Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2808 Plan

Chapter 2808 Plan

"Have you heard? Lingxiao Temple is going to open the Nine Dragons Secret Realm."

"Really? There is no reason why the Nine Dragons Secret Realm was suddenly opened. Could it be because of Yunxiao's fall?"

"Ninety-nine are inseparable. Before, there were rumors that Yunxiao was the descendant of the Nine Dragons Immortal. Now that he has fallen, the rumors are mostly untrue. The inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal may still be in the Nine Dragons Secret Realm."

"Tsk tsk! It would be great if I could enter by chance!!"

"Come on! Just relying on your three-legged cat's skills, it's useless to go in. What's more, only the true disciples of Lingxiao Palace can enter, and most people don't even think about it."


The news about the secret place of Kowloon gradually spread.

The crowd was talking.

After all, the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is rumored to have the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortals, and it is also the foundation on which the Lingxiao Palace has always been based on for the next three days.

One can imagine the sensation caused by the opening of the Kowloon Secret Realm.

"My lord, things are really as you expected. That kid has already spoken out and will go as promised."

In a noisy restaurant, Wei Zhiyuan's face was gloomy when he heard the crowd's discussion.

Instead, he looked at the entourage who was leaning over to the side, and said coldly: "That kid is so bold, since he dared to join forces with the second elder to kill Yunxiao, how could he miss this opportunity."

"Let me keep an eye on him, and report him immediately if you find any traces of him."


The man responded quickly.

"What's the reaction from the Great Elder?"

After a pause, Wei Zhiyuan asked again.

"Returning to my lord, the Great Elder has secretly united many true disciples. It seems that he is determined to tear that kid into pieces."

The servant replied.

Wei Zhiyuan couldn't help but nodded, "It's not surprising, the Great Elder lost all face in the battle of Feijian Villa. If he can't keep that kid in the secret realm forever, then his position may not be stable."

Wei Zhiyuan seemed to be pointing something.

To become a Great Elder of a sect, one must have certain strength and prestige.

But this time, Yuan Tong's prestige has undoubtedly dropped drastically, and he must win the round, otherwise, it will be a bit embarrassing.

"Then, shall we unite with the Great Elder?"

The servant pondered for a moment and asked.


Wei Zhiyuan shook his head, "Don't worry, we can just sit and watch the tiger fight, and when necessary, I will give that kid a thunderous blow."

A cold light flashed in Wei Zhiyuan's eyes, but there was also a hint of caution.

Because of Yunxiao's lesson, he didn't dare to be careless. Just kidding, it is related to his wealth and life.

Moreover, since the other party dares to come, maybe they are really sure, at least the second elder...

"By the way, what happened to the second elder?"

Wei Zhiyuan asked again.


The servant pondered for a while, then shook his head, and replied: "My lord, there is nothing unusual about the Second Elder, everything is as usual, and there is no movement."

"On the contrary, originally this time he dominated the Grand Elder, so he should have a high profile, but in reality, he has been very low profile during this time, as if nothing has anything to do with him."


When Wei Zhiyuan heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This old fox doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."


What kind of medicine is sold in Guo Wannian's gourd, let alone Wei Zhiyuan, even the people around him don't know. Originally, taking advantage of this opportunity, he might be able to pull the elder from his horse, but it turned out...

Guo Wannian didn't do anything, he just retreated quietly and adjusted his breath.

"Second Elder, don't miss this opportunity. The Lord Palace Master didn't blame him, but wanted to open the secret realm of Nine Dragons. Why don't we take this opportunity to sue the First Elder, saying that he joined Yunxiao to murder the Young Master, and even more intended to deal with you. Please eradicate dissidents."

In the hall, a man with gloomy eyes couldn't help but said.

Others also nodded.

It seems that everyone agrees with this statement.

After the battle at Feijian Villa, Guo Wannian had more and more supporters, and they were all eager to fight at the moment.

However, Guo Wannian remained unmoved like a statue.

Didn't even lift an eyelid.

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say.

It wasn't until a moment later that Guo Wannian slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Has he come yet?"

The "he" in his mouth naturally refers to Fang Yi.

And the reason why he cared about whether Fang Yi came was because, only in this way, the attention of the Palace Master would be diverted from him.

It is hard to say whether killing a true disciple is a big responsibility or not.

If it's just an ordinary true disciple, maybe it's nothing, but if it's Yunxiao, the eldest disciple of Lingxiao Palace, it's completely different.

Even he is no exception.

So, out of desperation, he could only tell about the Nine Dragon Seal

yes!Nine Dragons Seal.

Although he didn't know where the Nine Dragon Seal was, but in the process of investigating his son's murder, a mysterious person showed Gu Sifang the image of the Nine Dragon Seal, and claimed that Yun Xiao was not the descendant of the Nine Dragon Immortal at all, so he So he used his tricks, saying that the Nine Dragon Seal was likely to be in Fang Yi's hands.

Needless to say the purpose, while shirking his own responsibility, he shifted the attention of the Hall Master to Fang Yi.

Afterwards, the Palace Master decided to open the Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

Maybe others don't know the purpose of the Hall Master, but he is very clear, because the Hall Master wants to confirm whether Fang Yi really has the Nine Dragon Seal on him.

The Nine Dragons Secret Realm is a mysterious place to the outside world, but for the second elder of Lingxiao Temple, he has naturally entered it, and more than once.

It was a mysterious world, full of the power of rules.

Moreover, there is also an enchantment left by the Nine Dragons Immortal in it. According to legend, the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Immortal is in it.

It's just a pity that no one has been able to enter the enchantment for so many years.

Afterwards, there was a legend that only those who hold the Nine Dragon Seal can enter the enchantment and inherit everything left by the Nine Dragon Immortal.

and so……

"Returning to my lord, I haven't found any trace of that person yet, but news has come from Feijian Villa that that person will go as promised."

Someone hastily replied.

"Hmph! That kid really had the guts to enter the Nine Dragons Secret Realm single-handedly. I think he's getting impatient."

"Whoever says it's not, is simply looking for death. The Great Elder is so angry that he will definitely die this time."

The crowd was talking.

Although they are attached to Guo Wannian's wings, Fang Yi will naturally not have a good impression.

What's more, they have already seen that Guo Wannian and Fang Yi may not have any relationship at all, but they just met at the right time.

"Second elder, should we help him?"

Of course, someone still asked, no one knows what is the relationship between the two.

"No need!"

Guo Wannian shook his head, "The secret territory of Nine Dragons is extremely dangerous. It all depends on personal luck. You just need to take care of yourself. As for the others, let him go!"

As Guo Wannian said, a thought-provoking light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look into the distance.


(End of this chapter)

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