Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2799 Rumors

Chapter 2799 Rumors

Yun Xiao fell, and Yuan Tong fled in a panic. The crowd obviously did not expect this result.

They were full of confidence. They thought they were sure of everything, but the fact...

As for the rest of the people, how dare they stay where they are, each one of them is like a bereaved dog, and in an instant, there is no sign of fleeing.

It's no wonder that even Yuan Tong is like this, other people need to talk about it.

As for everyone in Feijian Villa, they were all jubilant.

The faces were full of excitement and excitement, and there was also a kind of joy of surviving after the catastrophe.

Because for them, it is tantamount to walking through the gate of hell.

Relying on their strength, they were able to survive under the double pressure of Yuan Tong and Yun Xiao, and even severely injured each other, so they escaped with one death. This is definitely a great miracle.

Feijian Villa is also destined to become famous all over the world.

One can imagine their hearts from this.

In fact, let alone them, Guo Wannian is looking at Fang Yi with deep eyes at the moment, full of jealousy, being able to kill Yun Xiao and avenge his son is naturally a happy thing for him.

However, Fang Yi's overbearing made him feel extremely uneasy.

Because, after all this, he also had strong doubts about Fang Yi's identity.

Is the other party really a true disciple of Lingxiao Palace, a certain candidate?

Do not!

At this moment, he told himself with certainty that this is absolutely impossible, there is no such candidate in Lingxiao Temple, if there were, he would have already become famous all over the world.

Then the identity of the other party, and the fact that they can control the big formation of Feijian Villa.

Perhaps, the opponent is a barrier left by Han Poshan for Feijian Villa.


Guo Wannian nodded subconsciously, and only this explanation could make sense, because he didn't believe that a large formation could be controlled by just anyone.

And, even if it wasn't, he couldn't expose the situation at this moment.

Because otherwise, they would still be allies.

After beheading Yun Xiao, facing the anger of Yuan Tong and the palace master, he urgently needs this ally, so...

Regardless of the identity of the other party, even if there is a slight possibility of what Yunxiao said, he can't dig it out, at least not for the time being.

It must be said soon after everything subsides.

"Fellow Daoist is really amazing. Not only is his strength amazing, but he can also control such a large formation, which really impresses me."

Guo Wannian looked at Fang Yi deeply, and said something insincerely.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi smiled calmly as an answer.

"This time, you and I have successfully cooperated. If you want to compete for the master of the Lingxiao Palace, this seat will help you."

Guo Wannian then said something inexplicable.

What does it mean to compete for the master of Lingxiao Palace?

At least Han Feng and the others couldn't understand it at all.

Those who are qualified to compete for the master of Lingxiao Palace are at least Lingxiao's true disciples, and Fang Yi, how could he have anything to do with Lingxiao Palace.

yes!Of course Fang Yi has nothing to do with Ling Xiaodian.

If there is one, it is the Nine Dragon Seal.

But Guo Wannian still wants to say that, why?Because of his guess, he always mistakenly thought that Fang Yi was one of the candidates for Lingxiao Palace.

In fact, Fang Yi also guided him to think about it, because in this way he would not doubt it.

But today, Guo Wannian naturally understands.

But he deliberately made mistakes.

Because of this, Yun Xiao's beheading would only be a matter within Ling Xiao Palace, otherwise, he would be colluding with outsiders and mutilating his fellow disciples.

In this way, the nature is completely different.

And as long as Fang Yi is determined to be the candidate of Lingxiao Palace, then this is only an internal matter of Lingxiao Palace, and even, it is just an internal struggle before being a candidate for disciple.

This kind of struggle, for the position of the palace master, no force can avoid it.

Internally, it's almost tacit approval, too.

In this way, the negative impact of Yunxiao's death can also be minimized.

Although Yuan Tong knew all this and couldn't hide it from the higher-ups in the sect, he still had to be superficial, so as to take care of the face and prestige of the Lingxiao Palace to a greater extent.

The senior leaders of the sect will definitely not expose him at this time.

Because debunking him means that the once invincible disciple of Lingxiao Palace has fallen into the hands of an unknown person. How will Lingxiao Palace deal with itself in the future?

and so……

Fang Yi naturally saw through this too, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "If so, thank you very much!"

The so-called full set of acting, since the other party wants to act, there is no need for Fang Yi to accompany him.

And this is of great benefit to him as well as to Feijian Villa.

Guo Wannian was also overjoyed to see Fang Yi so up-to-date.

Because once this matter is defined as a competition among candidate disciples, then he can easily withdraw. In fact, the person is already dead, and no matter how evil a dead genius is, he is still a dead person.

After all, this is a world of the jungle.

No one would offend a super strong person for a dead person, unless they were close relatives.

The sect only needs an explanation, an explanation of the past that can be said.

The pain of losing a child, coupled with the competition for candidates, this explanation is enough.

Guo Wannian left, because this matter was big or small, he had to make preparations early, the silent void once again regained its former calm, and the big formation like thick fog slowly covered it and disappeared.

Everything, as if nothing happened.

If it weren't for the mess on the ground and the broken limbs, some people might not be able to believe that a moment ago, a shocking battle was going on here.

And this battle is destined to push Feijian Villa to its peak.

As for whether this is good or bad for Feijian Villa, no one knows.


"What? Yun Xiao, the great disciple of Lingxiao Palace, has fallen? Killed by the Second Elder?"

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

It's no wonder that the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, who was once so invincible, has such a sensational impact now that he has fallen.

Moreover, they didn't seem to doubt what happened.

Because a few days ago, Yun Xiao's beheading of Guo Wenguang was still vivid in his mind. As the second elder of Ling Xiao Palace, how could he just sit back and watch his son be killed.

It is also reasonable to fight against Yunxiao.

However, the fall of such a genius inevitably made the crowd a little bit embarrassed.

"Tell you, things are not as simple as you imagined. I heard that Feijian Villa has changed hands, and the person behind it is the true disciple of Lingxiao Palace. The reason why Yunxiao fell is the person behind Feijian Villa and the two The elders teamed up to kill him just now."

"Yes! I also heard that the Second Elder also said that he would do his best to help that person become the Young Sect Master of Lingxiao Hall."

"Really? Among the true disciples of Lingxiao Palace, is there such a person? Who is it?"

Behind the rumor that the Second Elder beheaded Yun Xiao, there was another rumor.

The crowd was also full of curiosity about this, and they all guessed who the real disciple behind that was, who could be so forbearing.

Even Yun Xiao, who was once invincible, is no match.

There are various rumors.


(End of this chapter)

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