Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2792

Chapter 2792

"This statement is wrong. It's not that Yun wants to push everything to Feijian Villa, but that Feijian Villa itself is not clean, and Yun just follows the trend."

Yunxiao's resounding voice sounded, with a high-spirited demeanor.

A confident look.

Yuan Tong was similar, with a cold light flickering in his gloomy eyes.

"It's a good one to follow the trend!"

Guo Wannian snarled, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and the murderous intent in his body was also transpired, rising steadily.

"Do you think that you can win this old man? It's just wishful thinking."

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Guo Wannian's face. His originally pale face seemed to slowly turn red, and his aura became stronger and stronger. It was completely different from before.

How could this be?

Yun Xiao obviously noticed something, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The same was true for Yuan Tong, his eyes were like hooks, he looked straight at Guo Wannian, and said: "The Second Elder is indeed the Second Elder, and it is really admirable that he still has such power at this time."

There was a hint of temptation in his words.

Obviously, Guo Wannian's situation made him extremely puzzled. He was obviously injured, but the result was...

If the other party is pretending to be injured, it doesn't look like it.

You must know that the opponent had already been injured earlier, and they all witnessed the berserk blow from the big formation just now. Even he didn't have the confidence to take that blow without taking any damage.

Therefore, the second elder's injury is certain.

However, how to explain the situation in front of him, why is the opponent's aura still so strong?

Of course, he was just a little surprised. Now that he has appeared, he must have a certain degree of confidence. With Yunxiao's gravity field and the strength of everyone present, it is enough to take down the opponent.

The gravitational field is not simple, with Yunxiao's control over the Dao of Force, they can be completely unrestrained.

The opponent, however, has to be subjected to a powerful external force.

Regardless of speed or strength, it will be greatly weakened, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

"Surprised? Yuan Tong, you and I have been fighting for so many years. I never thought that you would collude with this kid in the end. Unfortunately, I still regard you as an opponent. It really blinds me."

"That's right! The old man has been waiting for this day for a long time, and today I will let you know the old man's methods."

Boom! !

As he said that, Guo Wannian obviously couldn't wait, or maybe he wanted to act first.

Hearing the sound of thunder, his whole body was like a cannonball that went out, directly blasting towards Yuan Tong.

The violent shock wave almost pierced the space, and the void collapsed inch by inch wherever it passed.

Everything turns to dust.

"Just you?"

Yuan Tong also couldn't help sneering, he was not surprised by Guo Wannian's attack, as if he stepped on his foot, his whole body seemed to be lifted up in an instant, turning into a demon god of heaven and earth.

A terrifying aura emanated from his body, like an erupting volcano, straight to the sky.

Boom! !

Under these two terrifying energies, the entire world has completely exploded.

The crowd below were all shocked.

Especially the people in Feijian Villa, no one thought that things would turn out like this, into internal fighting in Lingxiao Palace.

However, the battlefield is at Feijian Villa.

As for the guardian formation of Feijian Villa, after the previous blow, it was impacted by these two terrifying energies at this moment, and it seemed to be on the verge of collapse, as if it would break apart at any moment.

And if this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a big bad news for Feijian Villa.

However, the situation in front of them is completely out of their control.

Not to mention left and right, in fact, it was almost impossible for them to even escape, because the intersection of those two energies tore apart the space, enough to tear them into countless pieces.

Fortunately, they were all in the formation, otherwise, they would have already been reduced to countless fragments.

How to do?

At this moment, everyone in Feijian Villa was completely panicked and could only wait for the judgment of fate.

Waiting for the winner to dictate their destiny.

They are like a herd of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

And those rulers are fighting at this moment, the sky is falling apart, and Guo Wannian's terrifying attack hit Yuan Tong like a meteorite.

Seeing that the two terrifying energies are about to collide head-on.

Suddenly, Guo Wannian's eyes turned cold, and he turned down in an incredible way, heading straight for Yunxiao.

"Little thief, die!!!"

Obviously, Yun Xiao is undoubtedly what he hates more in his heart.

The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable.

As for Yuan Tong, the old opponents for so many years have won and lost each other, but they have long been used to it, but Yun Xiao is different, how can he bear the pain of losing a son.

However, how can Yun Xiao be an ordinary person? It seems that he has been prepared for a long time.

He only heard him sneer, "You are the one who will die today."

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying energy in his body also burst out, turning into an invisible coercion, covering the world, making Guo Wannian, who was originally as fast as thunder, paused slightly.

When the strong make a move, the slightest difference will result in a huge loss. With just such a pause, Yun Xiao's giant palm has already been slapped out.

"Little thief!!"

Guo Wannian's eyes were blood red, and there was unwillingness in his pupils, as if he wished to tear Yun Xiao into pieces, but unfortunately...

This attack was half a step too late, and Yun Xiao was not much worse than him. It was so easy for him to take down the opponent.

However, Yun Xiao and Yuan Tong were also shocked.

If it was said that the two had doubts about Guo Wannian's injury before, then at this moment, the suspicion has undoubtedly been confirmed. Guo Wannian was not injured at all, and the terrifying attack was no worse than it was in its heyday.

Everyone below has undoubtedly discovered this.

In the previous battle with Ji Wumeng, they saw it so clearly that Guo Wannian was seriously injured.

But now, how can he still look injured in the slightest?

What is going on here?

Could it be that Guo Wannian couldn't help being uninjured just now, and the earlier injury has fully recovered?

So what happened just now?

Those who held the same question were obviously not only the crowd, but also Ji Wumeng at this moment. She also looked astonished, but the next moment, she seemed to have received some order, and her bright eyes moved, and the beautiful figure slowly disappeared. Disappear.

"Guo Wannian, you old fox, you actually cheated, the old man really underestimated you."

"It's a pity, so what, do you really think you can escape today?"

Yuan Tong has clearly seen through everything at this moment.

I saw his ten fingers making seals, and a strange mark appeared out of thin air. At the same time, figures in the void also appeared, surrounding Guo Wannian from all directions.

Kong Qiu was also among them, and their ten fingers all had the same imprint, forming a strange formation.

It completely enveloped Guo Wannian, making it impossible for the latter to escape.

Guo Wannian's complexion also changed suddenly, becoming a little ugly, and he did not forget to scold: "What are you waiting for?"

These words were a bit inexplicable, and everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.

However, the next moment, his words seemed to have really had an effect, and a burst of high-pitched zither sounds followed, surging like drums of war.


(End of this chapter)

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