Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2807

Chapter 2807


Concubine Han hurriedly stopped her, and said anxiously: "Sister Wumeng, Lingxiao Palace is no small matter, and the secret realm of Nine Dragons is beyond imagination. If you enter, I'm afraid..."

Concubine Han's meaning was already obvious.

Although Ji Wumeng showed amazing strength in the battle a few days ago.

But no matter what, it is obviously not as good as the other true disciples in Lingxiao Palace.

Han Feng also agreed with Concubine Han's words, nodded, and said, "Miss Wumeng, this matter is not trivial, and it is best for Mr. Fang to decide."

Just kidding, before Fang Yi retreated, he had specifically told him to take good care of Wumeng.

If there is anything wrong with Wumeng, he has no doubt that Feijian Villa will suffer, so...

Ji Wumeng was not originally a reckless person, but when it was about Fang Yi, he was obviously a little confused and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared in the space.

From within the ripples, a blue figure slowly stepped out.

The figure with white hair and blue robe is tall and straight, like an ancient god and demon standing between the heaven and the earth. With his appearance, the whole world seems to sink, and there is an invisible pressure condensing.

If you are careful, it is not difficult to find that this pressure is very similar to what Yunxiao once said to use the gravitational field.

But relatively speaking, the pressure is less.

"Master Fang!"

Seeing the visitor, Han Feng couldn't help being overjoyed, and got up quickly.

The same goes for everyone else.

Needless to say, it was Fang Yi.

Although it was only a few days, compared to before, Han Feng felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if Fang Yi in front of him had turned into a mountain, unshakable.

Connect with this world.

It was a wonderful feeling, although he couldn't sense how powerful Fang Yi's aura was.

However, he could clearly feel that it was an existence that he could not shake, as if in just a few days, there had been an earth-shaking change, majestic, sacred, and inviolable.

In the field, Ji Wumeng was probably the only one who didn't feel anything about it.

Just like before, she greeted her excitedly and quickly, "Fang Yi, you're finally out!"

It was only a few days, but to her, it was so long.

Fang Yi smiled softly, as a response, and then joked: "I heard that you are going to enter the Nine Dragons Secret Realm instead of me, and you are getting more and more courageous."

Ji Wumeng couldn't help curling her lips, and gave Fang Yi a blank look.

At this time, Han Feng and the others had already greeted him.

And I explained the invitation letter in detail, and at the end I didn't forget to remind: "Mr. Fang, the secret realm of Nine Dragons is extremely dangerous, and the Palace of Lingxiao must have no good intentions, so...Young Master, you need to think twice."

Han Feng looked sincere.

Fang Yi couldn't help but look sideways, and asked with a smile: "If I ignore it, what will happen to Feijian Villa?"

"I can just walk away, but you, Feijian Villa, can't hide."

This! !

Han Feng didn't know how to answer for a moment. He naturally knew the consequences of the matter. Once Fang Yi missed the appointment, Feijian Villa would bear the brunt of it.

However, if Fang Yi was still allowed to go, the consequences might not be optimistic, so he was caught in a dilemma.

"The reason why Feijian Villa can stand today is not by compromise, but by hard work."

"If something really happens, it's a big deal to abandon Feijian Villa and rebuild it later. As long as people don't die, there is always a chance."

After pondering for a moment, Han Feng's eyes were fixed, as if he had made up his mind.

Elder Ren obviously wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. Perhaps he also agreed with Han Feng's words.

In fact, Fang Yi also quite recognized it, nodded subconsciously, and a look of admiration flashed across his face, and said: "You can think so, of course it couldn't be better. The so-called keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood."

"However, I am really curious about this so-called Nine Dragons Mystery Realm. Tell me what is going on with this so-called Nine Dragons Mystery Realm."

Fang Yi's curiosity about the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is naturally not only because of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm itself, but also because of the starting point of Lingxiao Palace.

Why did Lingxiao Palace want to enter the secret realm of Kowloon by itself? What is the purpose?

To deal with yourself?

Obviously not, there is no need to do so.

Admitted that he is the descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable?Give yourself a chance to enter the Nine Dragons Secret Realm to inherit the inheritance of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable?

This is even more impossible, there is no such thing as cheap.

Since it is neither, it is a bit intriguing. Rao Fang Yi can't help but be a little curious.

Immediately, Han Feng explained in detail what he knew about the Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

In fact, Han Feng is not a disciple of Lingxiao Temple, and his understanding of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is very limited. He has only heard some rumors that the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is an ancient relic discovered by the Nine Dragons Immortal.

There are not only all kinds of rare and exotic fruits, but also many treasures from ancient times.

After Jiulong Xianzun discovered this relic, he took it as his private property, and it became a place where his disciples were tested in Lingxiao Palace, and it was rumored that he left his inheritance in it.

To be inherited by a destined person.

In addition to him, many of the powerful people in the Lingxiao Temple also followed his example and left a legacy among them.

Over time, the Nine Dragons Secret Realm has become the most prestigious secret realm in Lingxiao Palace.

There are countless treasures of various heritages inside.

Even in the Lingxiao Palace, only true disciples can enter it. Others, don't even think about it. Fang Yi is probably the only one who is not a disciple of the Lingxiao Palace to receive the invitation.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's curiosity grew stronger.

"Fang Yi, why don't we go!"

Ji Wumeng's beautiful face is full of sorrow. Although she is not deeply involved in the world, she is very intelligent. She knows that this trip must be extremely dangerous, and she knows that Fang Yi's character has never been a shrinking person. It was no exception, so she couldn't help but speak first.

However, she could see through Fang Yi's mind, so how could Fang Yi not understand what she was thinking.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry! I'll be fine."

"If Lingxiao Palace really wants to do something, there is no need to do anything extra. Maybe they have other plans. I really want to know what they are planning."

"Besides, do you really think that I'm still that inexperienced young man of Emperor Taixuanzong!"

As Fang Yi said, a chilling smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the light in his eyes was breathtaking.

Ji Wumeng seemed a little dazed, but in the end she didn't say anything.

As for Han Feng and the others, they naturally understood Fang Yi's choice at this moment, and their expressions seemed a little complicated.

Because they don't want Fang Yi to have an accident, and they don't want to see Feijian Villa destroyed. Although they say they don't care about the survival of Feijian Villa, the fact is, this is their home after all.

"Okay! Reply to Lingxiao Palace for me, and say that I will definitely go as promised."


(End of this chapter)

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