Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2759 Kong Qiu Shangxian

Chapter 2759 Kong Qiu Shangxian

The auction venue is an empty hall with two floors.

On the first floor, many people had already gathered at this moment, but it was relatively quiet, and everyone was quietly waiting for the official start of the auction.

Those who are eligible to participate in this auction are not ordinary warriors, so everyone is very conscious.

On the second floor, relatively speaking, there are some VIPs.

Although Guo Wenguang is notorious, he is naturally number one in Feilong City, and the second floor does his part, and it is one of the most conspicuous positions.

As soon as he stepped into the auction venue, Fang Yi noticed a strange energy enveloped around him.

This energy is so peculiar that even divine thoughts can't penetrate it.

And filled the entire auction venue.

At the same time, in Fang Yi's induction, everyone in the huge hall seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Obviously, this energy is at work.


Suddenly, Fang Yi faintly sensed that something was wrong. Behind this energy, there seemed to be a pair of eyes hidden, watching everyone.

"It's the powerhouse of Xianling Pavilion. Although this big formation can deceive you and me, it can't deceive them."

Concubine Han seemed to see Fang Yi's doubts, and quickly explained via voice transmission.

It has to be said that she and Fang Yi still have a tacit understanding, but if Fang Yi has any doubts, she will explain it as soon as possible.

Perhaps, at this moment, she had pinned all her hopes on Fang Yi.

After all, it is almost impossible for her to obtain the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill by herself, and she has seen Fang Yi's actions during this period. He is much more experienced and has much better means, so...

Immortal Pavilion powerhouse?

Hearing this, Fang Yi smiled in surprise, but felt somewhat disapproving.

Because, these eyes gave him a very familiar feeling, sharp and sharp, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, as if it would cut off at any time.

sky! !

This was the first thought in Fang Yi's mind at the moment.

As expected, the other party was hiding behind his back. All of this, as expected, was indeed a game.

It's a pity that the other party has thousands of calculations, and I'm afraid he can't count that he owns the sleepy mirror, let alone that he has become Guo Wenguang.

Just kidding, the transformation of the sleepy day changing mirror, even the breath of the soul cannot be distinguished.

No matter how powerful Yun Xiao is, he and Fang Yi only fought each other once, so how could they tell the difference.

Fang Yi could clearly sense the disappointment hidden in those eyes behind his back, as well as the unbearable anger.


Fang Yi smiled, and then sat down generously.

Concubine Han was also placed next to him, and the two seats were close to each other, making the former feel a little uncomfortable, like sitting on pins and needles.

Fang Yi naturally had no scruples, and looked around unscrupulously.

Unfortunately, because of the mist, he couldn't tell who was who.

Fortunately, he has no intention of distinguishing, his goal is the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill, not these idlers.

Successively, many people entered the arena one after another.

Until the entire hall is empty, the first floor and the second floor are all like this.


At this time, on the high platform in front of the hall, Wan Qianshan cleared his throat, looked around, and said slowly: "Thanks to everyone, it is a great honor to come to Xianling Pavilion to participate in this auction."

"Before the auction is held, first of all, please invite the notary of this auction, the new flying dragon envoy Kong Qiu Shangxian."

As Wan Qianshan said, his eyes turned to a certain corner of the crowd.

The crowd couldn't help but looked at it together, and everyone's eyes were bright. Many people had only heard about this new flying dragon envoy, and had never seen it.

Hearing this now, he was naturally extremely curious.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but cast a slight glance.

From the end of the line of sight of the crowd, a thin young man was stepping forward.

The thin young man smiled and nodded towards the crowd. He seemed to be easy to get along with, but behind this approachable look, there was a falcon-like light shining in the depths of his eyes.

So strong! !

Fang Yi secretly estimated that the person in front of him might be stronger than the two priests beside Guo Wenguang.

At the very least, he is also a strong player in the third realm of legend, and is likely to be close to the fourth realm.

It is intriguing that such a strong person will become the new Dragon Messenger. Behind this, I am afraid that he has a great relationship with Yunxiao, and maybe it is the helper specially hired by the other party.

However, Fang Yi was not surprised.

This had long been expected, even if Yunxiao hadn't found him, but Yunxiao, as the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, these flying dragon envoys would definitely follow his lead.

So...he remained expressionless and didn't take it seriously.

But Concubine Han was obviously different, and her complexion became more and more ugly and anxious.

"I have seen the flying dragon messenger, Kong Qiu is an immortal!!"

The crowd hurriedly saluted.

Just kidding, just the identity of the Flying Dragon Messenger already represents the officialdom of the Lingxiao Palace, and whoever dares to trust him here is probably only the second son of 'Guo Wenguang'.

Coupled with Kong Qiu's own strength, the crowd was naturally extremely respectful.

"you are welcome!!"

Kong Qiu smiled lightly, with a calm and breezy look, and then said loudly: "Kong wants to thank Shopkeeper Wan first. Originally, the notary for this auction was not Kong, but since Kong is a newcomer, he will I wanted to take this opportunity to get to know everyone, so I asked for this job."

"But everyone, don't worry, since Kong has asked for this errand, he will naturally handle things fairly. Everything will be handled according to the rules of the Immortal Pavilion. Anyone who dares to break the rules, Kong will never tolerate it."

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but while Kong Qiu was speaking, he still glanced in Fang Yi's direction.

Similarly, the words fell into the ears of the crowd, making them feel that this was clearly aimed at Guo Wenguang.

Involuntarily, their affection for Kong Qiu became closer.

As for Fang Yi, there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, which was thought-provoking.

"My lord envoy speaks seriously. It is a great honor for Xianling Pavilion and Wan himself to be honored by your lord envoy and come to be a notary."

Wan Qianshan did not forget to say a compliment.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips. As a second son and a lawless existence in Feilong City, it seemed that he would lose his identity if he didn't say anything at this moment.

Especially what Kong Qiu said just now was clearly aimed at himself.

Although it didn't mention the names, it was just a very common sentence, but at least the crowd thought so.

If I don't say a word, wouldn't it be...

"Okay! There's so much nonsense, I haven't started yet, I'm already getting impatient."

After thinking about it, he still let out a loud drink.

really!As expected, everyone's eyes were cast over. Although no one knew who was who at the moment, everyone knew Fang Yi's identity as soon as the words came out.

The only one who dares to speak like this on such an occasion is Guo Wenguang, the second son.

An embarrassing smile appeared on Wan Qianshan's face, and he said, "Young Master Guo seems to be very impatient, no matter what! Since that's the case, Wan Mou will not say anything more, and the auction will officially begin."


(End of this chapter)

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