Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2821

Chapter 2821

"Boy! Keep the Nine Dragon Seal, you will not escape today!!"

In the sphere of light, among the vast and mysterious rules and thin lines, Yuan Tong chased after him with a solemn expression.

Because Fang Yi's speed completely exceeded his expectations.

Because of Jiulongxi's dominance, he was shocked.

You must know that even the master of the palace cannot pass through this ruled land so easily, but Fang Yi, who is carrying the Nine Dragon Seal, can.

This all shows that the Nine Dragon Seal is amazing.

Involuntarily, a greedy light appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Like him, there is no doubt that Wei Zhiyuan and others.

However, as they got deeper and deeper, they couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces, because for them, it was almost hopeless.

Just kidding, if you continue to go deep, you may not even be able to save your life, so what about the Nine Dragon Seal.

However, I don't know if it's because of the Nine Dragon Seal or because of the Great Elder, the law of force in the light sphere doesn't seem to be as strong as it used to be, it seems to have weakened a lot.

This is undoubtedly good news for Wei Zhiyuan and others.

Because they can be one step closer.

As for the final outcome, it can only depend on God's will.

Fang Yi also noticed this. Originally, the deeper one went, the stronger and more majestic the power of the rules, but for some reason, the rules of power seemed to be weakened a lot.

Of course, he didn't have time to pay attention to these right now, so he went straight away.

In a moment, a stalwart statue appeared at the end of sight.

The statue stood upright, like a giant of heaven and earth, extremely huge, supporting the entire sky.

He is lifelike, just like a living thing, with a strong face and incomparable majesty, and everything is insignificant compared to him.

This is?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and his heart was filled with horror.

Because even though it was just a statue, it gave him an extremely depressing feeling, as if there was a mountain pressing down on him, making him afraid to look directly at it.

too strong! !

Fang Yi was startled secretly, he was absolutely sure that the owner of this statue must be a super strong man who surpassed the Three Realms.

Could it be that he is the Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable?The owner of the Nine Dragon Seal?

Fang Yi thought so.

However, to his surprise, Wei Zhiyuan's startled voice came from behind him.

"Emperor Ling Xiao!! Why is there a statue of Emperor Ling Xiao here? Isn't the Nine Dragons Secret Realm left behind by Nine Dragons Immortals? How could..."

Wei Zhiyuan's eyes were full of astonishment, showing an inconceivable look.

Like him, there are other true disciples of Lingxiao Palace.

As for Yuan Tong, there was no sign of surprise on his face. Obviously, he knew it already, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at the statue with extreme longing.

Emperor Ling Xiao? ?

Hearing this name, Fang Yi couldn't help flashing a look of shock in his eyes.

There is also some grievances and grievances with the Lingxiao Palace, and I have some understanding of the past of the Lingxiao Palace. The so-called Lingxiao Emperor is the founder of the Lingxiao Palace, and his prestige is even higher than that of the Jiulong Immortal.

The Lingxiao Palace used to exceed nine days, all because of Emperor Lingxiao.

Compared with Jiulong Xianzun, he was even weaker.

These are also the two most famous superpowers in the history of Lingxiao Temple. They never thought that they would see their statues here, which is undoubtedly unexpected.

"It is said that Emperor Ling Xiao succeeded in joining the Dao and achieved the World Realm. He has already transcended. How could his statue..."

"That's not true, and in the Nine Dragons Secret Realm, could it be that Nine Dragons Immortals found the inheritance of Emperor Ling Xiao, so..."

Thinking of this possibility, the eyes of several people became even hotter.

Just kidding, Jiulong Xianzun, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Dao, has already driven everyone crazy.

As for Emperor Ling Xiao, he was an existence who had succeeded in joining the Dao and achieving the World Realm. Once news about such a person spread, let alone three days, the entire Nine Heavens, and even the entire Three Realms would be a sensation.

This is no joke, the World Realm is a rare existence in the entire Three Realms.

Today, it is unknown whether there are such strong men in the Three Realms.

So one can imagine.

"It's him!"

Knowing the identity of the statue, Fang Yi also understood the purpose of the person behind it almost immediately, which was this statue.

Because around this statue, there are vast rules of force, densely packed, without even the slightest gap, anyone who steps into it will probably have to die.

Only... Nine Dragon Seal.

Obviously, this was deliberately arranged by Jiulong Xianzun, maybe he wanted to keep this statue for himself, or for his descendants.

Therefore, the rules of the surrounding forces are extraordinarily domineering, and you can feel infinite pressure coming from all directions before you get close.

Fang Yi has no doubt that if he does not have the Nine Dragon Seal, anyone who dares to step into it will be crushed to pieces.

But, what exactly is inside this statue?

It is worthy of such protection by Jiulong Xianzun.

You must know that Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Dao. Although he is not as good as Emperor Ling Xiao, he is also one of the few existences in the entire Three Realms. It can be seen that he can pay attention to things.

"Leave him the Nine Dragon Seal!!"

However, just as Fang Yi was pondering, Yuan Tong couldn't hold back anymore.

His eyes turned sideways, and the giant palm in his hand was already coming towards Fang Yi.

This palm was as fast as thunder, extremely terrifying. Obviously, he desperately wanted to get the Nine Dragon Seal, so it was obvious when he struck, he had no reservations, in order to kill with one blow.

If it were an ordinary martial artist, ten lives might not be enough to die.

Fortunately, Fang Yi was well prepared. Moreover, he was extremely powerful, and he was not bound by the slightest, and his reaction was extremely fast.

His figure was like lightning, he flashed fiercely, and at the same time he slashed out with a sword.

The bright three-color sword shadows reflected the sky and the earth, making the whole sky extremely colorful and beautiful.

"It's up to you! It's still far away!!"

Fang Yi sneered, although he said lightly in his mouth, he didn't dare to be careless in his hands. Just kidding, it was the existence of the legendary seven realms. With Fang Yi's strength, he was no match at all.

If it weren't for the suppression of the rules of strength, even entanglement would not be possible.

Therefore, when he slashed out with a sword, he happened to take advantage of this counter-shock force to shoot towards the statue.

Since you can't fight, you can only escape.

And right now, the only place he can escape, and the place that makes him feel extremely curious, is undoubtedly the statue.

There are vast rules of force around that statue, as long as it is close, no matter how powerful Yuan Tong is, there is nothing he can do about it.

and so……

"Bastard!! Where are you going!"

Yuan Tong undoubtedly saw through this, and his expression became anxious.

The arrogance erupted all over his body, like an erupting volcano, and he didn't hold back any more, pouring towards Fang Yi, because he also knew very well that once Fang Yi really got close to the statue, then, if he wanted to take down the other party, he would hardly be able to take it down. possible.

Therefore, he can only take advantage of the present to fight hard.

The terrifying attack was like a dark night, and Fang Yi was instantly enveloped in it. The power of the legendary seven realms was fully revealed at this moment.

Can Fang Yi escape this blow?

And what is hidden in that statue?


(End of this chapter)

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