Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2780 Rescue

Chapter 2780 Rescue

"Sister Wumeng, this is my brother, you really..."

Before the clear spring, Concubine Han was extremely excited, looking at Ji Wumeng with a complicated expression, she didn't know what to say.

Elder Ren was the same, full of anticipation.

However, he was more skeptical, because he could clearly sense Ji Wumeng's aura.

Although compared with before, it is completely different, but it is undoubtedly too far away to save my young master, and it can even be said to be a fantasy.

But seeing the confident look of the other party and Fang Yi's calm expression, he couldn't say anything. He could only wait patiently. At the same time, he also had a little hope in his heart, the hope for a miracle.

Concubine Han is undoubtedly the same.

During this period of time, she was too tired, physically and mentally exhausted. Not only the concern for her brother, but also the threats from the two major forces made her restless, she lost a lot of weight and was listless.

Only when she heard that Ji Wumeng planned to save her brother, did she lift up her spirits.

His expression also looked extremely excited and eager.

"Not necessarily! I'll try my best!"

Ji Wumeng said something in relief, but she also seemed a little nervous inside, with sweaty palms.

For her, this was the first time a young girl got on a sedan chair.

In the past, she couldn't even save people, let alone save herself, and she didn't have any real energy in her body. But now, Concubine Han looked at her as if she had pinned all her hopes on her. nervous.

Fortunately, Fang Yi gave her an encouraging look and said, "Don't worry! You will be fine."


Ji Wumeng nodded heavily to cheer herself up, and then walked towards the clear spring step by step.

Concubine Han and Elder Ren all looked tense at this moment, staring at Ji Wumeng and the clear spring without blinking.

However, in the next moment, countless sword shadows came and fell, and Ji Wumeng's figure, together with the clear spring in the pool and Han Feng, seemed to be shrouded in an invisible energy, making them completely unrecognizable.

What was presented before their eyes was only a piece of fog.


Seeing this, Concubine Han undoubtedly seemed extremely anxious.

Elder Ren also looked at Fang Yi with a puzzled face, and was about to ask, but Fang Yi had already spoken first.

"During the treatment, other people should not watch it."

Fang Yi didn't even give a half-sentence explanation for such a fluffy sentence, which made Concubine Han at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

It seems that there is an urge to find Fang Yi's theory.

When it was Mr. Ren, he grabbed her and shook his head gently.

Just like that, in the main hall, the three of them waited quietly. Fang Yi seemed to be a normal person, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

But Concubine Han and Mr. Ren, like ants on a hot pot, kept moving around, wanting to rush in to have a look from time to time, but it was a pity that the fog seemed to isolate everything.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to wait like this, and the days seemed like years.

And in the misty space, Ji Wumeng's forehead was already dripping with sweat.

Behind her, the phantom of the huge tree crown condensed again, and the majestic life force rushed in like a tide, pouring into Han Feng's body, repairing the wound bit by bit.

Seeing the gradual improvement of the wound, she couldn't help but look extremely excited, and she worked harder.

When the wound was almost healed, the smile on her face became even wider. It was a smile from the heart, and she was able to help others and get happiness.

It's just a pity that Han Feng still didn't wake up.

"That's it!"

Fang Yi shook his head lightly, Han Feng naturally wouldn't wake up so easily, if so, I'm afraid he would have woken up a long time ago instead of like now.

The wounds on his body are indeed not small, but the reason why he has not been able to wake up is more because of the wounds in his soul.

As for this, Ji Wumeng was obviously helpless.

But looking at Ji Wumeng's hard-working and excited look, how could Fang Yi disappoint her.

Therefore, when his mind was turning, the power of the endless rules of rebirth surged away like a tide. Nine days away, a mysterious sound curled up, making people feel refreshed, as if the soul had been baptized.

In the outside world, Concubine Han and Mr. Ren both seemed to feel something, and they were in a daze, as if they were trapped in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

There is also a devout expression on his face.

Until the mysterious sound gradually dissipated, the two people looked at each other as if waking up from a dream, and saw the deep shock in each other's eyes.

All of this undoubtedly exceeded their imagination.

It doesn't matter if Concubine Han arrives, she hasn't become a legend yet.

But Mr. Ren, he is in the Legendary Three Realms, unknowingly, he lost his mind, this is not a trivial matter.

However, just as he was shocked, the foggy space gradually became clear, and it was Ji Wumeng's beautiful face that first appeared in front of them.

At the moment her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, but her face was full of excitement.

"Sister Wumeng!"

Concubine Han couldn't wait, and rushed up quickly, "My brother, he..."

Elder Ren was the same at this moment, his gaze was like a torch, and he swept directly towards Han Feng above the clear spring, "Miss, look, the young master's aura seems to have calmed down, and the wound has been completely healed."

Old Ren's eyes were bright and inconceivable.

No one knew better than him how difficult Han Feng's wound was to heal, because he had expended a lot of effort, but in the end, he could barely control the wound from getting worse. As for the repair, it was just a dream.

But now, the young master's wound has really healed, and it was healed by a seemingly weak warrior who couldn't be weaker, how could he not be surprised.

Concubine Han undoubtedly saw her brother's situation at this moment, her face was full of excitement, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

But despite being excited, she did not forget to thank Ji Wumeng, and quickly said: "Thank you, Sister Wumeng, I...I..."

Perhaps because she was too excited, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Ji Wumeng smiled knowingly, as if she had a deep understanding, and comforted: "You are welcome! Your brother should be fine, and I believe he will wake up in a short time."


Concubine Han thanked her a thousand times, then rushed to her brother and began to check his situation.

Elder Ren was similar, and the way he looked at Ji Wumeng was completely different.

"How? How do you feel?"

Fang Yi also walked slowly at this time and asked with a smile.

Ji Wumeng looked joyful and excited, and instead of answering, asked, "It was you just now, wasn't it? You can obviously save him, why did you ask me to save him instead?"

Ji Wumeng's bright eyes were full of doubts.

Although she is simple, she is not stupid. From Fang Yi's ability to easily enter the Wooden Temple, to the end, it was Fang Yi who repaired the other party's soul. All this indicates that Fang Yi can heal the other party, but the result...

"Not necessarily!"

Fang Yi smiled and denied, "I may be able to wake him up, but I may not be able to heal his wounds. It must depend on you."

When Ji Wumeng heard about it, the smile on her face became stronger. Perhaps at this moment she realized her own value.

However, she didn't know Fang Yi's concerns, which might be related to her life.


(End of this chapter)

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