Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2781 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 2781 The Crisis Is Coming

"Brother, you're awake!"

Still in front of the clear spring, Han Feng slowly opened his eyes, looking extremely weak.

However, when he saw Concubine Han, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Concubine Han couldn't help but shed tears. Of course, she was excited and didn't know what to do.

I had to ask: "Brother, how do you feel?"

"Silly girl, brother is fine!"

Han Feng smiled resolutely, with a doting look on his face.

Seeing this, Elder Ren couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Master, it's just as long as you're fine, I'm old and incompetent, I can't..."

"Mr. Ren, this is none of your business. You have done your best. Although I am in a coma, I know everything."

Han Feng said, and finally glanced at Ji Wumeng.

Perhaps it was unexpected that Ji Wumeng was so outstanding, so his eyes couldn't help but light up, and said: "Thank you for your help, Miss Han, I am very grateful."

"It doesn't have to be!"

Ji Wumeng seemed to be a little nervous about how to deal with such a situation.

But besides being nervous, I was more happy.

Because she was the one who woke up the person in front of him, even if it wasn't entirely her, at least part of the credit was due to her. Being able to help someone is undoubtedly something to be happy about.

"Master, this is Miss Wumeng, and Mr. Fang, they saved you."

At this moment, Mr. Ren also seemed to wake up from a dream, and quickly added a sentence.

Han Feng nodded. As he said, although he was unconscious, he was more or less sensitive to the outside world. Ji Wumeng's action and the mysterious voice allowed his soul to be restored and baptized. He knew everything clearly.

"Brother, thank you for your kindness. If there is a need to use Feijian Villa in the future, Mr. Han will definitely die."

Han Feng looked sincere.

However, Fang Yi had a cold expression, and said, "In the future? Let's talk about it after we get through the test in front of us!"

This pass?

When several people heard the words, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously a little confused.

However, as if to confirm Fang Yi's words, at this time, a disciple hurried over.

"Miss Qifeng, Mr. Ren, Zhuang... Zhuangzhu..."

The disciple obviously didn't expect that Han Feng had already woken up, and for a while, he stuttered and couldn't speak.

"What a fuss, say, what happened?"

Ren Laozhi shouted.

The disciple seemed to come to his senses after hearing this, and hurriedly said: "Back to the owner, Mr. Ren, those two great forces are coming towards my Feijian Villa, I'm afraid..."

what? ?

Hearing this, Old Ren's face turned completely pale.

Concubine Han is similar, but compared to before, she seems to have found the backbone, and she can't help looking at her brother.

It's just a pity that the latter was obviously at a loss.

Immediately, Concubine Han quickly explained the matter briefly.

When Han Feng heard this, his complexion became increasingly ugly.

Just kidding, he is only a warrior of the legendary three realms, and he has just woken up after suffering a serious injury. Let alone his situation, even in his heyday, it is not enough to look at.

Feijian Villa may be regarded as a good force in the area of ​​Feilongyu.

But if it is placed in front of Lingxiao Temple, it is obviously not worth mentioning.

But now, the two major forces include the first disciple of the Yunxiao Palace and the second elder of the Yunxiao Palace, which is almost no different from the entire Lingxiao Palace, so how can Han Feng not panic.

However, despite being flustered, he did not lose his composure, and hurriedly said: "Continue to investigate and see if they really came for my Feijian Villa."

"Remember, before that, don't show any hostility."

Han Feng ordered.


The disciple left in a hurry after hearing the words.

In the same place, the faces of the elders were still extremely ugly, and they were at a loss.

"Master, if they are really coming towards us, what should we do?" After a pause, Elder Ren finally asked.

Although this is a problem he doesn't want to face, but the matter has come to this point, he can only prepare for the worst.

Han Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and said: "It stands to reason that they should be like fire and water. Even if they want to touch my Feijian Villa, it is impossible to join forces."

"Moreover, with the power of my Feijian Villa, it seems that there is no need for them to join forces."

This is not to belittle oneself, but to be self-aware.

Feijian Villa has gradually declined since the previous owner left. Today, there are only Han Feng and Ren Lao in the Legendary Three Realms, and Han Feng has just woken up. If these two forces really want to deal with Feijian Villa, it is true. There is no need to cooperate.

You know, the Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace is in the Seventh Realm of Legend.

Yunxiao was a little bit worse, and had reached the legendary five realms.

No matter who the two are, neither Feijian Villa can compete with them.

"Young Master, what do you mean? They didn't come towards Feijian Villa?" Old Ren's eyes could not help but a trace of suspicion flashed, as if he felt that there was some truth.

However, Han Feng did not answer, but his face became more and more ugly.

According to common sense, his inference is correct.

However, the Nine Dragon Seal is involved in this, if the two major forces are for the Nine Dragon Seal, it will be difficult to say.

Involuntarily, he turned his gaze to Fang Yi. For some reason, he always felt that this matter was related to the other party, and the calm expression on the other party's face seemed to have explained something.

Fang Yi naturally sensed the former's gaze, and glanced at him in surprise.

The accident is not only the gaze of the other party, but also the analysis of the other party.

You know, the other party has been in a coma, and it is really rare to be able to deduce this from Han Fei's few words.

It's a pity that the strength is too weak.

The battle of Feijian Villa, I am afraid...

Subconsciously, he shook his head. Naturally, the two major forces did not come for no reason, at least Yun Xiao did not.

He should have noticed something, so he deliberately chose the battlefield with the second elder of Lingxiao Temple near Feijian Villa.

Yes, the battlefield!

On the surface, it is a place where two forces make a break.

But in fact, Fang Yi is very clear that Yun Xiao is coming for Feijian Villa, maybe he wants to catch them all, or maybe he wants to deduce everything to Feijian Villa.

But no matter what it is, it is obviously not something that Feijian Villa can bear.

In the hall, Ji Wumeng was the only one who remained unmoved. With a pure smile on her face, she looked at Han Feng's ugly face, and she did not forget to ask: "You have just woken up, so you shouldn't waste your mind too much."

Maybe she was too innocent, or maybe she didn't know what it meant.

It seemed that as long as Fang Yi was by her side, she would appear extremely stable, unmoved by everything.

Seeing her like this, Fang Yi couldn't help but slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Let the people below you get ready! Be ready to fully activate the formation at any time, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

After throwing down a word, Fang Yi drifted away.

Naturally, Ji Wumeng didn't need to say anything.

In the same place, only Concubine Han and Ren Lao, who were somewhat dull, were left, especially Han Feng, because only he could fully control the guardian formation of Feijian Villa.

Only he knows that the big formation is usually only partially opened, and it will be fully opened only when encountering a strong enemy.

And how did the other party know?


(End of this chapter)

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