Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2778 Reinforcement

Chapter 2778 Reinforcement

Due to the presence of two major forces, the dark waves in Feilong City are turbulent, but on the surface, it is still calm.

For ordinary people, all they know is that there are more strangers in the city.

And for those strong people, this is undoubtedly a torment. No one or force dares to stand up at this time, and they all quietly hibernate. Therefore, Feilong City is extraordinarily peaceful.

But everyone is very clear about the turbulence behind it, and they are all worried, for fear of being affected.

Feijian Villa is no exception.

It should be even more so.

Concubine Han and Mr. Ren have been tense every day during this period, for fear of being approached by the two parties, because it would undoubtedly be a catastrophe for them.

Fortunately, the two major forces are fighting openly and secretly, so there is no time to take care of Feijian Villa.

Of course, the more important reason is because of ignorance.

Because Feijian Villa is just an inconspicuous and insignificant force in their eyes, who would have thought that behind such a force, there are people who dare to provoke the entire Lingxiao Temple.

In this way, time passed slowly.

The battle between the two major forces became more and more fierce. Concubine Han and Elder Ren struggled to support themselves in such torment.

In contrast, the instigator of all this, Fang Yi, is still immersed in the mysterious space pattern at this moment. Around his body, the endless power of space is entwined, layer upon layer.

At this time, a burst of ripples swayed, and Xiaoman's figure slowly gathered in the space.

"Brother Fang Yi, it's so interesting, they're already fighting like hell."

Xiao Man's face was full of complacency and fun.

The so-called "they" in her mouth naturally refers to the two forces of Yun Xiao and Guo Wannian.

The cause of this situation was not so much Fang Yi, but her, because she was busy, and Fang Yi never showed up, so she was naturally very proud.

Seeing her like this at this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help opening his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Thanks a lot!"

Fang Yi said.

"Hey! It's not hard, it's so interesting, next time there is such a fun thing, remember to call me again." Xiaoman said with a playful smile.

Fang Yi also shook his head and smiled, then asked, "Tell me! What's the situation now."


When Xiao Man saw and asked, she immediately talked about the matter with joy.

According to what she said, the two major forces have confronted several times, but Yun Xiao and Guo Wannian have not yet faced each other, and it seems that Guo Wannian is on top.

Not surprisingly, Guo Wannian is also the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace after all, and it has been a long time.

His own cultivation has also reached the seventh level of legend, far surpassing the fifth level of Yunxiao's legend, and the forces and supporters under him are naturally much better than Yunxiao's.

In addition, there may be many candidates behind it.

After all, no matter what the Second Elder is, he is only the Second Elder and will not have any influence on the candidates, but Yun Xiao is different. If he is knocked out of the dust, other people's opportunities will undoubtedly come.

So, one can imagine.

Fang Yi nodded, seemingly not surprised at all, and asked, "That's all? What else?"

"and also?"

"Brother Fang Yi, how do you know there are more?"

Xiao Man tilted her head and asked curiously.

Fang Yi smiled and said nothing, he didn't know who Yun Xiao was, but, through these few secret contests, he already knew that the other party was absolutely impossible to be a person waiting to die.

And at the beginning, the opponent shot and killed Guo Wenguang, although it was because of his own reasons.

But if it wasn't for the opponent's overbearing attack, he wouldn't let himself take advantage of it.

It was obvious that the other party was not afraid of Guo Wannian, and now that something happened, how could he not have a backup.

Sure enough, Xiao Man said: "That guy has a big helper, and his strength is extremely strong. I was almost noticed by him before I got close."

"Very likely, even stronger than Guo Wannian."

Xiao Man said, with a look of lingering fear.

As a spirit of vegetation, spying on information can be said to be her forte. Her roots can easily penetrate deep into the ground without being discovered by anyone, and she can also use other spirits of vegetation that have not yet matured.

In short, unless one's strength is as high as the sky, it is almost impossible to avoid her detection.

That's why Fang Yi was able to know the whole thing like the palm of his hand.

According to Xiao Man, it was almost exposed, and from this, the strength of the person behind it can be inferred, or, it is not only strength, but also the vigilance.

And this made Fang Yi frown.

Although he is not afraid of Yunxiao and can barely contend against it, it will be different with the addition of Guo Wannian.

Fortunately, the two are opposite each other, although he is a little bit strenuous, he can still do it easily.

Now that there is another mysterious strong man, it is completely different.

Everything is likely to exceed his expectations.

Fortunately, this mysterious strong man was obviously recruited by Yun Xiao to deal with Guo Wannian, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to it.

However, with the help of this mysterious strong man, Guo Wannian might not be able to defeat him.


Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head. Naturally, he would not care about Guo Wannian's life or death, but in this way, this matter will be settled soon, and by then, Feijian Villa will inevitably be involved.

It seems that I still need to help Guo Wannian, so that this good show will not end so quickly.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, and then he ordered a few words.

Hearing the words, Xiao Man was also full of vigor, and seemed a little impatient.


"Elder Qi, the good news is that a million miles away to the southeast of Feilong City, our people have defeated the other side again."

In the depths of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, Guo Wannian was listening to the success news from his subordinates, but there was not much joy on his face.

These are just small fish and shrimp, so naturally they can't influence the overall situation, and they can't arouse his interest.

So, he just gave a casual 'um' as an answer.

But the person who reported was full of joy, and said again: "In this battle, our people originally occupied the bottom, and the opponent was clearly prepared. Fortunately, in a critical moment, they suddenly killed a support soldier, and we were able to turn defeat into victory."


Guo Wannian, who didn't care at first, couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words. He looked at the people below and asked, "What reinforcements?"

"This!" The man paused for a moment before continuing, "The subordinates are not very clear about the specific reinforcements. However, they have a sentence for the subordinates to bring to the elder, saying that they have a common enemy with the elder."

"And I also said that there are powerful helpers behind Yunxiao, so let the elders be careful."

what! !

Guo Wannian's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard this.

The people below watched his words and expressions, and carefully probed: "Elder, does he really have any powerful helpers? Then who could it be?"

"Hmph! Who? Besides the Great Elder, who else?"

"That old guy, I thought he would stand still, but unexpectedly, he couldn't hold back anymore, it's hateful."

Guo Wannian slapped his giant palm, and the armrest of the seat under him instantly shattered and turned into dust.

"The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable. No matter who you are or what your status is, this old man will definitely get rid of you."


(End of this chapter)

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