Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2803 Fighting Nine Dragons

Chapter 2803 Fighting Nine Dragons

Nine Dragon Seal!

Fang Yi smiled knowingly, and in his mind, Fang Yuxi had already landed in front of him.

He has always been a little curious about this Fang Yuxi. Although this Fang Yuxi is domineering, with the blessing of nine dragon shadows, his power is infinite.

But, aside from these, that's all.

Although the Nine Dragon Shadows are powerful, they don't seem to be able to cause such a big commotion.

After countless thousands of years, it is still unforgettable.

Is there any magical function in this jade seal that I don't know about?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi nodded, probably so, since this jade seal is the most important magic weapon of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, and Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable is a powerhouse at the peak of the Dao, then this jade seal is definitely more than that simple.

Among them, the Dao of the Nine Dragon Immortal might be contained.

correct!It is not yet clear what Dao the Nine Dragon Immortal Master controls, but there is no doubt that the most famous one is the Dao of Strength, using strength to control dragons, with infinite power.

And there are exactly nine dragon shadows on the Nine Dragons Seal. Could it be that the way of strength is covered in this Fang Yuxi?

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

He has experienced the dominance of the way of force before. The strength of Yunxiao and its gravity field make Fang Yi still tremble when he recalls it at this moment.

If it weren't for that big formation, Fang Yi wouldn't have the slightest chance of defeating the opponent.

Even being said to kill, that is tantamount to fantasy.

In fact, even with the help of the big formation, it was thanks to Guo Wannian's help that he was able to kill Yun Xiao. Otherwise, if the two fought alone, Yun Xiao would be more than enough to protect himself.

It can be seen from this that the way of strength is overbearing.

And just like that, Yun Xiao's comprehension of the way of strength is only superficial.

How could Fang Yi not desire in his heart.

Involuntarily, all his spiritual thoughts poured into that Fang Yuxi.

Moan!Moan! !

Nine dragons roared and opened their teeth and claws towards him, as if they wanted to devour him completely. At that moment, the nine dragon shadows seemed to come alive, ferocious, sacred and inviolable.

Although the Nine Dragon Seal was obtained by Fang Yi, it can be invoked through the Yulong Jue.

But, obviously, this Fang Yuxi does not belong to Fang Yi completely.

What belongs to Fang Yi seems to be just some of the most common and superficial energies of the Nine Dragons Seal, but at this moment Fang Yi's divine sense invades, the Nine Dragon Shadows seem to be provoked.

"Naughty animal! Get out!!"

Fang Yi scolded angrily, and the cold light burst out in his eyes, as if the gods were above.

The Nine Dragons also seemed to have sensed it, and paused for a while, but it was only for a moment, and then they roared with all their might, looking even more ferocious and frightening.

The tyrannical air permeates from their bodies, covering the world, like nine peerless beasts.

It's frightening.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help being slightly moved. He had already seen how domineering these nine dragons were in Longling. If he hadn't used the Eternal Sword to affect the energy in Longling, he would have been impossible to defeat them. Kowloon, get the Nine Dragon Seal.

But now, since the nine divine dragons are coming towards him again, how can he not be surprised.

However, he was not afraid.

It's not because of strength that can crush Nine Dragons, but because the Nine Dragon Seal is under his control, as long as he withdraws his divine sense, he will be fine.

But, since he has come in, he naturally wants to try the power of Kowloon.

Immediately, Fang Yi's complexion suddenly darkened.

Bang! !

The next moment, he took a step forward, and his terrifying aura shot up into the sky, like a peerless demon king, surpassing all living beings.

"The evil animal has already fallen into the hands of this lord, and I have not surrendered to this lord obediently."

He only heard him shout loudly, hooked his five fingers, and poked fiercely.

groan! !

A heaven-shattering dragon chant also came from his body. Nine days away, the situation suddenly changed, and a real dragon's claw traversed thousands of miles of sky, crushing towards Nine Dragons.

Moan! !

Jiulong roared, becoming even more angry, and then rose headlong from the ground to meet the real dragon's claw.

No matter how domineering the real dragon's claws were, no matter how powerful Fang Yi was, he would still be unable to defeat four punches with both hands. What's more, there were nine dragons. Although they were not real dragons, their power should not be underestimated.

The result can be imagined.

The True Claw was defeated in an instant, and Fang Yi also looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, he has good agility. These dragons look like living things, but they are not living things. Their intelligence and actions are far behind Fang Yi, which makes Fang Yi barely able to support them.

Otherwise, Fang Yi might not last long.

Boom boom boom! !

The battle became more and more fierce, and Fang Yi's situation became more and more passive, almost only able to parry, and had no power to fight back.

Just kidding, how can the nine dragons be mortal? With Fang Yi's cultivation base, it is already extremely amazing to be able to fight to such an extent.

However, Fang Yi was obviously unwilling.

Because he vaguely felt that these nine divine dragons were not just the dragon souls suppressed in them.

It is more like a barrier, or a test, left by the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable to future generations.

Only by defeating Nine Dragons can one truly control the Nine Dragon Seal and obtain the inheritance of Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable.

However, Kowloon is so domineering, how to defeat Kowloon?

Fang Yi felt a little troubled, but also a little unwilling.

Subconsciously, he thought of the Eternal Sword again. That day in Longling, he used this sword to defeat Nine Dragons.

However, the Sword of Eternity seems to be useful only when it is inspired by Longling, and there is no reaction at all from the outside world.

This may have something to do with not comprehending the eternal rules.

But right now I can't take care of so much, so let's try.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help but move his mind, and the sword of eternity appeared in his hands out of thin air.

The Sword of Eternity at this moment still looks plain and lacklustre, like an ordinary long sword that can no longer be ordinary, even worse than ordinary long swords.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

And just at this moment, Jiulong has already forced up again, fiercely, as if to completely tear Fang Yi into pieces.

Fang Yi's face couldn't help changing, and he was about to avoid it.

Suddenly, the ordinary Eternal Sword burst out with a bright light at this moment.

The dazzling white light penetrated the sky and earth, tearing apart the space like a thick thunderbolt.


It was really useful, Fang Yi couldn't help being ecstatic, and fell down.

brush! !

The shadow of the sword streaked across, the sky and the earth were separated, and the terrifying power split the whole world into two without any waves, as if this world should have been like this in the first place.

And those nine divine dragons, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, all showed fear in their eyes.

Fang Yi was ecstatic, one person with one sword, swimming between the nine dragons, like a peerless God of War, invincible.

The real dragon is the supreme beast. Although Jiulong is powerful, he senses the meaning of the real dragon and has a natural fear and natural suppression.

Fang Yi obviously thought of this too, his eyes moved, and he shouted: "Naughty beast, I will give you some more food."

As he said that, Fang Yi held the sword in one hand, and with the other hand, the terrifying meaning of destruction also erupted, transforming into a black lacquered real dragon of destruction.

Moan! !

At this moment, dragons roared between heaven and earth, and there seemed to be thousands of dragons gathered nine days away.

Compared with Canglong's meaning of eternity, Fang Yi undoubtedly has a deeper understanding of Minglong's meaning of destruction. As soon as Minglong comes out, Fang Yi's arrogance also soars, faintly overshadowing Jiulong.


(End of this chapter)

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