Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2801 Eight Great Arrays

Chapter 2801 Four Great Arrays

Han Feng obviously didn't expect to know everything he wanted to know so easily, and his heart was extremely excited.

Looking at Fang Yi, his eyes were also full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, for your enlightenment. Mr. Han is very grateful."

As he said that, Han Feng gave Fang Yi a heavy salute again. If he had some selfishness before, then at this moment, there is only gratitude from the heart.

After all, this is a major event related to the future of Feijian Villa.

Fang Yi was not polite, and accepted it gladly.

Instead, he opened his mouth and said, "I have already told you what you want to know. Now, I have a few questions that I would like to ask you."

"Young Master Fang, it's okay to say!"

Seeing the question, Han Feng said hastily, "Han must know everything."

"En!" Fang Yi nodded, and then asked: "I ask you, what is the origin of the guardian formation in your Feijian Villa, and what is the mystery behind the word "falling into immortals?"


Han Feng's face turned troubled. Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he didn't know much about it.

Sure enough, he said apologetically: "Young Master Hui Fang, it's not that Mr. Han deliberately concealed it. It's because Mr. Han knows very little about this grand formation."

"This great formation has existed since the establishment of Feijian Villa. During this period, Han also asked his father, but his father didn't have a famous saying, but ordered Han to seriously understand this great formation."

"Until my father disappeared, my father never told me anything about this great formation, so..."

Han has a sorry face.

Seeing this, Concubine Han also echoed, "Yes! Father has always been secretive about this formation. I have asked about how many times my father brought him into the formation, but he still refused to tell."

"Just say that someone else stayed here, and..."

Concubine Han frowned slightly, as if she was recalling the past.

other people?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, could it be that this big formation was not set up by Han Poshan, but someone else?

If so, who would it be?

"And what?"

Immediately, he asked.

"Father said that this is just one of the big formations. There are three other similar big formations, but I don't know where they are."

Concubine Han thought about it carefully, and finally replied.


There is no doubt that these words made the three people present couldn't help but look at each other. There are actually three similar large formations?Then, are they as amazing as this large formation?

yes!Fang Yi probably nodded subconsciously.

The Immortal Sword Formation that Feng Yiyi comprehended is infinitely powerful. Although it seems that it can't be compared with the large formation in front of him, it is limited by Feng Yiyi's lack of strength. Once her strength improves, the power of the large formation will also increase. It will skyrocket accordingly, and I am afraid that by then it will definitely not be weaker than this large formation.

In other words, the Great Immortal Formation that Feng Yiyi comprehended should be one of the four formations mentioned by Concubine Han.

But if this is the case, then what are the other two large formations?

Absolute Immortal, Trapped Immortal...

"Then what happened to your father and how he disappeared afterwards, do you know?"

After a slight pause, Fang Yi asked again.

He has never been a person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs and pry into other people's privacy, but this big formation is getting more and more mysterious, and it also makes him more and more curious.

In order to clarify these, he couldn't care so much.

However, Han Feng and Concubine Han did not have any special reaction. Obviously, they trusted Fang Yi from the bottom of their hearts. After all, without Fang Yi, Feijian Villa would no longer exist.

Don't say that Fang Yi is just inquiring about these irrelevant things, even if they are other, they will not refuse.

Moreover, they are not curious in their hearts.

"Mr. Hui Fang, my father's experience is nothing special. He was just an ordinary warrior. Because of a coincidence, he rescued a mysterious strong man. After that, with the help of that mysterious strong man, he started Emerging, the strength is also rising day by day, and only then has today's Feijian Villa come into being."

"However, my father never mentioned who the mysterious strong man was and where he came from."

"Wait! Could it be that mysterious strong man who left behind this great formation?"

While Han Feng was talking, his eyes couldn't help but move, and he looked at Fang Yi in doubt.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't know, but he had a clue, and then signaled Han Feng to continue.

"As for the disappearance of my father, let's not hide it from Mr. Fang. In fact, the reason why Han was hit hard this time is also because of this."

"The reason why Han went deep into the Dao Rune space was not only to comprehend the power of the rules, but more importantly, to pursue the disappearance of his father. Based on various signs before his father's disappearance, Han calculated that his father probably went deep into the Dao Rune space. ,so……"

When mentioning his father's disappearance, Han Feng was clearly depressed and helpless.

Concubine Han was similar, she didn't say a word, her eyes were full of nostalgia for her loved ones.

Ji Wumeng gave her a comforting look at the right time.

Dao pattern space!

Fang Yi's eyes lit up, he wanted to visit this place for a long time, but Ji Wumeng just woke up, he didn't want to leave him here alone, so...

Now, Han Poshan is suspected to be missing in it again, it seems that he must go to see it when he has time.

Not for anything else, just for the experience and not to be missed.

Later, Fang Yi asked a few more simple questions, mostly around the formation. In fact, apart from the formation, there was nothing else in Feijian Villa that could arouse his interest.

"Okay! That's it for now! During this period of time, I will still temporarily live in Feijian Villa."

"There is also that big formation, I also want to study it carefully, do you have any opinions?"

Fang Yi finally said.

In fact, even if the two had opinions, he would not bother.

He just saw the respectful appearance of the two and let him know.

"Mr. Fang is serious. The preservation of Feijian Villa is entirely dependent on you. As long as you are willing, you can take this place as your own home."

"As for comprehending the grand formation, Mr. Fang is also welcome, but I wonder if Han can follow the left and right to comprehend together?"

There was a trace of expectation on Han Feng's face.

The power of the guardian formation made him eager to completely control it. Only in this way can Feijian Villa have the power to protect itself when facing the Lingxiao Temple.

It's good to have Fang Yi here right now, once Fang Yi leaves, then...

How could Fang Yi not understand this point? In fact, he had told all the keys to opening the big formation before, which was tantamount to his approval, and immediately said: "Follow if you want to! As for how much you can comprehend, can you completely control the big formation?" Well, it depends on your ability."

It is too early to say that it is completely in control of the formation.

Not to mention Han Feng, even Fang Yi is far behind, if not, there is no need to comprehend.

So far, he has only comprehended one out of ten of this great formation.

Fang Yi is not sure how far this large formation will reach when it fully exerts its power. There are three other formations. What will it be like if the four formations are combined into one?

Fang Yi couldn't help yearning for it.


(End of this chapter)

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