Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2795 The real power

Chapter 2795 The real power

"Just you?"

That contemptuous demeanor and words made the corners of Yun Xiao's mouth twitch, and the anger in his heart became more and more steamy.

Never before had he been so angry as he is now.

Not only because of Jiulongxi, and not only because Fang Yi dumped him around, but also because no one in the same class dared to despise him so much, because he has always been the one who despises others.

But Fang Yi is just a legendary second realm.

No, strictly speaking, he had just reached the legendary realm a few days ago, and since he was ignored, how could he not be angry?

This made him feel like he used to be a big joke.

All along, his direct gaze was quite high, but Fang Yi's appearance undoubtedly slapped him in the face hard, making him feel ashamed, driving him crazy, and making him wish to cut Fang Yi into pieces.

"Just rely on me! Ignorant child, I really thought you could escape today!"

Boom! !

When the words fell, the terrifying power around Yunxiao swept over like a roaring wave.

Between heaven and earth, that terrifying coercion became more and more powerful.

The surrounding space collapsed inch by inch, as if they couldn't bear the coercion, and the people who were close seemed to be pressed down by a mountain on their backs, and their bones rumbled.

What's more, the flesh and blood all over his body exploded directly, exposing the white bones.


"Not good, hide away!!!"

The crowd was terrified. The terrifying gravitational field completely exceeded their expectations, making it difficult for them to move forward.

It also made Yun Xiao look like a peerless demon king, walking in the death zone.

Every time you take a step, you will take away the creatures in this world.

However, that blue figure seemed to be unaffected in the slightest, and walked towards Yunxiao step by step, as if walking in a leisurely garden.

It seemed that the terrifying gravity field had no effect on him at all.

Just kidding, Fang Yi has always been known for his physical body. Among the same rank, or even higher ranks, not many people's physical bodies can be compared with him.

Although this gravitational field was terrifying, with his physical body, he wouldn't have any problem resisting it.

The impact is also very limited.

However, he did not resist at this moment. If he was careful, it would not be difficult to find that there was a trace of regular power fluctuations in the three-color light that shrouded his body.

The power of these rules gives people a sense of layer upon layer, as if there is an endless space superimposed on it, making Fang Yi seem to be walking outside this space and forming a world of his own.

The terrifying gravitational field naturally wouldn't affect him in the slightest.

"The way of space!!"

Yun Xiao's pupils also shrank violently, "You can't overestimate yourself, the way of space is the way of kings, and you can comprehend it just by your delusion, it's just a dream."

The corner of Yun Xiao's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, and what he said made Fang Yi a little puzzled.

The Way of the King?What does this mean?

But right now, Yun Xiao obviously wouldn't give an answer, and saw the long sword in his hand slashing towards Fang Yi fiercely, like a blade that opened the sky, tearing everything apart.

It also tore apart the power of rules that enveloped Fang Yi's body.

The way of space is the most difficult to comprehend and stable.

Although it is easy to get started, it is difficult to go deep. It is almost impossible for the outlined space to be as stable as the real space. This is one of the reasons why the way of space is difficult.

If the structure is not stable enough, it is destined to not play a big role.

Just like at this moment, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to be independent, and this sword tore everything apart.

However, there was no panic at all on Fang Yi's face, as if he had expected it long ago, and he seemed to have full confidence in the way of space. In fact, he has been comprehending the patterns of space dao during this period of time, and he has gained a lot.

Although it is not enough to be compared with the way of death and the way of destruction, it has allowed him to see another broader sky.

Above the void, the four supreme powerhouses fought fiercely together.

Of course, in the minds of the crowd, there may be only three extremely strong people. Fang Yi is only a second-level legend, so naturally he is not counted.

Even though he had successfully stabbed Yun Xiao before, in the eyes of everyone, it was just a sneak attack and a coincidence.

The real strength cannot be compared with the three of them.

However, as the two sides fought hand-to-hand, the battle became more and more fierce. The crowd discovered in astonishment that everything was not as they had imagined. Fang Yi's strength was surprisingly comparable to Yunxiao's.

Undoubtedly, there was Yun Xiao who was just as frightened and unbelievable as them.

In the first battle that day, although he failed to win Fang Yi, he almost always crushed his opponent with an absolute advantage.

At the last moment, the opponent was able to escape with the help of the Nine Dragon Seal.

But today, the other party has not used the Nine Dragon Seal, which already made him feel great pressure. In a short period of time, the other party's strength has already made earth-shaking progress, which makes him not surprised.

"Good! Very good!! This seat really underestimates you."

In Yunxiao's pupils, murderous intent burst out, and the pupils were also flushed red.

Fang Yi's strength has completely aroused his murderous intentions, even if it is not for the Nine Dragon Seal, just for such an opponent, a future trouble, he must kill first and then quickly.

Boom! ! !

From his body, a terrifying force of rules also erupted, affecting his every move, like a king of strength, enough to shake the heavens and the earth.


The next moment, he roared, and his giant palm slammed out.

Immediately, the world collapsed, the void sank, and everything, under this punch, was reduced to ashes.

The way of strength cares about a word of strength, and pays attention to breaking through ten thousand methods with one force. There are no fancy attacks at all, only the simplest and most direct punch.

But this punch was enough to destroy everything.

Any fancy attack is so unbearable in front of it, it can only be crushed.

Even the big formation in front of me was no exception, it was on the verge of falling, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply. The way of strength is the most common rule in the Three Thousand Ways, but the more common the rule, the greater its effect, because it affects people all the time.

Just like the way of strength, it is everywhere.

Even Fang Yi was horrified by this punch.

If it was changed to before, I am afraid that he would have to sacrifice the Nine Dragon Seal, but now...

With a flick of his eyes, countless runes gushed out of his body and scattered into the surrounding void. The entire void was like countless stones being thrown into a calm lake, with ripples rippling.

The next moment, the surface of the lake boiled, and the endless runes seemed to have sensed it, swarming in.

The large formation, which seemed to be crumbling at first, also became more solid in an instant, and the terrifying energy gathered, covering the world, as if the end was approaching.

In addition, the terrifying gravity field also seemed to be greatly squeezed, and it burst apart inch by inch.

what? ?

Yunxiao's pupils shrank sharply, filled with disbelief, looking at the big formation, he was startled.

The same is true for Han Feng and others. Before Ji Wumeng touched the big formation, they felt that the big formation was fully opened, but at this moment, the terrifying energy collection was unexpectedly many times stronger than before.

This... Could this be the true power of the guardian formation?


(End of this chapter)

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