Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2802 Situation

Chapter 2802 Situation

Time goes by like this.

Several days have passed since the battle at Feijian Villa, but the repercussions caused by that battle are far from over. It should be said that it has just begun.

The incident has just fermented, and everyone is waiting for the response of Lingxiao Temple.

In any case, Yun Xiao is after all the true disciple of Lingxiao Palace, so it is impossible for Lingxiao Palace not to follow up if such a character falls in Feijian Villa.

Even if, as the rumors say, this is a matter inside Lingxiao Palace, the crowd wants to see who the true disciple is hiding behind.

How could this person hide behind Feijian Villa and control the guardian formation of Feijian Villa.

Will such a person become the Lord of Lingxiao Palace in the future?

All of these are eye-catching.

However, what everyone didn't expect, Ling Xiaodian's reaction was unusually calm, a little unusually calm, as if nothing had happened.

And Feijian Villa, in this tense atmosphere, lived like years.

Especially Ren Lao, during this period of time, his nerves are always tense, for fear that one day the powerhouse of Lingxiao Temple will suddenly come.

As for Concubine Han, it was nothing, because she was always with Ji Wumeng.

As for Han Feng, not to mention, he didn't have time to pay attention to these things at all. During this time, he had been following Fang Yi, guarding the formation deeply, and comprehending the formation.

Just like at this moment, Fang Yi sat cross-legged in the formation, like a statue.

Numerous runes surged all over his body, matching with the formation and gradually merging into one.

Han Feng watched quietly, with runes surging around him from time to time, as if withdrawing from the runes around Fang Yi's body.

Occasionally, he seemed to realize something, and he would be ecstatic.

The two of them were like this, without knowing the passage of time, they were always immersed in the formation.


At this time, a ripple appeared in the big formation, and a boy who looked like fifteen or sixteen years old stepped forward. The boy's face was a little immature, but his pair of eyes were red, as if he could drip blood, showing a frightening look. of light.

At this moment, he was saluting Fang Yi very respectfully.

Han Feng obviously also sensed the coming person, and opened his eyes involuntarily, there was a hint of fear in the depths of the pupils.

Not for anything else, just for the boy's eyes.

Following Fang Yi these few days, he felt Fang Yi's unfathomable more and more, even the people around him were the same.

Once, he thought that Feijian Villa was completely under his control, and no one could come in and out freely.

Because of that big array.

But in the past few days, he just realized how ridiculous he was. It turned out that the people around Fang Yi had already been freely entering and leaving Feijian Villa, but he didn't know it.

As for the origin of these people, he knew nothing about it.

Of course, the facts are not as exaggerated as he imagined. These people can freely enter and leave the formation, and it is only a matter of a few days.

As for their origins, it is very simple, they are all the spirits of plants and trees in form.

Just like the young man in front of him, named "Bloodthorn", the body is a plant spirit that can spew out blood-colored spikes, aggressive and poisonous.

Below the legendary level, it is almost impossible to resist his toxicity.

It is Xiaoman's right-hand man.

"Sister Man has news that Guo Wannian betrayed the young master under the pressure of the master of the Lingxiao Palace." Bloodthorn continued to report, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

However, facing the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, this is not a trivial matter.

Han Feng's pale face at the moment is enough to explain everything.

"What? The Lord of Lingxiao Hall? Guo Wannian betrayed us? Then what are they going to do?"

Subconsciously, he even blurted out, his expression full of panic.

In fact, I don't blame him. If any forces in the surrounding area heard this news, their reaction would definitely not be much better than his, or even more exaggerated.

After all, that is the Lingxiao Palace, which belongs to one of the top forces in the entire next three days.

However, Xuesta ignored him at all, and continued: "Sister Man said that the news came from Guo Wannian, and Guo Wannian was still in front of the Lord of Lingxiao Hall, claiming that the young master is the real heir of Jiulong Immortal Venerable. It's fake, it's just that I accidentally obtained one and a half moves from the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable."

"And he also claimed that it was because of this that Yunxiao wanted to kill the young master and then quickly, and his son, Guo Wenguang, was acquainted with the young master, so he was implicated miserably."

what? ?

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi hadn't reacted yet, and Han Feng was completely dumbfounded.

Because he didn't know Fang Yi's exact identity, but Xue Ting's words seemed to be well-founded, and the cause and effect were still connected. It really seemed like that, which made him a little suspicious.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile in amazement, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Young Master, Guo Wannian clearly wants to use you as a shield. This old thief is simply an old fox. It is not a pity to die. Please show me, Young Master."

A cold light shot out from the piercing eyes of blood. Although his cultivation base was not high, he seemed to have no fear in the face of Guo Wannian.

Because his body is the spirit of vegetation, he has natural advantages.

Moreover, part of his body is still in the Water God Temple, and no one can really make them fall except Fang Yi, so...


However, Fang Yi shook his head, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't understand what Guo Wannian was thinking. The other party clearly wanted to turn this matter into a competition for candidate disciples within Lingxiao Palace, so that he could take the lead, while he could retreat unscathed.

Although he didn't have any good intentions, it has to be said that Fang Yi was also considered a good thing.

At the very least, there is no need to face Ling Xiaodian's anger immediately.

Facing the wrath of the Lord of Lingxiao Palace.

Of course, even in the face of the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, he is not afraid. If he can't beat him, he will just walk away.

However, Feijian Villa will be miserable. I am afraid that this large formation will not be able to resist the anger of Lingxiao Palace, even though this large formation is said to be unbreakable under the avenue.

However, it was Han Poshan's formation. Although Fang Yi was confident, he dared to be compared with Han Poshan because he was not inflated.

Moreover, it wasn't long before he realized this great formation, and the two could not be compared at all.

Not to mention Han Feng palming the array.

"Let him go! I have my own calculations, you just keep watching."

Fang Yi then said lightly.


The blood thorn responded, and then talked about the general situation, and then retreated.

In the big formation, only Han Feng and Fang Yi were left.

"Mr. Fang, is it possible that you are really the descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal?" Finally, Han Feng couldn't help but ask.

Fang Yi didn't answer, but smiled and asked, "Is this important?"

Han Feng nodded cautiously, "Of course, if this is the case, you will be able to compete for the position of Young Suzerain of Lingxiao Temple. With your strength, you will definitely be sure."

"No! Not right!" Subconsciously, Han Feng shook his head again.

As if talking to himself: "Even if you are the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable, you have never stayed in the Lingxiao Palace, I am afraid that no one in the Lingxiao Palace will support you, unless...unless you have the Nine Dragon Seal..."


(End of this chapter)

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