Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2771 Wooden Temple

Chapter 2771 Wooden Temple

In the same hall, Fang Yi supported Ji Wumeng to sit down slowly, with incomparable warmth.

Concubine Han on the side couldn't help but feel a little dazed, as if it was difficult to link the current Fang Yi with the previous Fang Yi. Is this really the same person?

Involuntarily, there was still some unexplainable feeling in her heart.

" lied to me, the pill is fake."

However, thinking of her brother, she still couldn't help asking, with a hint of questioning.

Fang Yi turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear, and comforted Ji Wumeng on his own, but Ji Wumeng was obviously a little uncomfortable, looked at Concubine Han, then at Fang Yi, hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Fang Yi had no choice but to glance back at Concubine Han, and said, "If you haven't taken it, how would you know that the pill is fake?"


Concubine Han was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer for a while, but she was a little annoyed, and scolded: "It really is you! If anything happens to my brother, I will definitely not let you go."

"It's up to you?" Fang Yi laughed contemptuously, with a strong disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps this disdain completely angered Concubine Han, and she couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "I may not be enough alone, but what about the disciples of Lingxiao Palace? Their goal in this auction is you..."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi didn't react at all, but Mr. Ren's face changed drastically in fright.

He hurriedly said: "Young Master Fang, calm down, my young lady is only worried about the owner's safety for a while, and it's not intentional."

As he said that, he quickly took a step and stood in front of Concubine Han, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would kill his young lady on the spot in a fit of anger.

To be honest, for a moment, Fang Yi really wanted to make a move.

However, Ji Wumeng seemed to have sensed his reaction, and quickly grabbed his hand.

For this reason, Fang Yi had no choice but to give Ji Wumeng a stable look.

"Do you think I will be afraid?"

Afterwards, his sharp eyes swept towards Concubine Han again, with a cold expression on the corner of his mouth, which made the latter shudder.

Yes!Will the other party be afraid?

If the other party was really scared, why would they participate in the auction?Even Guo Wenguang was killed. You know, behind Guo Wenguang is the Second Elder of the Lingxiao Palace. He is not even afraid of the Second Elder of the Lingxiao Palace, so how can he be afraid of the eldest disciple of the Lingxiao Palace.

What's more, the other party has already succeeded, if he was really afraid and left long ago, how could he still stay in Feilong domain.

"Mr. Fang is powerful, so naturally he is fearless. My lady just slipped in a moment of impatience. I hope Mr. Fang and this lady will be magnanimous."

Old Ren's eyes were very poisonous, and he saw Ji Wumeng's position in Fang Yi's heart at a glance, so he quickly brought Ji Wumeng with him.

Ji Wumeng was originally kind, and upon hearing this, she couldn't help but look at Fang Yi.

However, she didn't say anything. Although she was kind, she was not stupid. She knew nothing about the background of the person in front of her and how she provoked Fang Yi, so naturally she would not speak for them.

Elder Ren seemed to have seen this, and quickly explained what happened.

At the end, he still did not forget to say: "Actually, my young lady has never used the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill. She is an old slave. Seeing that the young master is in critical condition, coupled with the news of the death of Young Master Guo from Feilong City, that's why..."

Mr. Ren was sincere and joking, but he didn't dare to neglect Fang Yi in the slightest.

Even if his cultivation level is higher than Fang Yi's.

However, he witnessed the death of the two major priests around Guo Wenguang at the hands of Fang Yi, and they were all existences not weaker than him, so how dare he be careless.

Of course, what he said was the truth, and Concubine Han did hesitate at first.

"So that's the case, it's just a misunderstanding, Fang Yi..."

After all, Ji Wumeng is a kind person. Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, instead of having the slightest hatred for Concubine Han, she is full of sympathy.

Because at that moment, she thought of herself and her sister.

Concubine Han and the other party's elder brother in front of her are so similar to herself and her elder sister.

Of course, Han Feng's injury was only a recent incident, but her body was born with her. The two are not the same, but she can deeply understand Han Fei's mood.

How could Fang Yi not understand, and smiled at Ji Wumeng as a response.

Old Ren observed his words, couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Thank you Mr. Fang and this young lady for your generosity, I can't help but be grateful."

However, Concubine Han didn't seem to be conscious at all. She glanced at Ji Wumeng, then turned to Fang Yi, and said, "Now can you fulfill your promise and save my brother!"

Her voice was still stiff, as if she couldn't say anything good, and there was some resentment faintly.

Elder Ren couldn't help shaking his head, this is asking for help!You can't keep your voice low.

It's not like this usually, how come this...

Immediately, he had no choice but to agree: "Mr. Fang, this lady, my young master is in danger. If the two of you can help, I will be very grateful."

"As long as I can save my young master, even if I want the old man's life, the old man will not hesitate."

Old Ren looked at the two anxiously, full of expectations.

Concubine Han was a little angry, but her brother's safety was at stake, so she didn't dare to make a mistake, and looked at Fang Yi expectantly.

However, Fang Yi seemed indifferent, and said directly: "I can't save him."

what? ?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two couldn't help but change.

The difference is that Elder Ren has a disappointed expression on his face, but he doesn't doubt what he said. After all, no one knows better than him how serious his young master's injuries are.

But Concubine Han was different. The anger in her heart could no longer be held back, " liar, you said you could save my brother before, but now you don't believe it."

Concubine Han felt as if she had been tricked, and became angry from embarrassment.

Moreover, this is related to her brother's safety, how can she not be angry, as she speaks, it seems that she is about to rush towards Fang Yi, as if she wants to find Fang Yi desperately.

Fortunately, Mr. Ren stopped her in time.

"Fang Yi, are you really unable to save him?" Ji Wumeng, who was on the side, seemed a little unbearable after seeing this scene, and finally asked.

Fang Yi didn't answer, just shook his head.

But Ji Wumeng seemed a little puzzled, because she knew Fang Yi well, and she knew that Fang Yi would not lie. Since she said that she could be saved, there must be a reason.

Immediately asked: "Why? You seem to have never even seen him."

This question also stunned Concubine Han and the two of them.

No, Fang Yi has never even met Han Feng, and he doesn't understand his injury at all. Why was he so determined at the beginning, and now...

Fang Yi was silent, and did not rush to answer, but looked at Ji Wumeng.

In fact, what he said was the truth. At the beginning, he could be saved because of the Wooden Temple, but now he cannot be saved, also because of the Wooden Temple.

Because the Wood God Temple has always been in Ji Wumeng's body.

When Ji Wumeng was in a coma, he was still able to use it. Now, when Ji Wumeng wakes up, only Ji Wumeng can use it.

Unless, he stripped the Wooden Temple from Ji Wumeng's body, but if so, no one knows what will happen to Ji Wumeng.

yes!The tree of life has been growing in Ji Wumeng's body, and Ji Wumeng and the wood temple seem to have become one, and they can no longer be separated from each other.


(End of this chapter)

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