Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2770

Chapter 2770

"My lord, I think you have made a mistake! The little girl has been in Feijian Villa and hasn't left half a step."

Concubine Han's expression was firm, she insisted on facing the person sent by the flying dragon envoy.

In fact, under such a situation, she had no other choice. Moreover, Guo Wenguang was already dead, and there was no proof of his death. It is undoubtedly the best to disregard the relationship with this matter.

"Oh? Really!"

There were three people coming, and the leading one was a gloomy middle-aged man, his eyes swept towards Han Fei and Ren Lao two like knives.

"I hope what you say is true, otherwise, next time it will not be me who will come, but the envoy of the flying dragon, or even Senior Brother Yunxiao."

The hazy middle-aged sneered again and again.

Naturally, he would not be prevaricated by Concubine Han's words.

"I heard that the owner of Feijian Mountain Villa was seriously injured in the Dao Rune space. Don't you want to take Nine Resurrection Pills to heal his injuries?"

The hazy middle-aged man spoke again, with a hint of questioning.

"Of course, the old man participated in the auction. It's a pity that Feijian Villa has limited financial resources and can only return empty-handed."

Old Ren said.

"What about the eldest lady of Feijian Villa?" The hazy middle-aged man looked at Concubine Han with a faint smile.

Then he said: "Don't rush to deny it. There are many people around Guo Wenguang, and there are many people who have seen that woman. If you want to investigate, you will naturally find clues."

"If you tell the truth at this moment, maybe there is still a little room for maneuver, otherwise..."

These words obviously carried a strong warning meaning.

Concubine Han's complexion also changed.

In Guo Wenguang's house, she hadn't been remodeled, and there were quite a few people who had seen her, it was just because she had always been a secluded person in the past, and no one knew her.

However, if the flying dragon envoy really becomes suspicious, if he wants to pursue it, I'm afraid...

"Your Excellency said so!"

Mr. Ren obviously saw this too, so he had to apologize, and at the same time pulled the hazy middle-aged man aside, and said in a low voice: "My lord is telling the truth, my lady also deliberately wanted to obtain the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill for the injury of the owner. Getting close to Young Master Guo, who would have thought that it would all come to nothing in the end."

"Your Excellency also knows that Young Master Guo has a very bad reputation. We didn't deliberately hide it, but we just don't want to damage Miss's reputation."

With that said, Mr. Ren quietly put on a storage ring.

The hazy middle-aged man was calm on the surface, but he still took the storage ring casually, as if he had already understood the key to the matter.

These are just some trivial matters, as long as it has nothing to do with the person the elder brother is looking for, the others are irrelevant.

and so……

"Cough! It's rare for Miss Feijian Villa to show affection. Now that I know the whole story, I won't blame you. Okay! Let's just say that for now!"

The hazy middle-aged man has benefited, and his tone has become a lot kinder.

Naturally, he has no intention of pursuing it.

Immediately, he bid farewell to Mr. Ren's apologetic smile and left.

"Mr. Ren, how can you tell him this? Isn't that equivalent to admitting it?" Concubine Han was obviously a little displeased. Girls still value their reputation to some extent.

"Miss, don't be angry. It's a blessing in misfortune to be able to get away with this matter like this."

"For the sake of that person, the eldest disciple of the Lingxiao Palace can set up such a situation, but he must be determined to win that person. Once we have anything to do with him, I'm afraid..."

Mr. Ren is full of worries, the so-called old man and ghost, he sees everything very clearly.

Concubine Han is not stupid, how can she not understand.

"But, for brother's sake, we still have to find him, otherwise..."


Elder Ren was silent, because he didn't know what to do, Feijian Villa was already in a desperate situation, and one step away, it might be lost forever.


“What a beautiful villa!”

Surrounded by clouds and mists, two figures galloped towards him. Ji Wumeng was very excited when he saw the huge palace hidden between the mountain peaks, looming like a fairy palace.

Fang Yi also smiled sincerely, "This should be Feijian Villa."

In fact, he didn't intend to come to Feijian Villa originally, because of that elixir, the Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill that was transferred.

good!That elixir was indeed a temptation.

It should be said that Fang Yi was too lazy to make this extra trip to save trouble.

As long as the other party took the elixir, he would be able to sense it, so there was no need for him to help.

And if the other party has not used that pill, then he really must come, because he has always been a person who keeps his promise.

Unfortunately, the other party took it.

So he doesn't need to come back at all.

However, Ji Wumeng was an accident. She had just woken up, her body was still very weak, and she didn't want to stay in the water temple, so Fang Yi could only find a place for her to recuperate temporarily.

But at present, Feijian Villa seems to be the only choice.

Judging from Ji Wumeng's reaction, there was nothing wrong with this choice.

"Huh? Is there a formation?"

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. This small canyon actually has such an amazing formation?

As for the array, Fang Yi is no longer comparable to that day.

The four major sword formations cover almost all the formations in the world, and they are the essence of formations. It is a collection of thousands of large formations, which is incomparably miraculous. Although he still hasn't fully comprehended it, his mastery of formations has been unknowingly. , Slowly and deeply.

And before the ascension, Feng Yiyi sent the Absolute Immortal Formation to him.

But it was rejected by Fang Yi.

Although he knew that the Absolute Immortal Formation was by no means simple, it was a large formation in Tianzong, an ancient formation, but he did not lack a large formation, what's more, with this large formation, Feng Yiyi undoubtedly had an extra layer of protection. How can I accept it.

"Array? Isn't it powerful? Why don't we leave?"

Ji Wumeng was the same as before, with worry written all over his face, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would suffer.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling in surprise, and said, "Don't worry! A mere large formation can't do anything to me, and this large formation has no killing intent, it's just to stop outsiders."

"So, the master here doesn't like outsiders intruding, so we..."

Ji Wumeng was about to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Yi.

"They may not like being disturbed by outsiders, but they will definitely welcome you."

As he said that, Fang Yi was not polite, and strode towards the big formation.

"Someone broke into the big formation?"

At the same time, Concubine Han and Elder Ren, who had just sent away the gloomy middle-aged man, also seemed to have a sense, and their sharp eyes swept towards the cloud and mist that shrouded Feijian Villa.

"Who? Dare to trespass on Feijian Villa!"

Ren Lao gave a loud shout, and his majestic body shot up into the sky like an arrow.

Concubine Han followed closely behind.

Both of them looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They were joking. Given the current situation of Feijian Villa, they could not bear any wind and rain.

Especially at a time like this.

However, the next moment, when they saw the person coming, they all couldn't help being stunned.

"Fang Yi, they don't seem to welcome us, let's go!" Seeing the menacing approach of the two, Ji Wumeng couldn't help but said.

"How could it be! They can't wait for it."

Fang Yi smiled, then looked at the two of them again, and asked, "Really?"


(End of this chapter)

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