Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2815

Chapter 2815

what? ?

The crowd was stunned, their eyes widened, they were completely speechless, and their faces were full of disbelief, because no one thought that such a result would happen.

The strength of the tall man, no one knows better than them who are from the same sect.

But the result?

The other party ended up in such a dismal end, so what about them?How much stronger will it be?

At this moment, the faces of the crowd couldn't help turning slightly pale.

Only a few people remained calm, but their expressions were incomparably dignified. They were obviously overwhelmed by the power of this light wave.

"Everyone, don't panic. The surface of this light sphere is filled with the rules of force. You can't break through it by force. You can only pass through it by understanding the mystery and finding the correct route."

At this time, a voice came from the crowd.

Among them, there are many disciples who have entered the secret realm of Nine Dragons. They all know something about it, and before entering, the sect also explained to them.

It's just that seeing the ball of light and the desire in their hearts made them forget about it long ago.

Or maybe, they are confident that they can pass through it, so...

Unfortunately, the results were clearly not what they imagined.

"That's right! Understanding the mysteries in it can not only find the correct route, but even comprehend the way of strength."

"It is because of this that Yun Xiao comprehended the way of power and became the first true disciple in one fell swoop."

Some people in the crowd agreed, and their eyes were full of longing.

How domineering the way of strength is, with Yunxiao as an example, they are naturally very clear.

The heart is naturally eager.

It's just that it's so simple to understand, the crowd is a little hesitant, after all, one bad thing may lead to life and death.

Like the tall man before, he was lucky, at least he saved his life.

"A bunch of trash!"

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but sarcastically.

Of course, there was a lot of noise ahead, no one noticed him at all, let alone heard his sarcasm, all eyes were focused on the ball of light.

However, there are always exceptions.

At this time, not far from Fang Yi, another figure was galloping towards, and the target was naturally the ball of light.

Maybe it was because he came late, or maybe it was because he was excited to see the ball of light, in short, he was very dynamic and menacing, which really attracted a lot of attention.

Even Fang Yi was exposed in front of others.

Do not!

Strictly speaking, it can't be said to be exposed, because Fang Yi didn't hide at all, he just appeared behind the crowd so openly.

Because it is not necessary, because the purpose of the person behind it has not been achieved.

Then, you will not be in danger.

It's a pity that he seemed to take it for granted. When the eyes of the crowd fell on him, each one of them, like hungry wolves, was cold and reckless.

"It's that kid!! He's right there!"

Someone exclaimed, pointing at Fang Yi, as if sparks were about to burst out from his eyes, it was unbelievable.

Perhaps he never dreamed that Fang Yi would dare to appear in front of people so blatantly. Could it be that the other party didn't know that everyone here wanted to kill him and then hurry up?

The answer is obviously no, then, it means that the other party doesn't pay attention to himself and others at all.

This undoubtedly made the crowd even more angry, one by one, glaring.

"Boy! You are so brave, you dare to show up here, it's like a bear's heart and leopard's guts."

Someone yelled sharply, and his whole body was full of arrogance, as if he couldn't hold back and wanted to make a move.

Others are similar.

However, they were not in a hurry to make a move, not because of their good intentions, but because they believed that Fang Yi was doomed to escape.

In fact, for any warrior of the same level, in such a situation, it would be difficult to escape.

Just kidding, there are a group of true disciples of Lingxiao Palace gathered here.

Whether there is a stronger person behind it is still unknown.

"Yes! This kid is so daring, kill him! Let him be buried with Senior Brother."

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation, and everyone seemed a little impatient.

Leaving aside the relationship with the Great Elder, Yun Xiao is also the first disciple of Ling Xiao Palace. Even if some of them have a bad relationship with Yun Xiao, they will naturally remain consistent in front of outsiders.

The situation can be imagined.

That is Fang Yi, if he were an ordinary person, he would be scared to death.

However, Fang Yi didn't take it seriously at all. He just glanced at the crowd coldly, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth, as if he was saying: Just rely on you?A group of chicken tile dogs, also match?

"Bastard boy, you are courting death!!"

His demeanor undoubtedly angered everyone, and some people were the first to attack.

The terrifying giant palm wrapped in monstrous power, crushed down with incomparable momentum, like the sky falling.

Obviously, the shooter intended to defeat Fang Yi with one blow, and did not give Fang Yi the slightest chance to fight back. One can imagine the power of this blow.

Even among the crowd, some of the relatively weak fighters all showed shock.

Because the strength of this blow was too terrifying, even they were affected by it, and they retreated unconsciously.

Looking at Fang Yi, there was even a hint of pity.

No matter what Fang Yi has done, how heinous it is, but for them at this moment, Fang Yi's end is already foreseeable, and it must be extremely miserable.

This blow alone may kill the other party.

However, the facts were obviously different from what they had imagined. Facing that palm, Fang Yi remained indifferent, not even raising his eyelids.

The crowd just thought he was dumbfounded and just waited to see his jokes.

Especially the person who shot, the corner of his mouth is full of ferocious pleasure, extremely cruel.

It seemed that Fang Yi had already decided.

But unfortunately, the next moment, he felt an invisible pressure coming, and that pressure was like an unshakable mountain, making it impossible for his attack to advance an inch.

Together with his figure, it seemed to be imprisoned, and he could no longer move.

"what happened?"

His expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder that with his cultivation base, it's impossible for ordinary legendary fighters to suppress him like this, even the former Yun Xiao may not be able to do it.

But now, the person in front of him didn't seem to even lift his eyelids, but he couldn't move, how could he not be surprised.

However, how could he understand that this is the combination of the way of space and the way of strength.

The power of the two rules was exerted at the same time. Fang Yi originally just wanted to try to see what effect it would have. He never thought that there was a faint feeling of complementing each other.

From this point of view, the practice of rules is not just as simple as comprehension.

And fusion.

The power of various rules is fused together, and there may be other magical effects, so I might try it in the future.

Of course, this is for the future, as for now...

Fang Yi's eyes sank slightly, and two forces of rules instantly enveloped him, like two invisible big hands, completely enveloping the man.

The terrifying coercion also descended, and the world exploded inch by inch.

And that person, as if struck by lightning, his huge body flew out like a cannonball, with a column of blood in his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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