Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2819 The Great Elder

Chapter 2819 The Great Elder

Where is the advantage of having more people?

Undoubtedly, it is to besiege the opponent and make it impossible for the opponent to escape.

However, if these people are unable to move, or move extremely slowly, then the advantage is no longer an advantage, but a disadvantage.

Because the space is blocked, because they can't avoid it, they all become living targets.

Just like this moment.

All the disciples of Lingxiao Palace, there is no way to retreat.

Under the double threat of Fang Yi and the rules of force, many people were crushed by the power of the rules. The lucky ones lacked arms and legs, and the unfortunate ones died on the spot.

It was like a stampede across the century, extremely tragic.

The blood mist all over the sky was like a sudden rain of blood.

If you want to avoid it, there is nowhere to avoid it.

The crowd outside the light sphere looked at this tragic scene, their faces were pale, their backs felt cold, and there was only a trace of luck in their hearts except fear.

Fortunately, I didn't step into it, didn't fall into that hell, and couldn't extricate myself.

"let me out!!"

There were desperate and mournful howls, heart-piercing.

The rules of power are not static, but change rapidly. Before, there was a crack in safety, but in the next moment, it can be turned into a mountain of swords and sea of ​​fire. Therefore, every step taken by a certain person requires careful perception and a certain amount of time.

Even quit.

However, Fang Yi is not restrained, how can he give them time.

The result can be imagined.

It turns out that in the eyes of everyone, this is a battle where there is a huge disparity in strength, and Fang Yi will undoubtedly die.

However, it turned into a one-sided massacre. The massacre turned out to be Fang Yi, who was considered certain to die. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed it.

In fact, even if they saw it with their own eyes, the crowd couldn't believe it, it was like a dream.

Because it's just so unbelievable.

It's unbelievable.

However, facts are facts, and no one can question them. Fang Yi is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing wantonly, and those true disciples of Lingxiao Palace have little resistance at all.

Facing Fang Yi's ghostly figure, in fact, they were already scared out of their wits and just wanted to escape, so they didn't care about fighting back.

Not only the crowd, but also Wei Zhiyuan and the man in the brocade robe.

At this moment, the faces of both of them were extremely ugly.

His eyes were full of fear.


At this moment, they felt scared. Even before, Yun Xiao died at the hands of the other party, and they had never been scared, because they were convinced that more than half of it was due to the Second Elder.

But they couldn't find any explanation for everything right now.

In their eyes, Fang Yi was like a devil.

Involuntarily, they also felt a retreat in their hearts.

However, Fang Yi obviously would not give them this chance. The principle he has always adhered to is that if no one offends me, I will not offend others. If the two people in front of him want his life, then he will naturally not be polite.

"What? Are you scared?"

Fang Yi smiled ferociously, like a ghost from hell, giving people a sense of evil.

It also made the two feel terrified.


Seeing Fang Yi approaching so fast, the brocade robed man's expression changed drastically, he didn't know what to say, under such circumstances, saying anything was unnecessary.

Immediately, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight hard.

It's a pity that although his cultivation base is better than Fang Yi's, his real combat power may not be stronger than Fang Yi's, let alone in such a situation.

It's like being tied hands and feet, and the result can be imagined, only to be beaten.

In the blink of an eye, his body was covered in bruises.

This is because of his great strength, if it were an ordinary person, he would have died on the spot long ago.

However, even so, the brocade robed man couldn't hold on for long, his eyes were blood red, and he was just struggling to die.

"Bastard!! Impossible! You can't be so strong!! Why are you not restrained?"

The brocade robed man was hysterical and full of unwillingness.

No wonder, in his cognition, Fang Yi's strength is at most comparable to him, or even worse, but now, the other party is relying on this damn rule of strength to drive him to a dead end, how reconciled to him, I feel extremely aggrieved.

He also couldn't help shouting: "Bastard! If you have the guts, you can have a fair fight with me outside."


Fang Yi glanced at him, as if looking at an idiot.

Naturally, he wouldn't be so stupid as to really fight the opponent fairly, he didn't have that kind of leisure.

He cared more about the people behind him.

He couldn't believe that the only ones who entered the secret realm of Nine Dragons this time were the true disciples of the Lingxiao Palace, and none of the elders, or even the palace master, entered.

This is absolutely impossible.

At this moment, those people may be watching this scene from behind.

But, did they really let these true disciples die and not take action?

Fang Yi couldn't believe it, and his eyes couldn't help turning cold. The three-color light shot away, turning into a bright three-color sword shadow, and slashed straight at the man in the brocade robe.

The brocade robed man was originally bound by the rules of strength, and he was severely injured by Fang Yi just now, how could he still receive this sword at this moment.

The key point is that this sword is no small matter, it is Fang Yi's ultimate move that combines three major temples and three energies.

If you don't come out, you will be dead, and if you go out, you will see blood.

With the state of the brocade robed man at this moment, it can be said that he is bound to die.

The man in the brocade robe was obviously very aware of this too. Looking at the radiant sword shadow, his pupils gradually dilated, filled with unwillingness and despair.

The crowd was also trembling with fear, staring blankly at this scene, as if falling into an abyss.

It wasn't until this moment that they really realized how powerful Fang Yi was.

"Do not!!"

"Great Elder, save me!!"

The man in the brocade robe roared with all his might, facing death, he couldn't care less about anything else, and couldn't help casting his eyes somewhere in the void.

"big eater!!"

The next moment, the void instantly collapsed, and a majestic figure stepped out of it.

The terrifying coercion also came immediately, and the rules of force in the light sphere seemed to be evaporated, turning into a vacuum.

The brocade-robed man was undoubtedly overjoyed. Without the restriction of the rules of strength, his movements returned to freedom.

He fled away in an instant, avoiding that shocking sword.

Finally saved a life.


Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and cast his eyes on Yuan Tong above the void. Yuan Tong's appearance did not surprise him, but what surprised him was that the other party was able to evaporate the rules of force in the surrounding space.

This made him feel a little unbelievable.

Because as expected, the power of rules in this light sphere should have been left by the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable, and the power of rules left by a powerful generation of Dao peak powerhouses should be evaporated by the opponent, which is completely unreasonable.

What's more terrible, in this way, he has no advantage, and he has no chance to face the powerful people in Lingxiao Temple.

However, his worry only lasted for a moment, and in the vacuum, the law of force pervaded again.

In an instant, it enveloped the surroundings.

It was as if everything just now was an illusion.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten up.


(End of this chapter)

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