Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2791 Gravity Field

Chapter 2791 Gravity Field

"Second Elder!!"

Seeing this scene, all the attendants who came along with him widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Because in their minds, Guo Wannian existed like a god, invincible.

But now, this god has been knocked into the dust by someone, and this person is still a seemingly ordinary soft woman, how dare they believe it, how can they believe it?

Kong Qiu is undoubtedly the same, his eyeballs seem to be falling out.

He is very clear about Guo Wannian's dominance, but it is also because of this that the scene in front of him makes him feel so incredible.

"It seems that the second elder's injury is really not serious!"

He thought to himself.

Guo Wannian was injured, and this is not a secret in Lingxiao Temple. If not, Guo Wenguang would not have bid for the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill. However, the extent of the injury is not known to outsiders.

But through the scene in front of him, Kong Qiu undoubtedly has the answer in his heart.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that a woman who seemed so ordinary could actually hurt the second elder, even with the help of a large formation.

However, the Second Elder is not an idle person, he exists on the same level as the First Elder.

How can such a person be easily injured, and it seems that the injury is not light?

The only explanation is that he was already severely injured, and now the combination of new injuries and old illnesses caused the scene in front of him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a look of excitement in his eyes.

Just about to move.

"Sister Wumeng is too powerful, she...she actually..."

Below, watching Ji Wumeng stabilize her figure again, Concubine Han cheered endlessly, as happy as a child.

All the disciples of Feijian Villa also seemed to have walked through the gate of hell, and their faces were filled with the joy of surviving after a catastrophe.

Because Ji Wumeng's overbearing means that they are farther away from death.

As for Ji Wumeng himself, in addition to being a little sluggish, there was still a trace of bewilderment in his eyes, and his breath became extremely disordered, as if he had no strength to fight anymore.

Fortunately, Guo Wannian is similar.

This blow can be said to hurt both sides.

"Girl, good! You are very good! This old man really underestimated you, but unfortunately, today you will definitely die."

Guo Wannian gritted his teeth, it seemed that he was extremely angry, and his breath was also swelled by it.

It's just that the rising aura has not yet reached its peak, but it is stagnant, and a mouthful of blood can't help but spurt out of his mouth.

This! !

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one thought that Guo Wannian was injured so badly.

You Qi and his followers all showed worry.

But Feijian Villa and his party were overjoyed, and Kong Qiu's eyes were full of excitement.

"The dignified Second Elder of Lingxiao Palace can't even take down a girl. He has completely humiliated Lingxiao Palace."

Just at this moment, an old and sarcastic voice came from afar.

The voice moved from far to near, and when the voice fell, a figure in black robe also condensed.

The figure in the black robe is an old man, with gray hair and a long beard left behind in five willows. His eyes are like hooks, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling, as if his soul will be hooked away if he stares at him.

"Big elder!!"

And when they saw the person coming, all the strong men in Lingxiao Palace turned pale with shock.

good!The person who came was Yuan Tong, the Great Elder of Lingxiao Hall.

"I have seen the Great Elder!!"

At this moment, the most exciting person in the audience was Kong Qiu. He quickly bowed to the visitor with a respectful look, and the corners of his mouth couldn't hold back his smile.

In contrast, the faces of the others were ashen, because they all came with Guo Wannian and were on the same front as Guo Wannian.

It is no secret in Lingxiao Palace that the First Elder and the Second Elder do not get along.

Now that the Second Elder has been severely injured, the First Elder suddenly appeared, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Guo Wannian even twitched the corners of his eyes, clenched his teeth and trembled slightly.

A pair of eyes also stared at Yuan Tong like a wolf, without the slightest surprise, but with a strong killing intent.

"Kong Qiu, so you came too!"

Yuan Tong looked sideways slightly, and glanced at Kong Qiu, as if he had just seen him, he did not forget to reprimand him, saying: "As the envoy of the flying dragon, why don't you help the second elder when you see that the second elder is invincible? But in the territory under your jurisdiction, if the Second Elder makes any mistakes, can you bear it!"

Anyone who understands this can hear it. This is not a reprimand, it is clearly a satire.

Sarcastic Guo Wannian.

How could Guo Wannian not be able to hear it, his teeth were gnashing, and sparks seemed to erupt from his eyes.

He couldn't help shouting: "Yuan Tong, don't put on an air here, don't you just want to add insult to injury, the old man is waiting here, and there is that little thief, do you still have to put on an air at this time? Get out yet."

Guo Wannian was furious like thunder, like a berserk behemoth.

Maybe it was because of his urgency, or maybe it was because he was too seriously injured. His anger immediately affected the injuries in his body, and he coughed violently, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

And all this fell into Yuan Tong's eyes, which made him overjoyed, and the smile in his eyes became even bigger.

Boom! !

At the same time, loud noises came from the void, and roaring air waves swept all directions.

Along with the loud noise, the air waves became more and more majestic, and an invisible pressure also followed between the sky and the earth, like the sky falling.

Those powerful fighters didn't react at all, but those relatively weak warriors were shaking with their bones.

In some cases, blood vessels burst open.

And as the loud noise approached, it sounded like the footsteps of a gigantic beast. The closer the footsteps came, the greater the invisible pressure, and the weak warriors burst open directly, blood and flesh flying everywhere, extremely tragic.

"It's the gravity field, he's coming!!"

Someone exclaimed, obviously recognizing this invisible coercion.

Sure enough, the next moment, a resounding voice sounded, "Since the Second Elder called, it is better for Yun to be respectful than to obey."

Following this sound, billows of energy surged in, and a stalwart figure stepped out of it.

Needless to say, the person who came was Yunxiao.

And with his arrival, the invisible pressure became even more severe, which was not difficult to see from the fearful expressions and trembling bodies of everyone.

Fortunately, Concubine Han and the others were in the formation and would not be affected by this pressure. Otherwise, few people in Feijian Villa would be able to stand firm.

"Sure enough, you are planning everything. Not only do you want to blame everything on Feijian Villa, but you also set up a gravity field here early in the morning, just waiting for both of us to suffer!"

Guo Wannian gritted his teeth, the so-called gravity field is an evolution of the way of force.

It is not easy to lay down.

At least with Yunxiao's comprehension of the way of force, it is not enough to set up such an amazing gravity field in an instant, it must take enough time to slowly set up.

From this, it can be seen how deliberate the other party is.

And the anger in his heart almost evaporated to the extreme, the killing intent was undisguised, like an erupting volcano.


(End of this chapter)

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