Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2793 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 2793 Mantis Catching Cicadas

what's the situation?

Does Guo Wannian have other helpers?

Both Yuan Tong and Yun Xiao couldn't help but change their expressions. For today, they have made sufficient preparations. Naturally, they are well aware of the strength around Guo Wannian, and at the same time they have made corresponding strategies.

But at this moment, the passionate sound of the piano made them startled.

"It's the girl from before. She controls the guardian formation of Feijian Villa."

Kong Qiu no longer concealed it at this moment, and shouted directly.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by him, Yuan Tong and Yun Xiao already understood all of this, the passionate sound of the piano, and the previous battle, they are all vivid in their minds, how can they not understand at this moment.

"Okay! Guo Wannian, you old fox, you actually colluded with a girl to act in such a play."

"The old man really underestimated you."

"It's a pity, but you are blind. It's a big joke to choose such a helper, a mere Feijian Villa."

Yuan Tong sarcastically laughed wildly.

Although Feijian Villa is good, it is obviously not worth mentioning in his eyes.

As for Ji Wumeng and the guardian formation of Feijian Villa, he was really scruples at first, but after realizing that this was just a play, he was not so worried.

Because in his opinion, the formation didn't hurt Guo Wannian at all, so naturally it couldn't hurt him either.

Compared with Yuan Tong's arrogance and presumptuousness, Yun Xiao's eyes were a little deep, with a cold light shining inside.

Perhaps in his opinion, since Guo Wannian was prepared, he would naturally not let the two succeed easily, but that was all.If you say you are worried, you are not.

Because he has great confidence in himself.

"Whether it's a joke or not, you have to read it to know."

"Yuan Tong, I really think that you just want to keep this old man, what a fool's dream."

Guo Wannian was also furious.

His expression seemed extremely domineering, but of course, this was only on the surface, but deep down in his heart, he also had a deep worry, because he was not sure about Fang Yi's strength.

In fact, his identity of Fang Yi is just a guess. In his opinion, the other party is just one of the many candidates for Lingxiao Temple.

The best candidate among the candidates is Yun Xiao, and the others are all short of 01:30.

In normal times, if these people wanted to cooperate with him, he wouldn't bother to talk to him at all.

But at this moment, after hearing Fang Yi's analysis, he had no choice but to compromise.

If you want to say how much hope he has for Fang Yi, I'm afraid it is very limited.

It's just that when things come to an end, naturally you can't show weakness to others.

"Yes! Then try!!"

The light in Yuan Tong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and two rays of light burst out, and the bright rays of light were like two sharp knives, tearing apart the space.

At the same time, his feet were also stepped on, and the whole world sank, and the air waves churned and rolled away, sweeping everything around.

A huge hand immediately moved towards Guo Wannian.

Bang bang bang! !

All around, the strong man with two-handed seal also shot at the same time.

The terrifying energy is like a big wave, sweeping in all directions.

The entire space burst apart in an instant, completely unable to withstand the terrifying power, a doomsday-like scene.

good guy! !

Seeing this scene, the countless people below were all trembling with fright, their faces pale, as if half of their feet had stepped into the gate of hell.

Guo Wannian's entourage who came with him is similar at the moment.

But they all knew that at this moment they were tied to the same chariot as Guo Wannian, and they were both hurt and prosperous. Therefore, despite some fear, they resolutely went forward.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a shocking battle was also staged.

Above the nine heavens, the passionate sound of the zither became more and more loud, like thunder rolling, one sound overwhelmed the other, one wave was stronger than the other, and the terrifying energy gathered into a large black cloud, coming in black, covering the sky and the sun, Seemingly terrifying to the extreme.

And those hidden in the clouds and mists, thunderbolts that shook the sky also fell immediately.

The entire airspace seemed to have turned into a thunder pool.

At this moment, the guardian formation of Feijian Villa truly displayed its super power.

Han Feng, Han Fei and others were all stunned, as if they had seen a ghost, because even they didn't know that the guardian formation was so good.

In fact, the guardian formation has never been fully opened in their hands.

At this moment, whether this scene is really opened, they are not sure, they are just speculating.

Just like the situation in front of them, it also made them feel extremely puzzled. They didn't know whether they should take action, and if they did, who should they deal with and who should help.

Fortunately, the next moment, this hesitation disappeared, and Fang Yi's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"What are you waiting for, don't take the opportunity to make a move."

Sure enough it was him! !

Hearing this voice, Han Feng's eyes flashed with solemnity. He was not very clear about Fang Yi's origin, nor was he clear about his strength.

However, he vaguely guessed that Fang Yi's strength was by no means simple.

And the situation in front of him undoubtedly has a great relationship with him. Although he doesn't know whether it is good or bad for Feijian Villa, he obviously has no choice in this situation.

So... His eyes turned cold, and he sternly shouted: "Kill!!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, his whole body also turned into a shock and flew out, like a nine-day thunder.

kill kill kill! !

Suddenly, the scene was filled with the sound of killing, like hell on earth.

With the addition of Feijian Villa, coupled with the strength of Guo Wannian and his party, subtle changes have taken place in the scene. Although Yuan Tong and his party still occupy the top position, they cannot completely suppress their opponents.

Guo Wannian was also slowly freed from the encirclement, at least not as embarrassed as before.

"Old thief Yuan Tong, is this your ability? It's nothing more than that!!"

Guo Wannian scolded angrily, his face full of sarcasm.

However, although he said it lightly in his mouth, deep in his eyes, there was a hint of a lucky escape. Just kidding, Yuan Tong, Yun Xiao, and many strong people are not joking.

However, his voice fell slightly, and an extremely dangerous breath came from behind him.

not good! !

Subconsciously, he turned his head sharply, only to see that Yun Xiao had already blocked his way of retreat without knowing when, and a matchless sharp sword stabbed towards him like a thunderbolt.

And the corner of Yunxiao's mouth was also full of sinister smiles.

Obviously, for this blow, he had made sufficient preparations, thinking that one blow would kill him.

Guo Wannian didn't know if he was careless, or because he was trapped in the encirclement and was eager to break out, so he slammed into the sword, and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

"Little thief, you..."

Especially when he saw that the person holding the sword was Yun Xiao, the hatred and unwillingness in his eyes couldn't help becoming more intense, as if sparks were about to burst out.

On the contrary, Yun Xiao was naturally overjoyed, and the corner of his mouth couldn't hide the deep smile.

Especially seeing that this blow is irreversible and victory is in sight.

However, at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen a ghost, he was extremely terrified, and the long sword that was about to stab Guo Wannian was instantly withdrawn by him, and he slashed behind him.

Because there, at an unknown time, there was also a sword piercing from the void.


(End of this chapter)

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