Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2814 Secret Realm Core

Chapter 2814 Secret Realm Core

"The way of space, the way of the king, a mere legendary second realm, interesting...!!"

Fang Yi's figure has gone away, and the space dao pattern naturally also left with him.

However, in the same place, there was still a surprised voice echoing, full of incredulity, and a hint of longing.

Three thousand avenues, space is king.

Therefore, the way of space is also called the way of the king, and the owner of the voice is obviously interested in Fang Yi's way of space.

As for who he is.

Fang Yi didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing. He was far away from the scene at this moment, and he didn't know anything about the voice behind him.

Of course, he was also cautious about whether someone was watching from behind.

As long as the other party doesn't show up, then the bento doesn't exist.

Because the other party's goal has not been achieved, this space must still hide a great secret, a secret that is enough to arouse the strong interest of the master of Lingxiao Palace.

And he was also full of curiosity in his heart, wanting to find out.

In this way, Fang Yi wandered in this nothingness. The Dao patterns of heaven and earth are far from being seen everywhere as he imagined, but there are quite a few of them.

Along the way, I have also harvested a few.

Unfortunately, there is only the first space dao pattern that can be really used.

The rest of the……

never mind!

There are already many kinds of power of rules that Fang Yi has comprehended. Counting them, there are the ways of space, the way of destruction, the way of rebirth, and if you add the power of rules contained in several great temples, as well as the sword of eternity, and the Kowloon The way of power contained in Xi, these are enough, enough for him to comprehend for a long, long time.

He should understand the so-called truth of chewing too much.

Apart from these rules, he doesn't want to touch anything else for the time being, so...

Dao patterns are useless these days.

However, it's better than nothing, and when you go out in the future, you can also exchange the Dao Dao Runes you need.

Time just went by.

Fang Yi didn't know how far he had traveled, and during this time, he met many disciples of Lingxiao Palace, and some of them wanted to try the sword with him, but he didn't politely send them on the road.

And those who remained silent, he did not take action.

This is his consistent principle in dealing with people. If people don't offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will send him to hell.

In the vast void, Fang Yi just walked forward, looking a little lonely and boring.


Boring, anyone who wanders in such an environment, looking for the purpose, is more or less boring, because he knows nothing about this place, what is hidden inside, and what is waiting for him.

Can only search aimlessly.

Do not!

Strictly speaking, it may not be considered aimless, because he is always moving towards a place where the power of rules is stronger.

There, the power of massive rules seems to gather in one place.

His heart couldn't help but feel a little eager to move.

What exactly is that place?

Finally, a glimmer of light appeared in sight again, and a huge ball of energy light appeared in front of it, and a faint white light radiated from the ball of light.

Inside the sphere of light, there is a huge space completely surrounded by the sphere of light.

Behind the ball of light, it seems to be the edge of this space, also covered with a layer of faint white light, as if completely isolating this space.

"What is this place?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because within the light sphere, he could clearly sense that there was an extremely strong power of rules inside, like a vast ocean of rules.

So much so that it is completely impossible to perceive what is inside.

However, he knew very well in his heart that this must be the secret of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm.

Involuntarily, he also had some longing in his heart, eager to find out.

However, he didn't act in a hurry, because a lot of people had already gathered around the ball of light, their eyes were greedy and full of longing.

"This is the core of the Nine Dragons Mystery Realm. Legend has it that there are inheritances left by Nine Dragons Immortals, as well as the inheritances of countless seniors in Lingxiao Temple. Hurry up!!"

"What's the rush! Let's take a look first, the rumors are extremely dangerous, if one is not good, it will be crushed into slag by the power of the rules."

Although the crowd was eager to move, they were a little afraid.

Just kidding, this is not a joke, rumors about the core of this secret realm have already spread among the true disciples of Lingxiao Palace.

The degree of danger is not something ordinary people can bear.

And those who can break into it and come out safely, all of them have become the outstanding ones in Lingxiao Temple.

For example, Yunxiao.

Of course, more people were rejected from the sphere of light, and a small number of people could barely enter, but they couldn't go deep, and their gains were extremely limited.

But just this is enough for them to benefit endlessly.

"Hmph! What are you waiting for, isn't that what we are here for!"

At this time, a loud voice sounded, and a man was seen stepping out from the crowd. He was tall and imposing, like a humanoid vajra.

The aura of tyranny is frightening.

I saw that he didn't stop at his feet, and went straight towards the ball of light, and the tyrannical aura in his body became more and more intense, like a raging flame.

The eyes of the crowd were attracted at once, and they couldn't take their eyes off it.

Fang Yi also watched this scene with great interest, but subconsciously shook his head.

Because he could clearly sense the way of power coming from the light sphere, that way of force was enough to turn a tall man into a meat paste, and it was many times more mysterious than the way of force comprehended by Yun Xiao.

Of course, Fang Yi's comprehension of the way of strength is even more mysterious.

Fang Yi only comprehended the way of power in just a few days, even with the time acceleration of the water temple, it is not the same as Yunxiao.

However, it was just a few days of comprehension that allowed him to clearly distinguish those rules of force.

And find a gap from the diffuse law of force, and go through the ball of light.

Of course, these rules of strength should exist as a kind of test, otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he will definitely not be able to avoid the strangulation of the rules of strength.

Just kidding, this is obviously left by the Nine Dragons Immortal, who is the Nine Dragons Immortal?How can a dignified Dao peak powerhouse be comparable to a legend.

呲呲! !

As soon as the tall man touched the light ball, the tyrannical aura in his body seemed to be strangled, and there was a burst of screaming, annihilated inch by inch.

How could this be?

A look of astonishment flashed across the tall man's eyes, and a trace of timidity was evident on his face.

However, sensing the eyes of the crowd around him, his self-esteem drove him to grit his teeth and move on.

However, the rules of force did not give him the slightest face, and crushed everything. The left leg that the tall man had just stepped out, before it landed, seemed to be crushed by an irresistible force, and the entire left leg instantly turned into a The beach meat paste, together with the white bones, turned into powder.

Ahh! !

A shrill scream followed, heart-piercing.

At the same time, his figure flew out like a cannonball.


(End of this chapter)

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