Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2813 Change of Space

Chapter 2813 Change of Space

Fang Yi glanced at the other party slightly, then shook his head lightly, his expression was like looking at a dead person.

And this undoubtedly made the burly man furious.

His eyes turned sideways, and a giant palm slapped over again, full of overwhelming anger.

Boom! !

The sky and the earth exploded in an instant. The burly man was already powerful, and he was determined to kill. It was conceivable that this blow would be difficult to resist if it was an ordinary legendary second-level warrior.

That terrifying energy, like a tsunami, overwhelmed the sky and engulfed Fang Yi.

And the corner of his mouth also evoked a hideous look.

Evil, like a ghost from hell.

It's just a pity that the next moment, his ferocious look froze, turning into inconceivable, and his pupils couldn't help but stare round.

Because the energy like a tsunami stopped in front of Fang Yi.

It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking everything.

"how is this possible?"

His face was full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

You know, blocking this blow and imprisoning this blow are completely different things.

Ordinary experts at the legendary level, even at the first level of legend, have the power to fight back against this blow, but whether they can block it is another matter.

But in his previous prediction, Fang Yi must go all out in the face of this blow.

After that, most of them would be knocked into the air, and even if they didn't die on the spot, they would definitely suffer heavy injuries.

But the truth?

The other party didn't seem to even lift their eyelids, but the terrifying energy was rejected. Such a mysterious method is simply unbelievable.

Because this at least shows that the opponent has strength far beyond his own.

Otherwise, absolutely impossible.

"It's a space barrier!! How is it possible?? The space barrier is extremely fragile, and it is impossible to block the attack of this seat."

There was horror in the burly man's eyes.

Obviously, he has already noticed the origin of that invisible wall, because there is a faint force of space rules around it.

But the more so, the more he couldn't believe it in his heart.

Because everyone in the world knows that the way of space is easy to get started, but difficult to master. Space barriers are already considered a very good supernatural power in the way of space.

However, because of the instability of the space, the space barrier is also extremely fragile. Under normal circumstances, it can only imprison some warriors whose strength is much weaker than its own.

With Fang Yi's cultivation, it is almost impossible to imprison the Legendary Realm.

Only the realm of imprisoning the gods is almost the same.

But if you really want to imprison the God Transformation Realm, your own coercion is enough, and there is no need to do anything extra, so the space barrier seems a bit tasteless.

However, at this moment, the space barrier in front of him is as strong as a sky, how dare he believe it.

The inner shock can be imagined.

In fact, Fang Yi was also a little surprised. He didn't do anything special, and the space barrier was only realized in the past few days.

At the same time that the opponent made that blow, he was sure that his space barrier could stop the blow.

So, he made a move.

The fact is as he expected.

As for the space barriers of other powerhouses who comprehend the way of space, whether this is the case, he has no idea at all.

Because so far, he has not seen other space barriers.

Of course, he has no interest in paying attention to these.

Just snorted coldly, and said: "That's because you are ignorant, what kind of true disciple of Lingxiao Palace, compared with Yunxiao, you are much worse."

After the words fell, he didn't have the heart to pester him, so he took advantage of the situation and slapped him.

This palm is unremarkable.

At least it looks like this on the surface, there is no earth-shattering momentum, nor mighty power, there is just a faint ripple, spreading towards the burly man along with the space.

However, the burly man's expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because at that moment, he felt as if he had been abandoned by this space, and all the power of space squeezed towards him, as if to completely squeeze him into a meatloaf.

"No! Impossible!! You are only at the second level of legend, it is impossible to be so amazing."

The burly man shook his head desperately, full of disbelief.

Try to dodge the blow.

But it is a pity that the power of the surrounding space seems to be completely isolated from him, making him feel like he is on an invisible island, and it is impossible to escape.

"I have fought with you, I will never believe that you are so good, take your life!"

In a desperate situation, the burly man has already given up his all.

In fact, he has no choice at all, either sit and wait for death, or fight hard.

But unfortunately, he still didn't realize that whether he was sitting still or fighting hard, the result would not change at all, that was death!

Boom! ! !

The two terrifying attacks converged in one place, and the world was shattered inch by inch.

And the ripples also collapsed along with the space, but the ripples are like water, pervasive, the space cracks are divided into countless small pieces, but the ripples still extend in the countless small pieces.

He walked straight towards the burly man without any intention of stopping.

"Do not!!"

The burly man obviously also noticed this, his face was full of despair and unwillingness.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the ripples had already passed by, and the space was split. The same was true for the burly man's body, and a crack appeared on his desperate face.

Slowly, more and more cracks appeared, like spider webs.

After that, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and the burly man was like broken glass, turning into countless small pieces.

Space split! !

If the burly man is still conscious, he will definitely be able to see that this is another supernatural power of the way of space, space splitting, splitting the space into countless small pieces, and everything in the space will also be broken into countless fragments together. Just like the scene in front of you.

Of course, ordinary space severing can't withstand too much impact at all.

It is also impossible to split those powerful bodies.

However, there are obviously some differences in the space split performed by Fang Yi, and Fang Yi is also a little surprised by this point.

Space barrier, he only comprehended it during this period, so he didn't find anything abnormal.

But the space split, he had used it in the spirit world, and at that time, the power was far less powerful than it is now.

But now... what happened in the middle?

How to make your own way of space become more and more powerful?

Could it be because of the seed in the inner world, left behind by Shi Mo, known as the seed of the perfect world?During these days of comprehending the way of space, Fang Yi tried to combine with that seed, could it be possible...

The more Fang Yi thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

This seed is extremely mysterious, and it seems to contain the power of endless rules. Moreover, since it is known as the seed of the perfect world, and the world relies on space, the two may...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

It seems that I have time to study that seed and my own inner world.

As for the moment, it is natural to collect the space dao pattern, and Fang Yi's eyes also turned to the bright dao pattern involuntarily.


(End of this chapter)

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