Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2811 The Secret Realm Opens

Chapter 2811 The Secret Realm Opens

Boom! !

Accompanied by this sound, the surrounding world was filled with muffled thunder, and a majestic figure stepped forward, like a great emperor walking in the starry sky.

The figure was condescending, and his cold eyes swept towards Fang Yi, full of resentment.

And rage.

Because he is none other than Yuan Tong, the Great Elder of Lingxiao Palace.

After the battle at Feijian Villa, Yuan Tong's prestige in the Hall of Lingxiao was greatly damaged. Now that he saw Fang Yi, the instigator of all this, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

I can't wait to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

However, right now, he still tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, his eyes were like hooks.

"Heh! It's just the Lingxiao Palace, and it's not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair. Why don't you dare to come here?"

Fang Yi chuckled, and didn't take Yuan Tong seriously at all. Of course, he also saw through this, and saw through that these people would not do anything to him for the time being.

Just like before, if Ling Xiaodian really wanted to make a move, he would have done so long ago, so how could he wait until now.

The only possibility is that the Lord of Lingxiao Palace does not allow it.

But why not allow it?

This point made Fang Yi a little confused. If the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace took a fancy to him, it was obviously impossible. Fang Yi still had this bit of self-knowledge.

Most likely, what the other party wants from him.

However, if this is the case, the opponent can directly attack. Then, it is very likely that the opponent wants to get something through himself, and what he wants to get is probably within the Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

Otherwise, the other party doesn't need to do anything extra.

After figuring out the joints, Fang Yi also gained some confidence, and at the same time his heart was full of curiosity.

What exactly is it?Let the master of Lingxiao Palace be tempted by it.


Being contradicted by Fang Yi in such a way that he didn't show any face, how could Yuan Tong not be angry? If it was normal, he would have already made a move, but right now, he could only suppress his anger, and said coldly, "Arrogant boy, Don’t think that you can do whatever you want if you are favored by the Palace Master, this is Lingxiao Palace, not Feijian Villa.”

Yuan Tong seemed to mean something, trying to numb Fang Yi, the light in his eyes made people tremble.

It's a pity that Fang Yi didn't take it seriously at all.

The Lord of Lingxiao Hall is optimistic about himself?is it possible?

"Great Elder, let's stop gossip! Opening the Nine Dragons Secret Realm early is the most important thing."

At this time, another vigorous voice came, suddenly it was the Second Elder of Lingxiao Hall, Guo Wannian.

In just a few days, Guo Wannian became more introverted. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary old man, but those eyes betrayed him, exuding a breathtaking light.

At this moment, he was looking at Fang Yi with a complicated expression.

And Fang Yi was also looking at him at the same time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, intriguing.


Yuan Tong snorted coldly, he and Guo Wannian were obviously at odds, no wonder, after the battle at Feijian Villa, the conflict between the two had become public, and they couldn't care less.

Especially for Yuan Tong, that defeat made him wish he could cut him into pieces.

But at this moment, he naturally had to endure it.

"Boy, although the Lord Palace Master allows you to enter the Nine Dragons Secret Realm, I have to remind you that the Nine Dragons Secret Territory is very dangerous, and countless powerful people have fallen in it. If you are afraid, there is still time."

At this moment, Yuan Tong glanced at Fang Yi again, reminding him as if he was quite concerned.

Of course, this is just a scene.

Since Fang Yi has already come, how could he give up halfway at this time.

He was just afraid that Fang Yi would fall into it afterwards and be blamed by others, so he was vaccinated in advance.

This sentence is not only for Fang Yi, but also for the people of the world.

How could Fang Yi not understand, and replied unceremoniously: "Don't be hypocritical here, no one knows what kind of idea you have, it depends on whether you have that strength."

"Don't blame me for not advising you, put away your thoughts, otherwise..."

As Fang Yi said, his sharp eyes not only glanced at Yuan Tong, but also at the crowd, full of warning.


Yuan Tong was furious. As a legendary powerhouse of the Seven Realms, he had never been warned like this before.

Besides, this is still Lingxiao Temple.

And the group of true disciples of Lingxiao Palace were all furious, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

However, no one dared to disobey the order of the Lord Hall Master.

Fortunately, as soon as the Nine Dragons Secret Realm was opened, they had no scruples. They could not help but look at Yuan Tong, and the meaning was already obvious, which was to urge the other party to open the Nine Dragons Secret Realm as soon as possible.

Because only in this way can the anger in their hearts be vented.

Why not Yuan Tong, he gritted his teeth.

At the same time, he opened his hand, and a golden token appeared in his hand.

The token was shaped like a dragon, and with Yuan Tong's ten fingers pinching, a bright light shot out from the mouth of the dragon, accompanied by the faint sound of the dragon's chant, as if it came from nine days away.

And that radiant light also gathers but does not disperse, slowly transforming, and finally, a huge golden light gate is formed.

Seeing this door of light, all the true disciples in Lingxiao Hall showed longing and were ready to move.

Obviously, they are also eager for the legendary Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

You must know that even in Lingxiao Temple, the secret realm of Nine Dragons is not always opened, and sometimes it may only be opened once in thousands of years.

And almost more than half of the powerhouses in Lingxiao Palace benefited from this.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Nine Dragons Secret Realm is the foundation of Lingxiao Temple.

"It's about to open!"

The golden light door opened slowly, and the hearts of the crowd also rose, and everyone seemed impatient.

Even Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move at this moment, and his figure suddenly sped up, turning into an afterimage and disappearing in place.

"It's that kid, stop him, he wants to get there first."

The crowd obviously hadn't reacted yet.

Or, no one thought that Fang Yi would dare to take the lead in front of so many people, which can be described as daring.

In fact, Fang Yi didn't think about getting there first, he just wanted to protect himself.

He doesn't know what the mechanism of this light door is. If it is a random transmission, then that's all. If not, then he has to enter the secret realm before everyone else.

Otherwise, there must be countless attacks waiting for him.

Of course, even if you enter it for the first time, there may be many crises inside, after all, this is Lingxiao Temple.

However, the master of the Lingxiao Palace must have a plan, and the opponent cannot make a move before the goal is achieved, so just avoid these chickens and dogs.

Although Fang Yi is not afraid, but the advantage is that there are many people, it is always a trouble, so...

shuttle! !

Fang Yi's figure is extremely fast, and he has the skill of water escape. He is omnipresent, and everyone's attention is on the light door, so how can he be stopped.

I saw that his figure was like a thunderbolt, entering the gap of the light gate and disappearing.


(End of this chapter)

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