilion. The outside of the Fairy Spirit Pavilion was very lively at the moment, and the upcoming auction really attracted many people.

"Get out of the way! My young master is here, so get out of here."

The few attendants were obviously used to being arrogant and domineering in the past, and they forcibly opened the way without Fang Yi's order, like a full-fledged dog slave.

The crowd of onlookers dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Obviously, they were quite afraid of this Lord.

Of course, these attendants are not fools, they know that when they see people ordering food, they can only watch outside the Fairy Spirit Pavilion. Naturally, they are just ordinary warriors, and they can scold them at will.

However, the people inside were not the ones they dared to be presumptuous.

"Young master, please!!"

After clearing a path, Fang Yi stepped into the Fairy Spirit Pavilion under the eyes of everyone's hatred and disgust.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't care about the gazes of these people, but it made him feel less burdened, because he knew that these people's gazes were all aimed at Guo Wenguang.

However, Concubine Han was obviously different, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Fortunately, no one here knows her.

If there is one, it is Mr. Ren in the corner. At this moment, he has doubts, uncertainty, and deep worry on his face.

Because he clearly remembered that his young lady was kidnapped by Guo Wenguang back then.

Now that Guo Wenguang showed up in good health, it is very likely that his young lady is in the hands of the other party. He couldn't help but look at Concubine Han a few more times.

Although Concubine Han has been remodeled, her outline is still there, and her aura is hard to hide.

However, Concubine Han's obedience made him a little unsure, is that really his own lady?

This kind of uncertainty almost made him want to rush forward to confirm it, but at this moment, a cold voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't act rashly. I said before that your lady will be fine."

"Wait quietly for the auction to take place, and be on standby at any time."

The owner of the voice is naturally Fang Yi.

When Old Ren heard this, he couldn't help being startled, his eyes wandered around, as if he wanted to find Fang Yi's figure, but obviously, he found nothing.

Finally, he suppressed the impulse in his heart, because everything in front of him was too unusual.

He is very clear about the nature of his young lady, it is impossible to obey Guo Wenguang no matter what, but the fact is...

So, all this is a bit intriguing.

Undoubtedly, my young lady has her plan, and her rash appearance will make everything come to naught. In this case, then...

Therefore, he had no choice but to wait patiently, ordered a few words to his followers, and stepped into the Fairy Spirit Pavilion.


"Young Master Guo, please stay safe."

As soon as he entered the Fairy Spirit Pavilion, many eyes fell on him. Guo Wenguang was obviously a respectable figure in Feilong City.

Just kidding, excluding the Second Elder of the Lingxiao Palace, just his status as a legendary fairy has already made him one of the hottest characters in Feilong City.

If you add the identity behind this, who would dare to disrespect him?

This is why he can continue to be so arrogant and domineering.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi was perfunctory, with a condescending and extremely contemptuous look, "Master Nine Turns Resurrection Pill Ben is determined to win, everyone present, who else is interested?"

While he was speaking, his eyes were slightly cold, full of warning.

The crowd couldn't help being startled, as if they didn't expect him to be so direct, but this also echoed his character.

It was only for a while, but no one refuted it, and it seemed that they had no intention of being this early bird.

Of course, the fact that no one does this early bird does not mean that they will withdraw from the auction. When the auction is held, the appearance and aura of every guest will be covered by the formation, and no one will know who is who, except the inside of the Fairy Pavilion.

Therefore, there is no need for everyone to sing against Guo Wenguang face to face.

But in my heart, I'm afraid they are full of disdain.

"It is really an honor for Xianling Pavilion to have the items auctioned by Young Master Guo take a fancy to them. However, Young Master Guo, please don't forget that this is the Pavilion of Fairy Spirits. There are many higher prices at the auction. Young Master Guo is really interested and has to be auctioned. You have to show your real skills at the meeting."

In the quiet crowd, at this moment, a different voice came.

Fang Yi's eyes were dimmed, and he searched for the source of the sound, only to see a middle-aged man with an aura coming forward. There was a sharp light in the eyes of the middle-aged man. The person in charge, Wan Qianshan.

"It turned out to be Shopkeeper Wan, easy to say!"

"This young master is also a businessman, so naturally he won't let Xianling Pavilion suffer, so see you at the auction!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly, then glanced around, full of warning.

Ha ha! !

Afterwards, he laughed again and headed towards the auction venue.

Behind him, a group of people looked at him arrogantly and contemptuously, with different expressions.


(End of this chapter)

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