Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2810 Lingxiao Palace

Chapter 2810 Lingxiao Palace

Lingxiao Temple is located on the top of the mountains, in the vast clouds and mist, it seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is extremely far away.

In addition, the closer it is, the gravity in the space will also increase exponentially.

Ordinary people, let alone entering, are afraid that they will be crushed into slag by this gravity before they get close.

Of course, Fang Yi is naturally not in this case.

However, he also walked very carefully, because this was his first time in Lingxiao Palace, and because everyone in Lingxiao Palace was full of hostility towards him.

If it's just some ordinary disciples, it's fine. I'm afraid that the master of Lingxiao Palace will not know what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

Therefore, he must be extra careful and cautious.

Kong Qiu seemed to have noticed this too, and his tense expression seemed to relax a little.

Because Fang Yi's vigilance, more or less, gave him some confidence, making him believe that although the other party is a monster, he has not yet reached the point of ignoring everyone.

There is still fear in my heart.

"Fang Daoyou don't need to be careful, since the Lord Hall Master invited Fang Daoyou to come, other people naturally dare not make things difficult."

Kong Qiu looked quite proud, with a hint of complacency, and smiled.


Fang Yi sneered, "I'm afraid that your Lord Palace Master has no good intentions? Would you allow an outsider to enter the secret realm of Nine Dragons?"

Fang Yi made a mockery on purpose, and didn't care at all. He was in Lingxiao Palace at this moment.

You know, not to mention the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, even a strong man like Fang Yi, within a radius of millions of miles, everything is under the induction.

Not to mention the Lord of Lingxiao Palace.

Of course, under normal circumstances, warriors would not let go of their divine sense to investigate wantonly, because that would be a kind of violation to other warriors.

However, those who are powerful can do it without anyone noticing.

The Lord of the Lingxiao Palace is obviously such an existence.

But Fang Yi didn't pay attention to this at all, and didn't worry about being listened to by the other party and offending the other party.

Kong Qiu was also taken aback, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered, and said, "Fang Daoyou is really straightforward, but unfortunately, the Master of the Palace is afraid that he doesn't have that kind of leisure."

"The opening of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm this time is indeed the order of the Lord Hall Master. However, from the beginning to the end, the Lord Hall Master has never appeared. Moreover, this time the opening of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is presided over by the Great Elder."


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

This was beyond his expectation.

Originally thought that all of this was arranged by the Lord of Lingxiao Palace, who would have thought that the other party never showed up, but just issued an order, that's all.


Legend has it that the master of the Lingxiao Palace is an existence close to the Dao Realm. Such a strong person may not really take himself seriously.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, I just made him a little curious, so I invited him to take a look.

Or maybe, the other party has other plans.

Fang Yi frowned slightly. Originally, he was ready to face the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, even when necessary, he was also prepared to enter the Water God Palace at any time, but now...

"So, your Palace Master will not appear, nor will you enter the Nine Dragons Secret Realm?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked a question.

"this one!"

Kong Qiu was obviously not sure, and said: "It is rumored that the master of the palace is at the critical moment of attacking the Dao realm, and I am afraid that it will not appear for the time being. As for what will happen, Fellow Daoist Fang will naturally know by then."

Kong Qiu casually said something perfunctory, but he sneered inwardly.

It seems to be saying: Humph!It has nothing to do with you whether the palace lord appears or not. After entering the secret realm of Kowloon, is it possible that you still want to come out alive?

Not bad!

This was originally a dead end, and the Great Elder was determined to win this round.

Otherwise, his prestige will be greatly reduced, so how can he continue to be his great elder.

And the attitude of the hall master is a bit confusing. Although he invited Fang Yi to come, he didn't show anything else at all, even turning a blind eye to the actions of the great elder and others.

What's more, if the Great Elder dared to do this, he naturally had a certain certainty that the Palace Master would not blame him, so...

To him, Fang Yi was already a dead man.

However, Fang Yi acted like a normal person, as if all this had nothing to do with him. On his face, there was no abnormality, only a calm smile.


Finally, the ethereal heavenly palace was presented in front of my eyes, it was so magnificent and majestic.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge archway with the words "Lingxiao Temple" written on it. After the archway, there is a huge square paved with granite of uniform size and color.

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered on the square, each of them breathed like an abyss.

And following Fang Yi's words, the pair of bright moon-like eyes could not help but sweep over, like sharp swords, making people feel like falling into an abyss.

However, Fang Yi didn't take it seriously at all, and still walked forward on his own, like strolling in a courtyard.

"That's him? It's just a second-level legend, killing Senior Brother Yunxiao? It's just nonsense."

"Who says no, it seems to be a scapegoat. It's a pity..."

"Regardless of whether he is a scapegoat or not, the death of the eldest brother is more or less inseparable from him. If you offend my Lingxiao Palace, you will definitely die."


In the crowd, voices came one after another, making no secret of their killing intent.

Because there is no need, because this is already the Lingxiao Palace, in their view, Fang Yi has already entered the Lingxiao Palace, so it is impossible to escape.

It doesn't make any sense whether to hide his killing intent.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the attitude of the Hall Master.

However, the Hall Master seemed to be acquiescing to everything, letting things take its course, and seemed to have no intention of interfering in this matter, so the crowd naturally didn't need to be concerned.

Of course, the order of the palace master is to invite the other party to enter the secret realm of Kowloon.

In other words, one must exercise restraint before entering the Nine Dragons Secret Realm, and everything will be discussed after entering the Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

Therefore, although these people were full of killing intent on the surface, none of them made a move. Just kidding, no one dared to disobey the order of the palace master.

At the same time, when everyone was looking at Fang Yi, Fang Yi was also scanning the crowd.

It has to be said that the Lingxiao Palace is the Lingxiao Palace, one of the top forces in the next three days, and this is the first time Fang Yi has seen so many legendary powerhouses.

That one True Inheritance disciple's cultivation level is almost equal to his.

There are two, even comparable to Yunxiao.

Of course, it's just cultivation, and the real combat power may not be the same.

Cultivation reaches the legendary level, and the strength of strength is measured not only by the level of cultivation, but also the competition of the power of rules.

There are three thousand roads, although different routes lead to the same goal, but there are differences between high and low.

The way of strength is one of the rather domineering ones, and it ranks extremely high among the three thousand avenues.

Similarly, Fang Yi's way of destruction is the same.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the two of them far exceeds that of the same level, and for ordinary warriors, if the power of comprehension of rules ranks lower, then their strength is relatively weak.

Just like those people in the field at this moment.

"Boy! You have the guts to dare to come here!"

At this time, a muffled shout came.


(End of this chapter)

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