Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2794 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2794 Fierce Battle

It has to be said that Yunxiao's reaction was so fast that the others didn't even know what happened, but he turned around sharply and slashed away with the long sword in his hand.

It's just a pity that the speed is still a bit slower.

That sword seemed to stab from the void, soundless, like a ghost.

If it was someone else, don't talk about hiding, I'm afraid they died without knowing how they died.

From this we can see Yunxiao's dominance.

You know, he was still immersed in the excitement of killing Guo Wannian before, and it was amazing to be able to react so quickly.

However, Fang Yi is also not an ordinary person.

And this sword also carried his intention to kill, the three-color light was extremely bright, and the moment Yun Xiao reacted, the light suddenly became brighter, like lightning and flint.

puff! !

The long sword pierced through the space, making it impossible to look down upon.

A touch of bright red also splashed.

Although Yun Xiao's long sword didn't cut through the sword, it couldn't pick it away, but it changed the direction of the sword slightly, and the place where it was stabbing at the heart fell on the shoulder at this moment.

Hot blood swarmed out, and at the end of the long sword, a figure also condensed.

The figure was dressed in a blue robe, surrounded by three-color rays of light, making it impossible to see his face clearly, but the aura of the three-color rays of light alone was incomparable.

"It's really you!!"

However, Yun Xiao's pupils narrowed sharply, and the corners of his mouth twitched, bursting out with a strong killing intent.

Other people present may not recognize Fang Yi, because Fang Yi's whole body is shrouded in three-color light at the moment, but Yun Xiao is obviously different. No matter how well Fang Yi conceals it, the aura exuding at this moment cannot be faked at all.

In fact, Fang Yi never thought of hiding it.

With his strength, there is no need for that today.

However, seeing that Ji Wumeng was quite attractive to Feijian Villa, he naturally didn't want to cause too much trouble for Feijian Villa, so he concealed it a little at the moment.

At least no one else would recognize him.

However, Yunxiao is obviously an exception, because there was a battle between the two.

Because of this situation, he couldn't hide his strength at all. In fact, he didn't have much confidence in whether he could win the opponent.

However, with Guo Wannian's cooperation, it is not a problem to save Feijian Villa.

Below, the crowd were all stunned, watching this scene and the blue figure in astonishment.

Who is he?

This is the question in almost everyone's mind.

No one thought that the mighty Yun Xiao would be injured, and the murderous intent and fiery light in Yun Xiao's eyes also shocked them extremely.

Of course, that is uninformed, except for some people.

For example, Han Feng, Han Fei, and Ren Lao.

They all looked extremely excited, and looked at each other, and they all saw excitement in each other's eyes, because Fang Yi's strength undoubtedly gave them hope.

At the same time, Fang Yi's domineering also shocked them from the bottom of their hearts.

It is undoubtedly beyond their imagination that a mere second-level legend can actually hurt Yunxiao.

It also exceeded Guo Wannian's imagination.

Before, Guo Wannian had almost no hope for his partner, and the reason why he was willing to cooperate was not because of Fang Yi's strength, but because he wanted Yun Xiao and Yuan Tong to show off their fox tails.

As a result, as expected! !

However, when the two showed their fox tails, it was also when he faced the greatest danger.

Fortunately, Fang Yi's sudden attack resolved his crisis.

"Boy, you only know how to shoot now."

However, he still didn't forget to reprimand him, because he didn't like the feeling of being used. He worked hard, but the other party was behind him, and he felt like being teased.

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to talk to him, but his eyes fell on Yun Xiao.

It landed on the top of the long sword.

Hot blood dripped down the sword body, but Yun Xiao's face gradually spread out, revealing a strange smile.

"You are finally willing to show up, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

He didn't forget to say that there was an intriguing taste in his mouth.

"As expected, you did everything. You also killed Guo Wenguang, and the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill is in your hands, right?"

The stern voice caused Guo Wannian's pupils to change, and his eyes burst out.

"What do you mean? My child was killed by you?"

Guo Wannian's pupils shrank sharply, Guo Wenguang could be said to be his darling, otherwise, he would not be desperate to avenge the latter, but now, Yun Xiao said so, which naturally made him a little suspicious.

Of course, it was just a suspicion, and he would not believe all of this just because of a word from the other party.

As for Fang Yi, he didn't even bother to explain.

Instead, he said disdainfully, "What do you think?"

If this contemptuous attitude were replaced by someone else, Guo Wannian would definitely be extremely angry.

But at this moment, what fell into his eyes made him feel that Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, because his hatred for Yun Xiao had already penetrated deep into his bones.

Because everything was in public that day

Because of everything in front of him, even if all of this is true, after the two of Yunxiao take down each other, it is impossible for them to let him go, and for him, the only way to have a chance is to join hands with each other.

and so……

"Boy, don't play tricks here. You are behind everything. I really underestimate you."

"But it's a pity, you absolutely shouldn't, you still have to show your face at this time, today is your death day, take your life!"

As he said that, Yun Xiao seemed to be unable to hold back any longer, and his breath soared.

Although the sword hit him just now, it didn't cause too much damage to him.

At this moment, the majestic energy around him has also become more terrifying.

When the voice fell, the whole person shot away like an arrow off the string.

Seeing this scene, Guo Wannian became even more angry, he slapped it away with a giant palm, and said: "Little thief, you are the one who will die, pay for my child's life."

Boom! ! !

The sound of thunder continued, and the space collapsed instantly.

The giant palm carried Guo Wannian's monstrous anger, enough to destroy the world.

But Yun Xiao didn't care about it at all, and came straight towards Fang Yi, as if ignoring Guo Wannian, which undoubtedly made Guo Wannian furious, but unfortunately, just as he was about to chase after him, Yuan Tong had already gone up to meet him.

He couldn't help shouting: "Guo Wannian, your opponent is me! Lie down for me."

Boom boom boom! ! !

The two extremely strong men collided together in an instant, like the sky falling apart.

Guo Wannian obviously didn't want to get entangled with Yuan Tong, because the two were similar in strength, and after fighting for so many years, no one could do anything to judge the other, and because he just wanted to kill Yun Xiao at the moment.

But obviously, Yuan Tong didn't give him this chance.

On the other side, Yun Xiao had already charged towards Fang Yi, and the murderous intent was revealed in his pupils.

"Boy, let me see where you can escape today!!"

The corner of his mouth curled up in a ferocious look, like a ghost in hell.

However, Fang Yi's expression was calm, and the corners of his mouth were also slightly raised, revealing an intriguing smile.


(End of this chapter)

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