Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2800 Plan ahead

Chapter 2800 Plan ahead

"Fang Yi, if that person is dead, will we be okay? And will Feijian Villa be okay?"

Compared with the crowd talking about it, the scene in Feijian Villa is quite different.

While excited, the disciples of Feijian Villa were all worried. After all, the one who died was the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, and he was also a popular candidate for the young suzerain.

How can everyone not worry about the consequences of the fall of such a character.

Even Ji Wumeng, who has always been ignorant of world affairs, seemed to have sensed the tense atmosphere in Feijian Villa, and couldn't help but look at Fang Yi and asked.


Fang Yi smiled and gave Ji Wumeng a steady look.

These words are not comforting, with Guo Wannian standing in front, for a while, I believe that Lingxiao Palace will not be able to take action against Feijian Villa.

Because Yunxiao is dead, the dead evildoer is no longer evildoer.

Moreover, that rumor, all of this is an internal matter of Lingxiao Palace. No matter what the purpose is, Lingxiao Palace will not deny this. Only in this way can the previous prestige of Lingxiao Palace be maintained.

And once you take action against Feijian Villa, it is tantamount to denying this point, so...


"That's great!!"

Ji Wumeng smiled in relief, with a look of joy on his face.

Then, she seemed to think of something, and asked again: "What's going on with that big formation? Why can I affect them?"

Ji Wumeng was undoubtedly very puzzled by this point.

Although he knew that this had something to do with Fang Yi, he was still curious.

Fang Yi didn't hide anything, smiled, and patiently explained the key points.

In fact, Fang Yi was also full of curiosity about this large formation. Originally, he had only gained some insight into it based on his own attainments in formation.

But later he discovered that the reason why he had some comprehension was because of the Four Great Sword Arrays.

Not bad!

The guardian formation of Feijian Villa has some kind of connection with the four great sword formations. They seem to come from the same source, and this source is undoubtedly the ancient formation Tianzong.

And the big formation that Feng Yiyi comprehended, "Excellent Immortal" and "Trapping Immortal", what is the origin of these two, and what is the connection between them?

All of this aroused Fang Yi's deep curiosity.

Therefore, he became more and more interested in this formation.

In fact, it was not only him, but also the Han Feng brothers and sisters. At this moment, the two were walking in from outside the hall.

"I met Mr. Fang, Miss Wumeng."

Han Feng saluted first.

He had just recovered from his injury and experienced another battle, so his face looked a little pale at the moment.

However, the unconcealable excitement in his eyes all showed the joy in his heart, and besides that, there was a trace of complicated expression.

As for Concubine Han, she was completely delighted, and when she saw Ji Wumeng, she quickly came up to meet her.

"Sister Wumeng!"

Ji Wumeng also smiled, she was a kind person, what's more, during this period of time, apart from Fang Yi, the person she had the most contact with was Concubine Han, so she seemed extraordinarily kind.

Especially after this battle, all the disciples in Feijian Villa regarded him as their savior.

Not to mention Concubine Han.

"Thank you Mr. Fang and Miss Wumeng for their generous help. Otherwise, the consequences of Feijian Villa will be unimaginable. Han hereby bows to the two of you."

While Han Feng spoke, he bowed deeply to the two of them.

Seeing this, Concubine Han naturally had to follow suit.

If she had some resentment against Fang Yi before, then at this moment, she no longer has such thoughts, not only because Fang Yi saved Feijian Villa, but also because of Fang Yi's overbearing.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi responded casually, "You're welcome, Fang is here for the time being, but he doesn't like being disturbed."

These words were extremely arrogant, but they were said in a natural tone.

If he hadn't seen Fang Yi's overbearing, Han Feng really didn't know what would happen.

I'm afraid that Fang Yi will be a frog in a well who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

As for now, there was no trace of doubt on Han Feng's face, only a respectful, submissive attitude, completely inconsistent with the strength of the two.

Obviously, Fang Yi was only at the second level of legend, and Han Feng was at the third level of legend, but it made Han Feng look more like a junior.

"Maybe this is just a small matter for Mr. Fang, but for Han and Feijian Villa, it is a matter of life and death. Therefore, no matter what, Han and Feijian Villa dare not forget."

"In the future, if Mr. Fang needs anything, Han and Feijian Villa will definitely die."

Han Feng said respectfully again, with a seemingly sincere face.

Of course, whether this statement is true or not is temporarily unknown.

The strength shown by Fang Yi is absolutely capable of suppressing the entire Feijian Villa, so that the latter will not dare to make mistakes, and he controls the guardian formation of Feijian Villa, how dare Han Feng neglect it.

Fang Yi also knew it well, but he didn't care about it.

It is human nature to bully the weak.

Moreover, the other party's compliment to him was probably more because of that great formation, so he was not polite and accepted it gladly.

as predicted!

In the next moment, Han Feng continued to say: "Mr. Han has a heartless request. I wonder if Mr. Fang can help Mr. Han. It is about the protection of the formation..."

As Han Feng said, he carefully observed Fang Yi's reaction, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would be displeased.

Then he quickly explained: "Mr. Fang, please don't misunderstand, because this big formation was left by my father, and it is related to the safety of Feijian Villa, so Han wants to..."

Han Feng hesitated a bit.

But in fact, his meaning could not be clearer, that is, he wants to know everything about this great formation.

Especially the key to the complete opening of this large formation.

Although he actually passed all this on to Fang Yi, he never really opened it himself. On the contrary, Fang Yi still remembers everything just now, and when he thinks about it now, he can't help but yearn for it.

"You want to know?"

Fang Yi glanced at Han Feng playfully, "It's not impossible."


Hearing this, Han Feng's expression was extremely excited and eager, and he couldn't help taking two steps forward.

But then, he seemed to realize his gaffe, and smiled awkwardly, retreated to his original position, and couldn't help saying: "I don't know what Mr. Fang's request is, as long as Mr. Han can do it, he will definitely go through fire and water."

He looked sincerely and looked at Fang Yi eagerly.

"Then it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Fang Yi smiled. In fact, he had a good impression of Han Feng, so he didn't mind helping him.

Moreover, while helping the other party, it can also allow him to have a deeper understanding of this great formation, so as to learn everything about this great formation.

At the same time, helping the other party become stronger, and being able to restrain Ling Xiaodian, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing for him.

Although he doesn't plan to stay here for a long time, but after this period of time, the grievances between him and Lingxiao Temple are endless.

That being the case, it is obviously not a bad thing to have a force holding it back.

and so……

"The key to fully opening the formation is actually very simple..."

Immediately, Fang Yi spoke slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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