Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2777

Chapter 2777

"Eldest brother, the matter has been roughly found out. The news came from the Jubao Chamber of Commerce."

At the same time, in another huge palace, Kong Qiu also reported to Yunxiaohui. At this moment, Yunxiao's face was gloomy, and he seemed extremely displeased.

Obviously, this incident caused him a lot of trouble.

"Treasure Gathering Chamber of Commerce!"

Hearing this, he gritted his teeth and said with a cold light in his eyes.

"It seems that the news is probably fake. It was deliberately spread by Jubao Chamber of Commerce in order to confuse the public."

Kong Qiu guessed.


However, Yun Xiao shook his head affirmatively, "The trash from the Treasure Chamber of Commerce, don't say they don't have the guts, even if they do, they don't have the brains to think of this."

"Unless the old guy ordered it."

"But, if that old guy really gives his permission, there is absolutely no need to choose his personal power like the Treasure Judging Chamber of Commerce. It has no credibility, so..."

"This news is probably true, and that person couldn't bear it after all."

As he said that, Yun Xiao's face gradually turned cold, and his killing intent was full.

Kong Qiu's eyes could not help but brighten, he nodded subconsciously, and asked in confusion: "Is it really that person? Could it be that that person is really the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable? Otherwise, why would he have the Nine Dragon Seal?"

Fang Yi is pregnant with the Nine Dragon Seal, so far no one else knows except Yun Xiao.

After learning that Yun Xiao is the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal, the other so-called descendants are naturally fake in Kong Qiu's view, but once this happened, let alone Ling Xiao Palace, even Kong Qiu was full of doubts.

You know, the image of the Nine Dragon Seal was spread throughout the hall through the Second Elder.

That cannot be faked.

And since this cannot be faked, then Yun Xiao's identity is undoubtedly doubtful.

This is also what makes Yunxiao extremely depressed. Originally, he has never revealed his identity as the heir of the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, but he just wanted to make plans when necessary.

He had never thought of such a thing, and he had no choice but to expose himself.

But in the end, the man made another horizontal thrust.

It made him look like a counterfeit, not only did he not get the support of the high-level people in the hall, but instead caused a lot of gossip, how could he not be angry?

"The authenticity of the Nine Dragon Seal has yet to be verified, and whether it is passed on or not may not be related to the Nine Dragon Seal."

There was a hint of anger in the voice.

Kong Qiu obviously noticed it too, realized his slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said: "Eldest brother said that even if it wasn't the Second Elder's idea, it probably has something to do with the other candidates."

"Someone wants to sit and watch the tiger fight, and the fisherman will benefit."

The battle for the young suzerain in Lingxiao Palace is extremely fierce, and Kong Qiu seems to be familiar with the various behind-the-scenes methods.

"Hmph! Are they worthy?"

However, Yun Xiao was full of disapproval and sarcasm, and said: "I used to be too lazy to fight with them because they were unworthy and disdainful."

"Now that I have revealed my identity, how can there be any business with them."

These words were extremely domineering, but Kong Qiu seemed to take it for granted, seeing that he was extremely optimistic about Yun Xiao.

No wonder, if not, he would not follow the opponent's lead.

"So what should we do now?"

"Whether it is to deal with the second elder, or to search for the whereabouts of that person with all his strength. That person is of extraordinary strength and hides in the dark. It may not be easy to find him."

Kong Qiu paused, and finally asked.

This question made Yun Xiao frowned, and said thoughtfully: "Since the news came from Feilong City, then that person is probably nearby."

"And not long after the auction ended, he was in Flying Dragon City. Logically speaking, it is impossible not to participate in the auction..."

These words made Kong Qiu's eyes twitch, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you mean that he is among the people in the auction that day?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!" Yun Xiao replied.

This! !

"But we have checked them one by one that day, and there is no suspicious person."

Kong Qiu's face was full of suspicion, and he couldn't believe it.

"Not necessarily! If there is no suspicious person, what is going on with Guo Wenguang? I think he is one of the most suspicious people."

"But he's dead!"

Kong Qiu was even more puzzled, and looked at Yun Xiao in bewilderment.

Yun Xiao was also full of doubts, and slowly shook his head, Guo Wenguang was dead, but no one knew better than him how Guo Wenguang died, because the other party died at his hands.

But, logically speaking, the other party shouldn't die, and it must be...

It's just that he can vividly remember the situation that day, and if someone said that someone could do something to deceive his perception under such a situation, he would not believe it no matter what.

You know, Fang Yi's strength is clear to him.

Although it is extremely astonishing, it will not reach such a point.

However, how could he understand the mystery of the difficult-to-change mirror. This mirror is one of the eight realms of Kunlun. Although it has no lethality, it has a great auxiliary effect and is extremely mysterious.

"Guo Wenguang is dead, but it doesn't mean there is no second Guo Wenguang, maybe it's just that he hasn't found it."

"Investigate! Once you investigate to the end, check all the people who attended the meeting that day, and he must be among them."

Yun Xiao said with great certainty, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

It's no wonder that he is so sure. He has always believed that that person would not look down on other people, otherwise, there would be no such thing as Polong Mountain Range.

And the Nine Dragon Seal incident this time fully illustrates this point.

Therefore, he was sure that the other party would not miss the auction because of the situation he had set up. The other party must be present at the auction that day.

It's just that he doesn't know how the other party has deceived himself.

This also shows that the opponent's strength is great.

Kong Qiu seemed to understand this too, and his face became uneasy, because if this is the case, it will undoubtedly be difficult to find that person.

But the situation in front of them was beyond their control.


Immediately, he quickly responded, and prepared to check the people who attended the meeting that day one by one.

"Oh no!"

However, at this moment, a disciple hurriedly came to report, "Brother Qi, Kong Qiu is an immortal, and our Second Elder's people are fighting."

"What? What the hell is going on?"

Kong Qiu's eyes darkened, and he asked anxiously.

Yunxiao didn't react in the slightest, as if he had expected it.

It was already obvious that the second elder was determined not to let him go easily. In Lingxiao Hall, given the prestige of the Hall Master, the other party might still have some scruples.

But in Flying Dragon City, the other party has no scruples, and it's only a matter of time before they make a move.

Any excuse will suffice.

It's just that I didn't expect that just now when I arrived in Feilong City, the other party couldn't hold back anymore. Fortunately, I wasn't unprepared.

"Old guy! I really think I'm a few years older than this seat, so this seat can do nothing to you?"

"I want to see how amazing the Legendary Seven Realms are."


(End of this chapter)

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