Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2798

Chapter 2798

"Little thief, die!!"

Guo Wannian is like a ghost from hell at this moment, his pupils are wide open, and the insides are blood red.

The terrifying attack seems to be able to destroy everything.

No matter how powerful Yun Xiao is, he is still no more than the fifth level of legend, and there is always a certain gap between him and Guo Wannian of the seventh level of legend. If not, he would not join forces with Yuan Tong.

But at this moment, it is conceivable to welcome Guo Wannian's decisive blow.

His entire face also instantly became extremely pale.

His eyes were also full of panic. It turned out that the sharp sword that was slashing at Fang Yi went straight to Guo Wannian. The terrifying force was enough to destroy everything.

But it's a pity, not to mention that there is still a certain gap between him and Guo Wannian, even if there is no gap, he can't care about the peerless sword behind him at all.

Almost at the same time, Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a hideous look.

The "Trapping Immortal" sword moved accordingly.

With its movement, the whole world seemed to be affected, and they all pressed down towards the sky.

brush! !

The terrifying formation and the dazzling sword shadow stirred up the situation in the nine heavens, eclipsed the sky and the earth, and dimmed the sun and the moon.

"Do not!!"

Yun Xiao also seemed to sense something at this moment, and turned around suddenly, his eyes were full of fear.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

Guo Wannian's terrifying attack had already arrived, and when he faced his sharp sword head-on, he heard a loud bang, the sky and the earth exploded inch by inch, and the void collapsed, as if being swallowed by a giant beast, it was extremely terrifying.

Both of them are peerless powerhouses, and it is conceivable that they will strike with all their strength.

Bang bang! !

There were two loud bangs in succession, and the two figures blasted out like shells.

Although there is a gap between Yunxiao and Guo Wannian, the former has an absolute advantage in the way of controlling power and attacking from the front. Therefore, judging from this blow alone, it is impossible to tell the outcome.

The two seem to be between brothers.

However, this is not important at all, because the peerless sword has also fallen, like a blade that opens the sky.

Cleave everything, kill everything, under this sword, everything will be turned into dust, and will die with the wind, without any exception, including Yunxiao.

In fact, Yunxiao was the first to bear the brunt, so how could it be an exception.

His figure like a cannonball crashed into the blade of the sword, and his figure disintegrated inch by inch. In the end, there was nothing left.

If he had to say yes, it was his final expression of fear and despair, which was deeply imprinted in the minds of the crowd.

And the crowd, at this moment, was completely sluggish, each and every one of them was like stone sculptures.

The eyes are exposed, as if they are about to fall out, and the mouth is also opened as if it can hold a stone.

Because the scene in front of him was too unbelievable, who would dare to believe that the incomparable disciple of Lingxiao Palace fell like this, and there was not even scum left.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it even if they were killed.

However, the truth is right in front of us.

Of course, not many people actually saw clearly what happened just now, because everything was in the blink of an eye. In their eyes, they only saw Yun Xiao and Guo Wannian fighting hard.

Then, both of them flew out.

After that, Yun Xiao's figure disintegrated inch by inch, turned into dust, and dissipated in this world.

As for how Yunxiao fell, they didn't know at all.

Many people probably thought that all this was because of Guo Wannian's terrifying slap, even if it was not entirely because of Guo Wannian, it was because of Guo Wannian's slap that smashed Yun Xiao into the blade.

But in fact, everything is because of that great formation, that peerless sword.

And Fang Yi.


The scene fell into a deathly silence, and everyone stayed on the spot, speechless.

No wonder, because this scene undoubtedly exceeded everyone's expectations, including Guo Wannian. Although he wished to tear Yun Xiao into pieces, he knew very well in his heart that Yun Xiao was definitely not that easy to kill.

But the truth...

Yuan Tong was the first to react. He pointed at Fang Yi and Guo Wannian, his face turned ashen.

Originally, they had full confidence in this trip. Naturally, a mere Feijian Villa would not be taken seriously by them. The only problem was Guo Wannian.

And in their prediction, Guo Wannian was injured, and if he suffered another serious injury, with the strength of the two of them, he would be able to defeat the opponent.

In fact, it does.

Even if Guo Wannian is not injured, the preparation of the two of them is enough to win this battle.

But Fang Yi's joining made everything out of their control, and in the end, Yun Xiao paid the price with his life for it.

Seeing this scene, how could he not be shocked, and how dare he believe it.

Pointing at Fang Yi and the two, they were completely speechless.

Like him, there is no doubt that there are Feijian Villa and his party, especially the Han Feng brothers and sisters, because the power of the grand formation filled them with longing and excitement.

With such a large array of guardians, is Feijian Villa still as stable as Mount Tai?

"Old thief Yuan Tong, are you surprised?"

After the initial shock, Guo Wannian's eyes became a little ready to move at this moment, and the eyes looking at Yuan Tong were also full of strong killing intent.

It seems that he still wants to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

He couldn't help shouting: "This is your fate, take your life!!"

At the same time as he spoke, he attacked and killed again, as fast as a thunderbolt.

At the same time, Fang Yi's voice also exploded, "Boy! Quickly help this old man take down this old thief."

Looking at his lightning-like figure, Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help but playful smile.

Naturally, he would not let Guo Wannian dictate.

Because the existence of Yuan Tong can make Ling Xiao Palace unable to calm down in a short time, and the two elders are opposed to each other. For him, it is beneficial but not harmful, and it is the same for Feijian Villa.

How could he be idle and panic.

Of course, on the surface, the two are cooperating anyway, so it's okay to put on a show.

Moreover, how can Yuan Tong be an ordinary person, who can become the Great Elder of Lingxiao Palace, even more noble than Guo Wannian, so how can he be so easy to kill.

and so……

Similarly, Yun Xiao was dead, and Yuan Tong obviously had no intention of fighting anymore.

Because it would be futile to fight any longer.

Moreover, that peerless sword made him feel terrified, and before he figured out all this, he had secretly warned himself in his heart that he must never get close to that sword.

In fact, seeing Yun Xiao's end just now, he only had luck in his heart.

How dare to stay at this moment.

He couldn't help shouting loudly, "Arrogance! Guo Wannian, you wantonly beheaded and killed the true disciples in the palace. The old man will see how you explain to the palace master. Let's wait and see."

Saying that, Yuan Tong didn't stop for a second, and shot out like lightning.

Faintly, it actually gave people a sense of haste.

The majestic Great Elder of Lingxiao Palace, if he let outsiders know, he would run away in a hurry, and I don't know if anyone would believe him.

It's just a pity that with so many people present, the prestige of the Great Elder of Lingxiao Palace might not be preserved.


(End of this chapter)

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