Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2818 Massacre

Chapter 2818 Massacre

The bloody scene instantly stunned everyone.

The faces of the crowd were all pale, and they didn't dare to take half a step forward.

Just kidding, not everyone has the courage to fly moths to the flame, not to mention, it is meaningless to do so.

"Why is this happening? Can he really find the gap in the rules of the internal force of the light sphere? Could it be that he is really the descendant of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable?"

If it is said that the crowd had doubts before, then at this moment, they are undoubtedly more convinced of this statement.

Even the brocade robed man was a little shaken.

Because the rules of force in this light sphere are extremely mysterious, even he can't be as relaxed and freehand as Fang Yi, and that's it, he can barely do it after the advice of the elder.

But what about Fang Yi?

Can anyone mention him?Second Elder?Perhaps!

But even so, at most he was about the same as himself. He didn't believe that the Second Elder could be much stronger than the First Elder.

But in fact, Fang Yi is far more than that, stepping out step by step, as if he has not been affected in the slightest.

This is absolutely not normal.


Unbelievable as him is undoubtedly the crowd, and Wei Zhiyuan hidden in the crowd.


Wei Zhiyuan never showed up, because he wanted to see the methods of the Great Elder and Fang Yi, and let the two fight with each other, and he would benefit from the fisherman.

But the scene in front of him undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

In this way, at least half of the people arranged by the Great Elder could not touch Fang Yi's clothes, so there was no need to kill them.

yes!The sphere of light was like a ray of heaven, blocking most of the people.

Even he didn't dare to say lightly that he could pass through it.

In fact, his strength was about the same as that of the brocade robed man, and the two had always been equal. After Yun Xiao's death, they both regarded each other as their greatest rivals.

But now, seeing Fang Yi walking in the light sphere so easily, how could he not be surprised.

Because if the rumor is true, Fang Yi is really the descendant of Jiulong Immortal Venerable, and he has shown strength far beyond the two, then the possibility of the two touching the position of the young suzerain will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Although Fang Yi is not a disciple of Lingxiao Palace.

However, since the hall master has allowed Fang Yi to enter the secret realm of Kowloon, it may be an attitude.

Before this attitude is revealed, their only chance is to completely kill each other, otherwise, they will never have a chance.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help becoming more gloomy and cold.

Like a poisonous snake.

The figure also suddenly sped up, heading towards the ball of light.

Inside the sphere of light, Fang Yi still strolled like a stroll in the garden, showing curiosity and doubts from time to time, looking around.

yes!He was full of curiosity and doubts.

Curiosity is because of this ball of light, the rules of force are compressed in one place, like a cage.

Incomparably mysterious.

The doubt is because... similar to the doubts of the crowd, he was originally confident that he could find a safe gap and successfully pass through it by virtue of his understanding of the rules of force.

But in fact, when he stepped into the light sphere, the rules of force unexpectedly changed inconceivably.

They retreated one after another, just like courtiers welcoming their emperor.

All of this undoubtedly surprised Fang Yi.

That's why he's able to roam around at will.

Based on his comprehension of the way of force, this ball of light may not be able to stop him, but it is far from being able to do it like now, those rules of force will automatically retreat.

But why do they retreat?

This made Fang Yi feel extremely puzzled.

Almost, he himself doubted whether he was the descendant of Jiulong Immortal Venerable.

"It's the Nine Dragon Seal!!"

Thinking of the Nine Dragons Immortal, Fang Yi's eyes lit up. There seemed to be only one explanation for everything in front of him, and that was the Nine Dragons Seal.

Except for the Nine Dragon Seal on his body, he really couldn't think of the reason why the power of these rules retreated.

"Boy! You can't escape, take your life!!"

Maybe it was because he was too obsessed, or maybe it was because he didn't pay attention to these people at all.

While Fang Yi was in a trance, the man in the brocade robe and several true disciples of Lingxiao Palace had already caught up, each of them with majestic aura, as majestic as a prison.

Just kidding, those who dare to step into the sphere of light, and are able to step in, and remain safe and sound, will not be idlers.

They were all fierce and vicious, as if they wanted to swallow Fang Yi alive.

In addition, Wei Zhiyuan had already pushed forward at this moment.

Because he has no choice.

Because he didn't want to give Fang Yi any chance, compared to the man in brocade robe, Fang Yi posed a greater threat to him, so...

The brocade robed man couldn't help but glance at him. The two seemed to be in a tacit understanding, tacit understanding, and unanimously pointed the finger at Fang Yi.

Because if Fang Yi didn't die, then they probably wouldn't have any chance.

On the contrary, the two of them are equal in strength, and there is still some competition.

Boom! !

Horrific attacks gathered like a flood, pouring towards Fang Yi.

At this point, there is no need for any nonsense, what is needed is wanton killing, and the winner is king.

If this berserk attack was performed in other places, Fang Yi would have no choice but to retreat. Just kidding, these are all true disciples of Lingxiao Palace, and they are the best among them.

No matter how strong Fang Yi is, it is impossible for him to be able to deal with so many people without an upper limit.

Just like before, he could only escape into the ball of light.

But at this moment, within the sphere of light, it is completely different, because of the law of force that pervades all around.

Because everyone must be cautious under the cover of the law of force, but he doesn't need to take this into consideration at all.

In his eyes, those true disciples of Lingxiao Palace are like living targets that cannot be moved.

The results are naturally very different.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his figure suddenly sped up, avoiding the violent and intensive attack.

"how is this possible??"

The pupils of Wei Zhiyuan and the man in brocade robe couldn't help shrinking.

If it was said that Fang Yi was able to walk leisurely within the ball of light before, it was already unacceptable to them, then at this moment, Fang Yi's behavior of being completely unrestrained and moving at high speed has already made them feel a little fear in their hearts.

It was as if they were bound by their hands and feet, allowing each other to hang and beat them.

This is definitely a killer thing.

However, things tend to be like this, what happens when you worry about it.

I saw Fang Yi grinning, like a ecstasy messenger from hell, his figure flashed continuously, and then turned into afterimages, swimming on the battlefield.

Ahhh! ! !

Immediately afterwards, a series of miserable screams followed immediately.

Fang Yi is like a ghost, appearing and disappearing, completely unaffected.

However, the group of true disciples of Lingxiao Palace obviously couldn't do this. While they had to take into account the power of the rules around them, they also had to deal with Fang Yi's attack.

An inadvertent, either beheaded by Fang Yi, or crushed by the power of the rules, missing arms and legs.

The scene was horrific.

"Fast back!!"

"He's not affected at all."

Some people in the crowd howled, terrified, at this moment, they couldn't care about anything else, they just wanted to escape from here, from this hell on earth.


(End of this chapter)

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