Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2772 Maybe you can!

Chapter 2772 Maybe you can!

However, Concubine Han didn't know this, and only thought that Fang Yi was deliberately making things difficult.

It's fine if it's other things, she naturally doesn't care about it, but how can she ignore it when it's about her brother's life, immediately, she saw her kneel down towards Fang Yi with a "bang".

"Please! Help my brother, no matter what the conditions are, I will agree."

At this moment, Concubine Han no longer had the temper of a young lady before, and only had the helplessness of an ordinary woman.

Fang Yi is fine.

However, Ji Wumeng had never had such an experience before. She got up quickly and was about to help Concubine Han.

At the same time, he did not forget to look at Fang Yi, that gaze said everything.

Ji Wumeng is a kind person after all, what's more, the experience of the siblings is similar to her, which makes her feel the same, so...

Fang Yi had no choice but to shake his head, sighed slightly, and said, "I'm not lying, I really can't save her brother, but maybe you can."


Ji Wumeng pointed at herself in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

It's no wonder that she has never really practiced. Even if she had, she obtained the Chapter Four Art Map from Mr. Qin, and it didn't take long before and after, and she didn't have any true energy in her body, so how could she save people.

Concubine Han and Elder Ren also looked puzzled. They were both extraordinary, so they could see through Ji Wumeng's situation at a glance, but Fang Yi's expression didn't look like he was joking.

Moreover, there is no need for this at all.

"That's right! It's you!"

Fang Yi nodded again.

Ji Wumeng was in a trance, but she was no longer in a daze. Instead, there was a look of joy on her face, happy that she was able to save others.

She didn't seem to have any doubts about Fang Yi's words, but asked, "Then what should I do?"

Concubine Han and Elder Ren couldn't help looking at Fang Yi expectantly.

But Fang Yi smiled and said: "No hurry! You just woke up, and you can't save him for the time being. After you recover for a while, I'll teach you, and it will be fine naturally."

Fang Yi said the truth, Ji Wumeng had no doubts, and smiled knowingly.

At the same time, he looked at Concubine Han and said, "Girl, you heard it too, don't worry for now, as soon as I recover, I will treat your brother as soon as possible, don't worry."

Ji Wumeng's smile made people feel inexplicably stable, even Concubine Han couldn't help but nodded.

It's just that there still seems to be some uncertainty in the expression.

Moreover, her brother's injuries are extremely serious, and she is not sure how long she can wait.

Fortunately, Fang Yi spoke at this time and gave her a glimmer of hope, "Although I can't save your brother, it's not a problem to save his life. From today on, you will serve Wumeng by my side! Can you save me?" Brother, it depends on how well you can take care of Wumeng."

"What kind of service, I'm good at hands and feet, so I don't need to serve you."

Ji Wumeng tried to decline, but Fang Yi couldn't help but agree.

As for Concubine Han, for her brother's sake, she naturally did not dare to complain at all. At the same time, she also saw Ji Wumeng's kindness. If it wasn't for the other party, Fang Yi would have ignored her.

Immediately, she hurriedly stepped forward to wait on her side, like a loyal girl.

As for Mr. Ren, his expression was a bit complicated at the moment.

For the sake of my young master, it is nothing to take good care of these two people in front of me, no matter how much I pay, it is not worth mentioning.

But, what is terrible is that the person in front of him provoked the first disciple of Lingxiao Palace at the same time, and designed the former to kill the son of the second elder of Lingxiao Palace. Such a person, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that he will live in Feijian Villa for a while, how can he not panic?

Just to save the young master, he didn't know what to do.

In fact, he can't do anything in front of the other party, and he can't decide everything at all.

A heart also hung up.


"Miss, this matter is of great importance and endangers the entire Feijian Villa. Once the news leaks out, then Feijian Villa will be completely ruined."

After Fang Yi and Ji Wumeng were settled, only Han Fei and Ren Lao were left in the hall.

At this moment, Mr. Ren was worried and at a loss.

Even the experienced man, at this moment, was completely confused.

"I understand! But, for the sake of my brother, I have to take a gamble. If you arrange it, all the disciples will be withdrawn from the courtyard where the two of them live. Moreover, only you and I know his identity. I believe no one will know that he is in the courtyard." here."

Concubine Han's eyes were firm, apparently she had made up her mind.

Elder Ren couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed: "If you're afraid, you're afraid. The young master didn't get cured, but instead got into big trouble. If that's the case, the entire Feijian Villa will be destroyed."

"Besides, don't you find something strange? Why did they come to Feijian Villa? It's impossible to come here specially to treat the young master, it's more like a premeditated plan."

"Maybe it's another scam."

Elder Ren was full of doubts.

It's no wonder he thinks so, if it's anyone else, it's probably the same.

Concubine Han also frowned, shook her head again for a while, and said, "No! No, although that person is indifferent, he didn't do us any harm at all. On the contrary, we broke our promise first."

"Also, even if he is untrustworthy, Miss Wumeng will definitely not lie to us."

It was just a one-time contact, but Ji Wumeng gave Concubine Han a feeling of trustworthiness.

Even Old Ren couldn't help nodding subconsciously.

"I hope so! But no matter what, this matter is no small matter. We must be more careful and pay close attention to the actions of Lingxiao Palace. If there is any disturbance, then..."

As Old Ren said, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

But then, he seemed to think of Fang Yi's overbearing again, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Maybe you are worrying unnecessarily. I am afraid that Lingxiao Hall is very lively at the moment. Guo Wenguang was beheaded by Yunxiao in full view, so there is no time to pay attention to us."

Even though Concubine Han said so, there was deep worry in her eyes.

Just for the sake of my brother, no matter how big the risk is, I still have to try one or two.


"They seem to be afraid of you!"

In a certain secluded courtyard of Feijian Villa, Ji Wumeng looked up at Fang Yi, her bright eyes were full of curiosity, and also had a different kind of splendor.

In her memory, Fang Yi still stayed on the ordinary boy of Taixuanzong.

But now, it's obviously very different. Anyone who sees him becomes trembling, not even daring to vent his anger.

Fortunately, this is still a fairyland. If she returns to Tianshan Mountain or Kyushu, she doesn't know how she will feel about the scene of thousands of people worshiping.

"Maybe! You have been asleep for too long, and many things have changed!"

Fang Yi smiled, and said again: "But one thing has not changed, you are the same as before in Wuxian's and my mind."

Ji Wumeng smiled contentedly, and murmured softly: "I really want to see my sister sooner, but I don't know how she is doing now."

Isn't this Fang Yi's heartfelt voice.

The two looked up at the sky like this, as if they had crossed the distance between the sky and the earth.


(End of this chapter)

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