Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2776 Revenge

Chapter 2776 Revenge

The sudden news really made Concubine Han and Elder Ren panic.

Just kidding, this matter can be big or small.

On the surface, it seems that this has nothing to do with them. They have never even seen the Nine Dragon Seal, and they are afraid. In this way, it is very likely that they will be implicated, so how can they not panic.

Even though Yunxiao and the others were under pressure and had no time to take care of these things, the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace was determined not to let go of any clues, after all, it was related to his son's death.

Once it is really targeted by the other party, then the consequences can be imagined.

However, they didn't know that the so-called Nine Dragon Seal was on Fang Yi's body, and Fang Yi was also the one who initiated all this.

If you let them know, I don't know what will happen.

As for Fang Yi, he would not be surprised by the sudden news, because it was his intention.

As long as there is even the slightest sign of the Nine Dragon Seal, it is impossible for Lingxiao Palace to miss it.

However, he really underestimated the reaction of the Lingxiao Palace. He did not expect that the owner of the Lingxiao Palace would personally order it. From this, it can be seen that the Lingxiao Palace attaches great importance to the Jiulong Seal.

As for the gathering of the two parties in Feilongyu, he is not afraid.

Because he was sure that it must be an open and secret fight, and no one would let the other party succeed.

It depends on the hands of the two parties, whose method is better.

The fun has only just begun.

And the corner of Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help evoking a faint smile, playful and ironic.


"Master, I don't know who the subordinate is. He came suddenly that day, and he explained everything. It seems that he didn't want Yunxiao Shangxian to succeed, so..."

In the deepest hall of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, Gu Sifang replied tremblingly.

Facing the gaze of the person above him, he didn't even dare to lift his head, and his legs couldn't help trembling slightly.

Because he is very clear that the person in charge only needs a little finger to crush him into slag, and it will never be more troublesome than crushing an ant to death.

Because the person who came was none other than the Second Elder of Lingxiao Hall, the majestic legendary powerhouse of the Seven Realms, Guo Wannian.

Guo Wannian had gray temples and sunken eye sockets. He looked old and tired. Obviously, Guo Wenguang's death had dealt him a big blow.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he cannot bear the pain of losing a son, especially if he is still injured.

Of course, even so, the Seventh Legendary Realm is the Seventh Legendary Realm after all, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compare with. Even Yun Xiao, the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, had to temporarily avoid his anger.

"Idiots! I haven't even figured out the identity of the person who came here, so what's the use of keeping you?"

Beside Guo Wannian was a middle-aged man with a gloomy aura, his eyes were like poisonous snakes.

Hearing Gu Sifang's words, before Guo Wannian opened his mouth, he had already yelled, with a faint killing intent all over his body, Gu Sifang couldn't help trembling with fright, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Master, calm down! This person is very powerful, and the subordinates are powerless."

Gu Sifang begged bitterly, his face ashen.

The gloomy man was about to say something, but at this moment, Guo Wannian stood up slowly, and then said: "Your strength is not good, I don't blame you, but why didn't you inform me in advance."

The voice changed from light to heavy, and it was flat at first, but in the end, it was full of strong killing intent.

Gu Sifang couldn't help being frightened into a cold sweat and trembling all over.

"Master calm down, it's not that the young master doesn't want to inform, but because the young master is filial and wants to surprise the master, so he ordered his subordinates..."

"In the end, the young master finally got his wish and obtained the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, but who would have thought that Yun Xiao would suddenly chase after him, and the result would be..."

Gu Sifang spoke very fast, and hurriedly told the whole story, as if he was afraid of speaking slowly, so he was suppressed by the other party on the spot.

When Guo Wannian heard this, his eyes became even more angry and turned slightly red.

Both fists were also clenched tightly, booming.

"Second Elder, Yunxiao claimed that this auction was to capture the descendant of the fake Jiulong Immortal Venerable, but in the end, he killed Mr. Guo. I think he clearly had intentions."

"What is the relationship between the heir of the fake Jiulong Xianzun and Mr. Guo? It is obvious that he himself is the fake."

A hint of insidiousness flashed in the gloomy man's eyes, and he agreed.

This person is also one of the true disciples of the High Heaven Palace, and at the same time, Wei Zhiyuan is one of the most promising candidates to become the Young Master of the High Heaven Palace, only Yu Yunxiao.

When something like this happened, he naturally hoped that Yun Xiao would be completely defeated and not forget to add insult to injury.

But Guo Wannian was able to become the second elder of Lingxiao Hall, so he was naturally not an ordinary person.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and gradually calmed down, then turned to Gu Sifang and asked, "You said that Wen Guang has already obtained the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, but what about the medicine? Why isn't it on him?"


When Gu Sifang asked, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

In the situation that day, after Yun Xiao killed Guo Wenguang, he didn't search for his belongings. In fact, Yun Xiao was a little confused at the time. He didn't intend to kill the opponent, so how could he search for these things.

Moreover, this is the son of the second elder of the Lingxiao Temple. The nature of manslaughter and search after killing is completely different. How dare he act like this in public.

"It's probably Yun Xiao. With his means, it's not difficult to hide it from everyone's eyes and ears."

Wei Zhiyuan replied, with a look of confirmation.

Gu Sifang also had no choice but to nod his head, and hurriedly said: "Master, after the fall of the young master, the subordinates did not dare to act rashly, and have kept him intact until now. During this period, no one has touched him."

The implication could not be more obvious.

Apart from Yunxiao, I am afraid there is no other possibility.

However, Guo Wannian shook his head slightly. The so-called old men and ghosts, at the beginning, he also believed that this matter was done by Yun Xiao, but after calming down and thinking about some of the suspicious points, it seems that the matter is not superficial. So simple.

At the very least, what about the two major offerings?where did they goHow did it fall in the end?

Yun Xiao vehemently denied this matter.

It stands to reason that he didn't even deny the fact that he killed his son, there is absolutely no need to do otherwise.

Moreover, if the other party did it, there is no need for my son to cover up for the other party. It is completely unreasonable to say that he was sent away by himself.

Among them, there are many doubts.

Of course, no matter what doubts there were, the fact that his son was killed was obvious to all. Yun Xiao did not deny it, and only said that the situation at that time was weird, and his son's strength suddenly dropped.

"Send an order to investigate all suspicious people, etc., and find out who is behind it."

Guo Wannian's eyes turned cold, and he ordered.

"Yes!" Gu Sifang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took orders.

When it came to Wei Zhiyuan, a strange look flashed across his face, and he said anxiously: "Second Elder, what about Yunxiao? Just let him go so easily?"

"Let him go?"

Guo Wannian sneered, with a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "No matter what the intentions of the people behind it are, the murderer is always Yun Xiao, and I will definitely avenge this revenge."


(End of this chapter)

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