Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2767

Chapter 2767

Guo Wenguang is dead!Completely dead.

After Gu Sifang and a group of Treasure Judging Chamber of Commerce's followers confirmed the incident, they were all ashamed, because Guo Wenguang's death was no less than the collapse of the sky to them.


Once the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace finds out, their fate may be...

Fortunately, the murderer is right in front of them, and it is far beyond their ability, which may allow them to get away with it.

At this moment, Kong Qiu shot at Guo Wenguang like lightning.

At this moment, half of Guo Wenguang's body has been annihilated. It seems that he is extremely tragic. He is already dead and can't die anymore. Just kidding, Yun Xiao is a legendary five-level powerhouse, how can he compete with him.

Involuntarily, Kong Qiu's entire face became extremely ugly.

Subconsciously, he looked up at the sky, at Yunxiao, and shook his head.

Yun Xiao also had a look of astonishment at this moment, and he was a little unbelievable. With his strength, he naturally knew how his shot would be fatal.

But the scene in front of him undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.


He only heard a soft murmur, and his eyes became extremely sharp, sweeping the surrounding void.

"Who is it! Get out of here!"

he shouted sharply.

But unfortunately, the surrounding space is silent and there seems to be nothing.

The crowd was also bewildered.

"Where did you come from? Don't pretend to be so hypocritical. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, do you still want to shirk your responsibility?"

Below, a disciple of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce couldn't help shouting.

Everything before was very real in their eyes, there was no third party on the battlefield, and everyone saw Guo Wenguang was killed by Yun Xiao with their own eyes, how could it be fake.

The crowd also looked stunned, as if they understood something.

After all, he was the son of the Second Elder of Lingxiao Hall, and it was inevitable for Yunxiao to excuse himself.

However, when this gaze fell into Yunxiao's eyes, the latter couldn't help being furious.


"An ant dares to make a noise in front of me, you are courting death!"

He scolded angrily, and his whole body was full of anger, as if he was about to completely crush that person into scum.

Fortunately, Kong Qiu saw the opportunity and stopped him in time.

A Guo Wenguang can also be said to have missed, if he killed all the people below, it would be deliberate, and it will be a situation of immortality.

The Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce below seems to have seen this at the moment.

Moreover, Guo Wenguang is dead, if they don't show any more, when the second elder arrives, they will all die.

Immediately, someone shouted: "Could it be that you still want to kill people and silence them? Let me tell you, the Second Elder must already know about this place. By then..."

"you wanna die!"

Yun Xiao seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, his eyes turned cold, and a sharp light shot through like an arrow, directly piercing the speaker and turning them into endless ashes.

The rest of the people were all shocked and terrified.

The crowd was similar, and each of them dared not even vent their breath.

"So what about the second elder? Want to use the second elder to overwhelm me? It's just wishful thinking."

Yun Xiao's eyes were like knives, and he swept across the attendants of the Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce, making them all tremble with fear.

"Elder brother! This matter can be big or small, once..."

"We'd better rush back to Zong as soon as possible and figure out how to deal with it."

Kong Qiu reminded, with a cloudy face.

Although Yunxiao is domineering, he is not a brainless person. The second elder of Lingxiao Palace is also an existence that he cannot contend with for the time being.

Fortunately, the other party was injured, so he had time to relax, but...

Everything here, so far, he is still a little puzzled.

Guo Wenguang had been so tyrannical before, why was he so vulnerable in the end?

And what is that faintly flickering white light and that powerful aura?

Is there really a third party on the battlefield?

Do not!If so, how could he hide his feelings?But if not, what is going on?

It's no wonder that Yunxiao is so puzzled, how could he think of the mystery of the prisoner's changing mirror, the exchange of the two is not only the body, even the soul fluctuation is the same.

And it was completed in an instant, there was no third party at the same time, so how could he discover it.

Of course, it was also Fang Yi who concealed it well.

Deliberately using majestic energy to cover up everything, and at the same time assisting with formations, even if Yun Xiao has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to find it.

As for Fang Yi escaping into the Water God Temple afterwards, it is even more impossible for him to find out.


In the Water God Temple, Fang Yi couldn't help but twitched a deep smile as he watched the two of them go away.

It is undoubtedly a great joy for him to be able to escape such a skillful golden cicada and let two tigers fight.

In this way, in a short period of time, Yun Xiao probably won't have time to trouble him again.

Although he is not afraid, it is always a trouble.

As a newcomer, he still wants to learn more about the fairy world, wake up Ji Wumeng as soon as possible, and improve his strength, so he doesn't want to waste on these boring things.

Because there are still many things waiting for him, for example, finding Ji Wuxian.


Feijian Villa!

It is located in the south of Feilong Domain, not far from Feilong City.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is a wide canyon right in front of it, like a flying sword unsheathed, and Feijian Villa is just at the end of this 'flying sword'.

Feijian Villa is also named after this.

At this moment, in the largest hall of Feijian Villa, Concubine Han was fighting fiercely in her heart.

The Nine Turns Resurrection Pill is on her body, and her brother is lying in this hall at the moment, as long as he feeds the pill, if nothing happens, he will definitely wake up.

It's just that, in this way, when that person arrives, what should I do?

"Miss! The Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is really on you? Then why are you hesitating? Why don't you treat the young master?"

Ren Lao urged, his face full of doubts.

When Concubine Han was asked such a question, she was even more undecided, and asked, "Mr. Ren, let me ask you, if that person is found, will Feijian Villa be the opponent?"

Elder Ren was startled for a moment, then thought about it carefully, and said: "With the formation left by the old master, it will not be a problem to stop him, but it may not be easy to trap him and defeat him. "

In fact, he has already said this very implicitly.

Feijian Villa is no longer what it used to be. In the entire villa, he is the strongest.

Then there is the current villa owner, Concubine Han's elder brother Han Feng, who is also in the third realm of legend, but unfortunately, the other party has suffered heavy injuries and is still unconscious at the moment.

As for Fang Yi, he witnessed with his own eyes that the other party beheaded the two major priests around Guo Wenguang successively.

With such a character, how can Feijian Villa be an opponent?

In fact, if it weren't for the formation technique left by the old master, Feijian Villa would have ceased to exist long ago.

"Miss! What's the matter with you and that person? Where have you been these days?"

Elder Ren couldn't help asking at this moment.

Concubine Han paused for a moment, and then told the whole story from the beginning to the end.

"What? That kid is Guo Wenguang? How is this possible?"

Mr. Ren's face was full of incredulity, no wonder, how can he understand the wonder of Changing Mirror in Prisoner Sky.

"Miss Qifeng, Mr. Ren, there is news from Flying Dragon City that Guo Wenguang has been killed by Yun Xiao, the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace."

Just at this time, a disciple rushed to report.


(End of this chapter)

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