Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2822

Chapter 2822

not good! !

Rao Fang Yi, sensing that terrifying blow at this moment, his expression could not help but change drastically.

A feeling like a light on the back arises spontaneously.

Yuan Tong is a majestic and legendary powerhouse of the Seventh Realm. It's a child's play to fight hard. He is far stronger than Yunxiao and others.

This is still due to the suppression of the rules of force, otherwise, it would be even more unbelievable.

Of course, if this is the case, there is absolutely no need for Fang Yi to entangle with the other party, he can escape into the water temple.

As for now, he will naturally not give up easily.

The statue of Emperor Ling Xiao was right in front of him, and it was obviously impossible to say that he was not curious about what secrets were hidden inside.

Therefore, the arrogance all over his body also skyrocketed, and the terrifying meaning of destruction swept out.

Moan! !

A series of shocking dragon chant exploded in this world, shocking the sky.

A huge black real dragon condensed in an instant, and with the intention of overwhelming destruction, it faced Yuan Tong's terrifying blow head-on.

Boom! ! !

The world exploded in an instant, and everything collapsed.

Even the rules of force pervading the surrounding space seemed to evaporate for a moment, which was extremely frightening.

The crowd in the distance was even more terrified, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

Perhaps no one thought that a mere second level of legend could unleash such a domineering blow, and Wei Zhiyuan and the man in the brocade robe were no exception.

Especially the man in the brocade robe, who was severely injured by Fang Yi before, and he has always been unwilling.

Because in his opinion, all of this is due to the suppression of the rules of force. If it is not here, but in any place, he is absolutely sure to defeat Fang Yi.

But now, seeing this terrifying true dragon of destruction, his heart began to waver and he became timid.

There was even a little bit of luck, luckily Fang Yi didn't try his best just now, otherwise, he would be dead at this moment.


He should have been lucky. The reason why Fang Yi didn't do his best was because he knew that there was still a powerful person in the Lingxiao Palace hidden behind him.

Therefore, a certain amount of strength must be preserved, otherwise, he would indeed be a dead man.

In fact, as Fang Yi expected, Yuan Tong is the best explanation. Behind him, there may be other strong people, the legendary Lord of the Lingxiao Palace.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The two terrifying attacks collided, and the world fell completely.

In comparison, the True Dragon of Destruction is obviously inferior. Although the meaning of destruction is extremely domineering and can destroy almost everything, Yuan Tong is not a vegetarian. Before the massive energy, the meaning of destruction is exhausted inch by inch. The gigantic True Dragon of Destruction was also annihilated inch by inch.

Similarly, most of Yuan Tong's terrifying blow was consumed.

But the remaining energy still turned into a giant palm and slapped towards Fang Yi fiercely.

Fang Yi's expression couldn't help changing drastically. In an instant, the dragon roared in his body, and pieces of golden scales spread all over his body in an instant, making him seem to have turned into a golden armored god of war.

Bang! !

At the same time, the giant palm also fell immediately, making a loud noise.

Fang Yi's figure was also blasted out like a cannonball.


All the eyes of the crowd were bright and greedy.

The Nine Dragon Seal is on Fang Yi's body. Now that Fang Yi is defeated, one can imagine their inner desires.

Of course, they only dared to think about it, not to mention the crushing of the rules of force, even if Yuan Tong was here, they would not dare to make the slightest change.

Only Wei Zhiyuan seemed a little unwilling, but in the end he didn't dare to take any action.

At this time, Fang Yi had already stabilized his figure, and his face became extremely ugly, and gradually became gloomy, as if he was about to kill someone.

Other than that, no other changes can be seen.

"How is it possible? He is fine? After being hit by the Great Elder, he actually..."

The crowd was in an uproar.

No one thought that Fang Yi seemed to be intact, which undoubtedly subverted their cognition.

Who is Yuan Tong?It is unbelievable that the majestic Great Elder of the Lingxiao Palace, a strong man in the seventh realm of legend, has survived such a blow.

However, they didn't know that Fang Yi's physical body was re-condensed through the three temples, and his strength was almost unmatched by anyone.

Coupled with the real dragon body protection and dragon scale battle armor, how can it be so easy to hit hard.

Of course, the Destroying True Dragon itself consumed most of Yuan Tong's energy in that blow, so that Fang Yi was able to take the blow unharmed.

Although the True Dragon of Destruction is not as vast as Yuan Tong's blow, the meaning of destruction is extremely aggressive and destructive, far beyond the power of ordinary rules.

Therefore, Fang Yi was able to take this blow, and dared to take this blow.

This is also his reliance.

However, all of this undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of the crowd, and also exceeded Yuan Tong's expectations. At this moment, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he stared at Fang Yi coldly, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi.

"Good! Very good! No wonder Yun Xiao will die in your hands, he is not as good as you! But..."

Before he finished speaking, endless thin lines of rules diffused out of his body, enveloping Fang Yi instantly, more frightening and frightening than before.

"You are still going to die!!"

When the words fell, the blow was gone.

It's a pity that Fang Yi had already prepared for it. How could he dare to take it lightly when facing such a strong man.

Moreover, knowing that victory was hopeless, he had no intention of entanglement, because it would be a waste of time. Instead of this, it would be better to explore the secret of the statue earlier.

What's more, there may be a strong man hidden behind him, so he dare not delay any longer.

Once this is really the case, by then, he will really be unable to escape.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help giving Yuan Tong a disdainful look, and said coldly: "Old man, it's up to you? If you have the guts, continue to follow."

After the words fell, he also clapped his hands.

The terrifying wind turned into a copper wall, stretching between the two.

Boom! !

The next moment, Yuan Tong's attack had already arrived, and the copper wall burst instantly. However, that terrifying counter-shock force was just what Fang Yi needed. With the help of this counter-shock force, Fang Yi's body was running fast. Lei, instantly submerged in the rules of the endless force.


Yuan Tong was furious, but when he came back to his senses, it was already too late.

In fact, under the suppression of this endless rule of force, he is simply unable to do what he wants. Unless Fang Yi confronts him head-on, it is almost impossible for him to stop Fang Yi.

How could he be reconciled now that Fang Yi was not included in it.

Gritting his teeth, he followed suit.

As for the others, they could only watch from a distance, and no one dared to take a step further.

Just kidding, that's no different from dying.

Even Wei Zhiyuan was no exception, looking at the statue, and Fang Yi and Yuan Tong who were getting closer, his eyes were full of envy and helplessness.

Because that statue probably means the inheritance of Emperor Ling Xiao.

Emperor Ling Xiao, what kind of character is that?The peerless power above the Three Realms is beyond reach.

Just like this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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