Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2768 Awakening

Chapter 2768 Awakening

"What? He's dead?"

When Concubine Han heard this, a paleness appeared on her pretty face.

Thinking of the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill in the storage ring, she should be happy when the other party died, because no one would compete with her for the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, but for some reason, her heart trembled, with a kind of An extremely inexplicable feeling, inexplicable irritability.

Ren Laoda's eyes lit up, he was surprised for a moment, and then said: "Since that's the case, can we treat the eldest young master?"

Concubine Han agreed and did not rush to nod.

Instead, he looked at the person who came and confirmed again: "Are you sure, Guo Wenguang is really dead?"

"Miss Hui! It's absolutely true, many of us are still in Flying Dragon City and have witnessed all this with our own eyes."

"No one in Flying Dragon City knows about it."

The person below replied.

Hearing this, Concubine Han's face was pale, and she didn't know what she was thinking, so she didn't speak for a long time.

Shao Qing said, "Help brother!"


Boss Ren was overjoyed, and immediately, the two entered the back hall of the main hall.

In the back hall of the main hall, there is a pool of jasper clear spring. Above the clear spring, a body is quietly floating on it. The body looks extremely tragic. A huge wound almost runs through his entire chest to abdomen.

The internal organs inside are clearly visible.

The wound was filled with some terrifying black energy, which was still tearing apart his body and his internal organs.

Fortunately, the clear spring of jasper seems to have some kind of repairing effect, and it is fighting fiercely with the black energy.

But unfortunately, that black energy is obviously more domineering than that pool of clear spring.

If it wasn't for the number of clear springs in the pool far exceeding the black energy, making up for its own insufficiency, I'm afraid that the only trace of vitality in that body would have disappeared long ago.

"elder brother!!"

When she came to the clear spring of Jasper, Concubine Han's eyes glistened with tears, but she still pretended to be strong on the surface.

"Eldest young master, Miss finally got the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. I hope you can wake up as soon as possible after taking the pill."

Elder Ren also looked regretful, and then looked at Concubine Han.

Concubine Han settled down, and finally took out the crystal clear bottle.

Inside the bottle, there was a faint golden light, dotting the golden light against the clear spring in the pool.

Mr. Ren took the pill carefully, and then slowly put it into the mouth of that body.

at the same time!

In another space, on top of a blue ocean, Fang Yi stared at Ji Wumeng who was quietly floating on it, and when he touched his hand, a golden medicine pill appeared in his hand.

"No dream! I hope you can wake up this time!"

Muttering softly in his mouth, as soon as Fang Yi gave it in his hand, the elixir fell into Ji Wumeng's mouth.

Slowly, Ji Wumeng's whole body exuded a faint golden light, and her soft body also slowly floated up, like a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens.

The next moment, she actually opened her eyes.

"Fang Yi!"

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she uttered two words with difficulty, as if exhausted, she closed her eyes again.


"What's going on? Why is there no response?"

In front of the clear spring of jasper, Concubine Han shook her head in disbelief, her expression of nervous anticipation slowly turned into despair as time passed.

"No! This is impossible!! Nine-turn Resurrection Pill claims to be able to bring the dead back to life, and it will definitely be able to save my brother. Why is it so?"

Finally, Concubine Han couldn't bear it anymore, and tears rolled down her face.

It's no wonder that she pinned almost all her hopes on the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill. For this reason, she was not afraid of hardships and risked herself, just to get this pill.

In the end, Huang Tian paid off, she finally got the elixir.

But in the end, in exchange for such a result, how could she accept it, how could she accept it.

"How could this happen? It's impossible! The Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is also a holy product for healing, even if it can't heal the young master, it shouldn't be silent, unless..."

Elder Ren also looked blank at this moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Unless what?"

Concubine Han asked anxiously.

"Unless...unless this elixir is fake at all, otherwise, it is impossible for the young master to show no signs of improvement."

Old Ren replied.

But then, he shook his head again, "No! This is also unlikely. The pills auctioned by Xianling Pavilion have been verified by countless strong people. Before the auction, there will be someone to verify them."

"Besides, there is such a big signboard as Xianling Pavilion. I have never heard of fake pills being auctioned."

Unbelievable was written on Mr. Ren's face. Although Xianling Pavilion has great strength, its reputation is excellent, and it will never exploit its customers.

It is precisely because of this that they are able to spread over nine days.

But the facts in front of him made all this full of doubts.

"It must be them! Except for them, there is no way to fake it. This auction is totally fake. Their purpose is actually for that person."

"I must settle accounts with them."

Concubine Han seemed to have remembered Fang Yi's words, and understood the key to this auction.

Silver teeth gritted.

While speaking, it seemed that he was about to rush out, but fortunately, he was stopped by Ren Lao Jishe.

"Miss, don't be impulsive. The Fairy Pavilion is famous. Even if this auction has other purposes, it is unlikely to use a fake pill."

"Take a step back, even if they really use fake pills, it's impossible for us to catch them."

"With the strength of Xianling Pavilion, we..."

When Mr. Ren said this, his face was full of helplessness.

The matter is already clear, even if there is something in the Fairy Spirit Pavilion, with the current situation of Feijian Villa, there is nothing they can do, and it may cause trouble to the upper body.

How can Concubine Han not know that Feijian Villa is her father's foundation, if it is destroyed by her own hands, then...

"Brother! My sister is incompetent..., woo woo woo..."

The sound of crying came, piercing the heart.

Elder Ren couldn't help the redness of his eyes, but he paused, and said: "Miss, the possibility of the Fairy Spirit Pavilion being fake is extremely low, and the bidders who participated in the auction are not fools, this elixir, I'm afraid..."

"I don't know how Miss got this elixir? Perhaps, it was transferred halfway."

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Han finally stopped her tears, and suddenly looked at Elder Ren.

Subconsciously, she thought of Fang Yi.

Since the elixir was photographed and put into her hands, it only passed through Fang Yi. If it was said to be transferred, there was no one else but Fang Yi.

No wonder the other party was so generous and gave him the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill.

Feelings are simply fake, deliberately playing with yourself.


Concubine Han gritted her teeth, "I will definitely find you and tear you into pieces."

"Miss, have you forgotten? He has already been killed by Yunxiao, and the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill may have fallen into Yunxiao's hands. If you want to save the young master, I'm afraid..."

Before Mr. Ren finished speaking, Concubine Han interrupted him directly, saying: "No! He is so treacherous, it is impossible for him to die so easily."

"The one who died should be the real Guo Wenguang, Yun Xiao was just fooled by him."

At this moment, Concubine Han seemed to wake up again.

Old Ren's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he asked, "It's a bit suspicious. Why did he give Miss the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill? With his strength, there is absolutely no need to do so!"


Concubine Han couldn't help but startled, yes?Why did the other party do this?


(End of this chapter)

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