Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2769 Ji Wumeng

Chapter 2769 Ji Wumeng

With Fang Yi's strength, there is no need to play tricks in front of Concubine Han.

Concubine Han is very clear about this point, and Mr. Ren is like a mirror in his heart, but in fact, the other party is still unnecessary. So, what is it for?

Is it to appease Concubine Han, temporarily delaying time?

At present, it seems that this is the only possibility.

However, Concubine Han had a bad premonition, because she felt that this was more like a test, a test of her integrity.

Because the two had said before that the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill belonged to the other party, and the brother's injury would be healed by the other party.

It was precisely because of this that Concubine Han was so hesitant at first.

But after hearing of Guo Wenguang's demise, she no longer had any worries in this regard. Thinking about it now, this might really be just a temptation.

But, why did the other party do this?

Concubine Han didn't understand.

Elder Ren was also full of doubts.

However, Concubine Han knew one thing clearly, that is, whether her brother could be saved would most likely depend on Fang Yi.

"Look! We must find that person, otherwise my brother's injury..."

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Miss Qifeng, Mr. Ren, it's not good! The envoy of the flying dragon sent someone to the villa, and it seems that the person who came here was not friendly."

Just at this time, a disciple quickly came to report.


Hearing this, Old Ren couldn't help but look pale, and Concubine Han's expression became extremely ugly. It turned out that she was planning to go to Feilong City to look for Fang Yi.

Luckily now, the Dragon Envoy has actually come.

"Why are they here? My Feijian Villa has nothing to do with them."

Elder Ren was full of doubts.

Concubine Han was similar, but then she seemed to understand something, and said: "I said before that this auction has another purpose, and their purpose is that person. They must have discovered that I was with that person before. so……"

"What? What can I do now, the pill didn't get in hand, but it caused a whole lot of trouble."

Old Ren's complexion couldn't help changing drastically.

No wonder he is like this, the flying dragon messenger represents Lingxiao Palace, and the former Feijian Villa can't compete with them, and can only survive in the cracks, let alone now.

Once the Lingxiao Temple is really pursued, then Feijian Villa is in danger.

Concubine Han naturally understood this truth, and was confused for a while, not knowing what to do.

Older gingers are more spicy.

In the end, Mr. Ren rolled his eyes and shouted: "At this point, I have no choice but to refuse to admit it. If it is really not possible, then I will not do anything."


Compared with the tense atmosphere in Feijian Villa, the scene in the Water God Temple is quite different.

Brilliant cyan energy surrounds this world, full of vitality.

And in the center of this blue energy, a huge tree canopy covered the whole world, full of vitality, making the medicine garden seem to be completely alive.

Countless spirits of vegetation greedily absorbed this blue energy, and thrived at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fang Yi had already planted this medicine garden when it was in the spirit world.

Now, after endless years of growth, coupled with this cyan energy, they have taken shape one after another.

They cling to the big tree one by one, like well-behaved children, until the blue energy gradually fades away, and the huge crown of the tree disappears, replaced by a beautiful figure, she is dressed in pink The long dress looks like a fairy, just like a real fairy.

Ji Wumeng is still the same Ji Wumeng, even though she has been asleep for countless years, her smile is still so clean and innocent.

"Fang Yi!"

She looked at Fang Yi with a slight smile on her lips.

Fang Yi also smiled, very happy and relieved, because a huge stone that was pressing on his heart finally fell down.

"Where is this? Why am I here?..."

The series of questions made Fang Yi somewhat at a loss as to where to start.

Smiling slightly, he began to speak slowly.

In this way, in the Water God Temple, two figures stood among the countless spirits of plants and trees, slowly telling the past.

Ji Wumeng was still the same Ji Wumeng, as innocent as before, and every time he heard that Fang Yi was in danger, his pretty face would turn pale with fright, and his expression would become tense.

Even if she knew Fang Yi was fine, otherwise she wouldn't be standing in front of him like she is now.

Time passed slowly like this.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ji Wumeng's face is full of longing, and there is still a little tiredness on her face, maybe because she just woke up and her body is still very weak.

In fact, she has never really cultivated, she is just an ordinary human being.

After sleeping for such a long time, it is extremely rare to be able to maintain a clear mind when I wake up.

"You're tired! Let's talk later! We've got plenty of time."

Fang Yi said in relief.

"No!" However, Ji Wumeng shook his head, "In these years, I have missed a lot, and now, I don't want to miss a single thing."

"Tell me, where is my sister?"

Perhaps this question has always been in Ji Wumeng's mind, until now, he couldn't help asking.

Because Fang Yi didn't say anything, maybe she was waiting for Fang Yi to mention it.

But, what should Fang Yi say?

"Wuxian is fine. I'll take you to find her when your body recovers completely." Fang Yi could only say this, and the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a bit of bitterness.

"No! If my sister is really good, you would have said it long ago."

"Besides, if she was fine, she would definitely appear in front of me immediately, but she didn't."

Ji Wumeng looked at Fang Yi, her bright pupils were clean without any impurities, but they seemed to be able to see everything.

It has to be said that Ji Wumeng is as smart as before, or maybe she really knows Fang Yi and her sister too well.

"She's really nice! She just left for a while, don't worry! I'll definitely get her back."

Fang Yi affirmed, his eyes full of determination.

Ji Wumeng didn't ask any more questions, maybe she understood something from Fang Yi's eyes.

He just said: "Can you take me out to have a look!"

"Of course!"

Fang Yi smiled, and with a thought, the figures of the two disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they were already above the endless void, and everything below was in sight.

I don't know if it's because of sleeping for too long, or because the scenery in the fairyland is unique.

Ji Wumeng looked extremely excited, and his bright eyes were full of splendor, as if they would glow.

He is very curious and fond of everything.

Fang Yi stayed by her side like this, letting her play happily in the valley like a child, until the latter was exhausted.

"You are really tired! You should take a good rest! The days ahead will be long."

Fang Yi persuaded.

This time, Ji Wumeng did not refuse, but nodded and said: "But! I don't want to go back to that space. Although it is very good there, it is too deserted."

yes!The water temple is really too deserted.

Ji Wumeng has been asleep for long enough, she doesn't want to stay in it for a moment.

Fang Yi smiled sincerely, and said, "Don't worry! You don't have to stay inside anymore, and you won't feel deserted anymore."

"I'll take you to a place."


 I ran outside all day today and came back late. I really have no choice but to try to make up for it later.



(End of this chapter)

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