Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2779 Progress

Chapter 2779 Progress

The entanglement between the two forces has become more and more intense, almost coming from the dark to the bright.

But everything about the Nine Dragon Seal seemed to be ignored by them.

Or maybe it's not that they ignored it, but that they couldn't find out. After all, this is just groundless news with no root cause.

Of course, Guo Wannian's thoughts were not on this at all.

Although Yunxiao was interested, he was too busy dealing with it, and couldn't spare any more people and energy.

In this way, the two forces claimed to come to Feilong City to pursue the Jiulong Seal, but in fact, it was more like a battlefield specially selected by the two forces.

However, Feijian Villa, which was wandering inside and outside the battlefield, remained unusually calm.

No matter how fierce the battle outside was, all of this seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Of course, this is only on the surface. On the inside, Concubine Han and Mrs. Ren are all worried, walking on thin ice, for fear that a bad situation will lead to disaster.

It can be said that this period of time was a torment for them.

Fortunately, there is finally some good news at this time.

In that silent hall, Ji Wumeng was like a statue. Her peerless face and the cyan energy that enveloped her made her look like a Nine-Heaven Xuannv.

The energy of the youth surged like a tide, and a huge tree crown slowly condensed.

The crown of the tree is like a huge palace, which seems to contain endless vitality.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Almost at the same time, Fang Yi seemed to feel something, and appeared in the hall like a ghost, looking at the crown of the tree with a little surprise.

"So fast? Can the energy of the Wooden Temple be mobilized so quickly?"

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes.

Ji Wumeng's progress really exceeded his expectations, and he was extremely surprised. You must know that it didn't take long for Ji Wumeng's cultivation to be full of effort.

However, in such a short period of time, the other party was able to use the energy of the Wooden Temple, which is not unpleasant.

The Wooden Temple is one of the five great temples, how can it be child's play.

Being able to use the energy of the Wood God Temple meant that Ji Wumeng had a certain amount of self-protection power, even in this fairy world.

Of course, she doesn't have much attack power yet.

The so-called self-protection power is just being able to freely enter the space of the Wooden Temple. In this way, no matter how powerful the strong man is, he will never want to do anything to her.

And this is undoubtedly what Fang Yi is happy to see.

Involuntarily, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And Ji Wumeng also opened his eyes at the same time, looking at his hands in amazement and blankly, as if he couldn't believe that he could have today.

Or maybe, she discovered the situation in her body and realized the existence of the Wooden Temple.


Before that, she had no cultivation, and she didn't know anything about her own situation, let alone the Wood God Temple hidden in her body, and she didn't know anything about it.

And just now, with the progress of the Longevity Sutra, she inadvertently activated the Wooden Temple, and only then did she learn of the existence of that magical palace.

"Fang Yi, I..., it..."

Maybe she was too excited, looking at Fang Yi, she didn't know what to say for a while.

But Fang Yi knew it clearly, smiled, and said: "Not bad! You have been able to reach such a level in a short period of time. It seems that your cultivation talent is no worse than Wuxian."


Ji Wumeng asked suddenly with joy on his face.

"Of course!" Fang Yi nodded and gave the other party a positive look.

Not only is it no worse than Ji Wuxian, but it may even be better than Ji Wuxian.

Of course, Ji Wuxian started from Li, from ordinary cultivation techniques, while Ji Wumeng started with the mysterious Longevity Sutra, and the body fused with the Wood God Temple, the two are completely different.

"It's different, I have your help, and my sister is completely on her own."

Ji Wumeng obviously understood this, and asked again: "Fang Yi, what was in my body just now? Could it be the legendary Taixuan Palace?"

In Ji Wuxian's impression, the world is still the same as Kyushu, and the Taixuan Palace is that incomparably mysterious existence.

No wonder, after all, she has been asleep for countless thousands of years. After waking up, she has been in Feijian Villa and has not gone out to see it. Her understanding of this world is still at that moment.

How can one understand something as mysterious as the Wooden Temple?

Fang Yi smiled, and originally planned to prevaricate a few words at will, but after thinking about it, if Ji Wumeng didn't know the preciousness of the Wooden Temple and showed it in front of people at will, it might lead to death, so he patiently explained some.

It even mentioned the cultivation level of the warriors in this world.

Saving Wumeng is like listening to a book from heaven, but there is a strange light in his eyes.

Maybe she didn't understand it very well, but from her eyes, Fang Yi had already determined that she had deeply realized the preciousness of the Wooden Temple.

His expression also became a little cautious, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help smiling and said, "Don't worry! Not everyone knows Wooden Temple, and if you encounter any crisis, you can hide in Wooden Temple."

"this is okay too?"

Ji Wumeng seemed a little skeptical.

"Of course, try it!" Fang Yi reminded with a smile.

Hearing this, Ji Wumeng was obviously a little moved, her bright eyes lit up, and the breath around her body rippled, and the next moment, she disappeared in place out of thin air.

Fang Yi smiled knowingly, and his thoughts moved accordingly, disappearing almost at the same time.

Inside the Wooden Temple, blue energy billowed like a sea, and in that blue, a huge tree crown almost enveloped the entire world, covering the sky and the sun.

On the crown of the tree, there are fist-sized fruits emitting seven colors of light, which are not ordinary at first glance.

"This is??"

Ji Wumeng looked around in amazement, and finally raised her head to look at the fruits, her eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement.

"That's the fruit of life!"

Fortunately, at this moment, a voice explained for her.

"Fang Yi? You... why did you come in too? Can you come in?" It turned out that the voice was not someone else, but suddenly it was Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was naturally able to come in. Although the Wooden Temple and Ji Wumeng had merged, he could still sense the existence of the Wooden Temple, just like he could sense the existence of the Fire Temple on Feng Yiyi at this moment.

However, because of the distance in space, he couldn't easily enter the Fire Temple like this.

But Ji Wumeng was beside him, and it was not a problem to enter the Wooden Temple.

He even faintly felt that it would not be difficult for him to strip the Wooden Temple from Ji Wumeng's body, as if the Wooden Temple was still under his control.

He was just afraid of affecting Ji Wumeng's situation, so he didn't try it on his own.

Otherwise, he could have used the Wooden Temple to heal Han Feng.

How can Ji Wumeng be used.

"The fruit of life? What is that? Is it the elder brother who can save Concubine Han's sister?" Ji Wumeng was kind after all. When he heard about it, the first thing he thought of was Han Feng.


Fang Yi smiled, "With your current strength, maybe you can try it."

"Really! That would be great!"

Ji Wumeng cheered endlessly. For him, being able to help others is undoubtedly the happiest thing, so she seemed impatient.


(End of this chapter)

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