Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2790

Chapter 2790

"Brother, sister Wumeng, she..."

Below, Concubine Han looked at Ji Wumeng above the void, her face full of worry.

If she still has a trace of resentment towards Fang Yi, then she has no dissent towards Ji Wumeng, only gratitude, because if it is not for Ji Wumeng, Han Feng does not know when he will be able to wake up.

And now seeing Ji Wumeng facing the extremely domineering Guo Wannian, how could she not be nervous.

Han Feng is similar.

Strictly speaking, Ji Wumeng was his savior, and now...

However, looking at the arrogance of Guo Wannian, he couldn't help but see a touch of despair in his eyes.

He didn't know Ji Wumeng's strength. Although the other party seemed to be an ordinary woman, she had the ability to influence the formation.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to say that this ability can fight against Guo Wannian.

You know, Guo Wannian is not an ordinary legendary realm.

That is a strong man in the seventh realm of legend, the second elder of Ling Xiao Palace, how can an ordinary woman be able to easily compete.

Therefore, his face was also full of helplessness, not knowing what to do.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also a hint of hope.

That was Fang Yi's expectation.

Because of Fang Yi's voice just now, although he didn't know if Fang Yi could comprehend the big formation so quickly and fully activate the big formation, since the other party hadn't shown up, he naturally wouldn't look at Ji Wumeng's business.

Therefore, there is only this hope left in his heart, because it is related to the future of Feijian Villa and the fate of everyone present.

"Girl, don't say that the old man is bullying the small, as long as you obediently grab your hands now, the old man will save your life, otherwise..."

Above the void, Guo Wannian's face was slightly cold, looking like an elder.

However, his eyes were cold and wanton.

Killing intent revealed.

Obviously, this was just a scene, and his feet didn't stop at all, and he came to crush Ji Wumeng step by step.

Bang bang bang! !

As he stepped out step by step, the terrifying energy around him surged like a huge wave, sweeping away in all directions.

Guo Wannian is like a peerless demon king, with an invincible posture, above all living beings, like the master of this world.

Let the people below tremble with fear and trembling.

Ji Wumeng was the same, his face became extremely ugly, and his soft body seemed to be under great pressure, trembling slightly as if it would collapse at any moment.

Even the ten fingers that pulsated the strings became extremely stiff.

Just kidding, who is Guo Wannian, the dignified Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace, a legendary martial artist of the seventh realm, in Ji Wumeng's situation, it takes a lot of courage to stand in front of the opponent.

If it weren't for the blessing of the big formation, she would be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Of course, with Fang Yi in the dark, he wouldn't let this happen.

Ji Wumeng also knows this very well, and has an inexplicable self-confidence. Even when facing Guo Wannian, she is not afraid at all. Although her whole body is trembling, her eyes are extremely firm.

The ten fingers that pulsate the strings are also so firm.

"act recklessly!"

Guo Wannian snorted coldly, obviously he had got the answer from Ji Wumeng's expression.

The next moment, his eyes also sank, and the giant palm in his hand suddenly pressed down.

Boom! !

Covering the sky and the sun with a huge hand, it seemed like the sky was collapsing, pressing down on the entire Feijian Villa. At this moment, the crowd would fall into the abyss, and the shadow of death enveloped the entire world, like the end of the world.

With the pressure of the giant palm, the whole world exploded inch by inch, as if countless bombs had been dropped.

The terrifying dark cloud was also turbulent, as if it was about to dissipate.

Ji Wumeng's complexion also changed drastically, but his eyes were full of stubbornness, his whole body was enveloped in blue energy, and his hands pulsating the strings became faster and faster.

The sound of the piano is high-pitched, like bursts of thunder, one sound overshadows the other.

The whole world seemed to be completely disturbed, and the endless runes came from nowhere, like a big river, rushing to the sea, covering Ji Wumeng's whole body.

The entire Feijian Villa was also moved by it, and beams of light soared into the sky, gathering together, their power was unmatched.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Han Feng's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly, full of disbelief.

Because this scene is exactly the same as when the formation is fully opened.

In fact, he had only heard his father talk about what it was like to fully open the formation, but he hadn't fully opened it himself, because there was no need for it, because he had to hide his clumsiness.

A powerful killer doesn't have to be exposed all the time.

On the contrary, it is the most correct to hide it all the time. Only in this way can it play the greatest deterrent effect.

Just like the guardian formation of Feijian Villa.

However, at this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, Han Feng couldn't help wondering, his face was full of shock and disbelief, because he didn't understand how a woman who seemed so ordinary could activate the grand array of his villa.

Could it be Fang Yi?He told him himself just now, and then he told Ji Wumeng?

But in such a short period of time, how could it be possible...

What's more, Ji Wumeng has been fighting and has no time to comprehend.

So, could it be Fang Yi?He is pulling the big formation behind?

At this moment, apart from deep shock, Han Feng was also full of doubts, not understanding what was going on in front of him.

Like him, there is no doubt Han Fei Renlao and others.

It's just that they don't have time to pay attention to these things at this moment, and all their attention is focused on the two incomparably overbearing attacks.

Boom! !

The entire world was completely exploded, and before the two overbearing attacks approached, everything in the world had completely fallen.

Everything is crushed into powder.

Even Guo Wannian's entourage who came with him, many of them couldn't escape and disappeared.

Of course, there are no longer a small number of Feijian Villa disciples. The only thing to be thankful for is that with that large formation, the interior of Feijian Villa has not suffered much damage. Otherwise, the entire Feijian Villa will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Everything in the world has become extremely chaotic.

Except for the sound of thunder, everything became invisible, and the terrifying energy raged.

The crowd, however, didn't care about these things, and they all stared at the battlefield with tense expressions, staring at the completely fallen nothingness.

Concubine Han was undoubtedly the worst, her heart seemed to be in her throat.

The others didn't even dare to breathe out, after all, this might be related to their fate.

Finally, when the world gradually returned to calm, everything in the arena reappeared in everyone's sight, and Ji Wumeng's figure was slowly falling like a fallen leaf.

"Sister Wumeng!"

Concubine Han's expression became anxious, and tears were about to flow out.

However, with the cover of the big formation and the support of the blue energy, Ji Wumeng stabilized his figure again, but his expression seemed extremely sluggish.

On the other hand, Guo Wannian still stood in place, as if he hadn't moved at all.

However, his face looked extremely pale, and a trace of blood could not help but overflow from the corner of his mouth.

How can it be?

Guo Wannian was actually injured?

At this moment, everyone in Feijian Villa, no!It should mean that everyone present was horrified, staring blankly at the scene above the void, speechless for a long time.

Because no one thought that Ji Wumeng would be so domineering and Guo Wannian would be injured.

Then, the situation in front of me seems to have become a little different.


(End of this chapter)

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