Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2812 The first heaven and earth pattern

Chapter 2812 The first heaven and earth pattern

"Is this the Nine Dragons Secret Realm?"

Looking at the nothingness in front of him, surrounded by darkness, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

This is more like an endless void, not like a secret realm.

However, the only good thing is that there are no chasing soldiers behind, so it can almost be concluded that the entry mechanism here should be random.

It's just that I'm not sure how vast this secret realm is.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's spiritual thoughts also spread out.


However, the next moment, Fang Yi suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something obstructing the exploration of the divine sense in this space, and there was nothingness all around, and nothing could be detected.

Involuntarily, his brows also wrinkled.

Because this is naturally not good news for him.

If everyone is the same, that's fine. If you are afraid, you are afraid. The person behind is not bound by this. In this way, he is like a blind man walking in the dark.

On the contrary, the person behind is not only hiding in the dark, but everything is being sensed.

This is absolutely a fatal thing.

It's just that if you come, you will be safe, and you can't take care of so much right now.

Immediately, Fang Yi probably chose a direction and left quickly.

Of course, this is not a random choice, but he clearly sensed that the power of rules in this direction is stronger and more mysterious, so...

The dark void is boundless, like a cosmic abyss.

Fang Yi didn't know how far he had gone, but he only knew that the power of rules ahead was getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, a faint light appeared at the end of the line of sight.

In the dark nothingness, it seemed as if a glimmer of life had finally ushered in, and there were faint energy fluctuations, just like ripples on the surface of a lake.

"That is?"

Suddenly, Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and within sight, countless regular thin lines converged.

In the center of the intersection, a bright heaven and earth dao pattern floats in it.

So casual?

Fang Yi was stunned. To the spirit world, the Dao Runes of Heaven and Earth, which are extremely precious, were floating in front of his eyes so casually at this moment. This somewhat made Fang Yi feel a little unreal, like a dream.

The fairyland is indeed the fairyland. The reason why Lingxiao Palace is so powerful and has so many legend-level powerhouses is probably inseparable from this space.

In fact, Fang Yi took this for granted.

Although there are countless treasures in the Nine Dragons Secret Territory, the Dao Patterns of Heaven and Earth are not everywhere.

And the reason why Fang Yi was able to find a heaven and earth dao pattern so quickly and quickly is related to his own experience, because of his inner world, because of that seed.

Because of all of this, he has a keen perception of the power of rules beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, he was able to follow this perception and find this heaven and earth dao pattern at the first time.

Others obviously don't have such ability.

Every time they obtain a Heaven and Earth Dao Rune, they have to pay a huge price and spend a lot of time. In the end, most of the Heaven and Earth Dao Runes they get are not what they need.

You can only get what you need by exchanging and selling with others.

Therefore, although there are many patterns of heaven and earth in the fairy world, it is extremely difficult to obtain what one needs, to be promoted, and to achieve the Dao is extremely slim.

Accomplishing the Dao is not only about collecting the Dao Runes of Heaven and Earth, but also requires great opportunities.

If not, as one of the top powers in the next three days, the master of the Lingxiao Palace would not have failed to achieve the Dao.

It can be seen from this that it is difficult to condense the Dao.

Of course, these are not what Fang Yi needs to care about at present, what he cares about is the Dao pattern of heaven and earth in front of him, because this Dao pattern is filled with the power of spatial rules.

"It's the space pattern!!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but be delighted. During this time, he has been comprehending the power of space rules.

Because the power of space rules is the foundation of all matter.

He faintly feels that the rules of space are extremely important, no matter how difficult it is, he must try to comprehend it. As for how much he can comprehend, he can only watch as he walks.

He won't let go of the space dao pattern harvested in front of him.

Stretch out your hand and take Dao Wen into your hand.

"Leave me!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, like rolling thunder, echoing in this world, making this silent void a little more angry.

Along with this sound, terrifying energy swept over like billowing dark clouds.

A huge hand condensed in an instant, and slapped Fang Yi fiercely.

This palm is like the sky falling, filled with the power of endless rules, the void is shattered, and the order of the world is chaotic, as if everything is under this palm.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Immediately, he had no choice but to strike back.

groan! !

Immediately, a shocking dragon chant exploded in the world, and a huge real dragon's claw traversed across it, facing that giant hand, not weak at all.

Boom! ! !

The world exploded in an instant, as if countless shells had been dropped.

The claws of the real dragon and the giant hand both cracked, and the roaring air wave also swept away, leveling everything in the world.

After the air wave passed, a burly figure also emerged.

Like a lofty emperor, overlooking Fang Yi, his expression was extremely contemptuous.

"Heh! This seat really thinks it's so great to kill Senior Brother Yunxiao? Just rely on you?" The burly man looked at Fang Yi with disdain, showing contempt.

The blow just now made him seem to know Fang Yi's strength like the back of his hand.

There was a sense of arrogance in his expression.

Because he didn't try his best just now, he just wanted to try it out, and in his opinion, Fang Yi was attacked suddenly, so he must go all out, but the result...the two are evenly divided.

In this way, a judgment is made.

He is naturally confident.

As for Fang Yi, he also took a look at the burly man at the moment, but didn't have any impression.

In fact, he has no interest in the true disciples of Lingxiao Temple, so there is no need to pay attention to them. Just kidding, will anyone pay attention to dead people?


In Fang Yi's eyes, the burly man was already a dead man.

Although the opponent's strength is not bad, having reached the legendary three realms, he may be regarded as the best among the true disciples of the Lingxiao Palace, but it is a pity that he met Fang Yi.

"Boy! Weren't you arrogant and ruthless before? Why are you so speechless? Are you afraid?"

"It's a pity... If you want to complain, I will blame you for your bad luck. You met me, and today next year will be your death date. Take your life!"

As he said that, the burly man's eyes suddenly sank, and his murderous intent burst forth.

The breath all over his body also erupted, like an erupting volcano.

Seeing it, although he said it lightly, he didn't dare to be careless when he actually did it.

Just kidding, although he didn't try his best in the attack just now, it was almost [-]% of his strength. Such a strength of the opponent can be comparable to him, which is enough to cheer him up.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to kill the opponent.

yes!At this moment, he was still dreaming of killing Fang Yi, and then receiving the admiration of everyone in the sect.

Even with the support of the great elder, it is not impossible to aspire to the position of the young suzerain.

Thinking of this, a cruel smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already eaten Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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