Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2826 The gaze from ancient times

Chapter 2826 The gaze from ancient times

Boom! !

The violently trembling space burst apart inch by inch as if it could no longer bear the terrifying blow.

Although Fang Yi's way of space is amazing, far stronger than the space gathered by ordinary warriors, it is no match for Yuan Tong's hard blow.

Just kidding, Yuan Tong is a majestic legendary powerhouse in the seventh realm, with a full blow, the power is infinite.

This is him, if it were anyone else, I'm afraid...

Of course, he didn't need to completely block the blow, as long as he could block it for a moment and buy himself time, it was enough.

Just like at this moment, the layered space exploded inch by inch, and he had already galloped away, approaching the nine regular dragons.

I was submerged in the power of rules coming from all directions like a tide.

In this area, even if Yuan Tong has the power to reach the sky, he cannot resist the suppression of the power of rules.

"Son of a bitch!!"

Yuan Tong gritted his teeth, and Fang Yi escaped from him several times. As a legendary seven-level powerhouse, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he seemed to have been humiliated repeatedly, and his heart was full of anger.

A pair of eyes also seemed to be able to spew fire.

The crowd had already gathered around at this time, and as the nine dragons of rules devoured, the power of rules around them gradually weakened.

The farther away it is, the faster it fades away, almost completely disappearing.

Only within a radius of tens of thousands of meters centered on Jiulong, there is still a terrifying power of rules. The closer to the center, the more overbearing the power of rules.

However, looking at the situation in front of him, the devouring speed of the nine ruled dragons, I am afraid that it will not take long for the power of rules in the entire world to be swallowed up.

Until then……

"Little thief!! I will see where you are going to escape today!"

Yuan Tong's eyes were like torches, staring at Fang Yi closely, like two sharp swords.

The coldness at the corner of his mouth made people shiver all over.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to attack again, because since he couldn't resist the terrifying power of rules, he simply didn't do anything and just waited for the opponent to kill himself.

The surrounding area was completely surrounded, and the power of the rules quickly faded. It was clear what was waiting for Fang Yi.

That being the case, he was not in a hurry, and sneered again and again at the corner of his mouth.

The crowd is naturally the same.

Even if he didn't dare to take a step beyond the threshold, the others could only wait patiently, one by one, ready to move like hungry wolves.

And Fang Yi, at this moment, is also complaining in his heart.

These nine dragons of rules are really too good at timing, and they devoured the power of rules at this time.

Although he can clearly sense that the nine ruled dragons are expanding, as if some kind of transformation is taking place, once the transformation is successful, the power of the Nine Dragon Seal will definitely increase greatly, and the way of power he has comprehended may also have great benefits .

However, at this time, it is indeed a bit unacceptable.

Once the power of rules fades completely, what awaits him...

That's all! !

At worst, hide in the water temple.

Fang Yi shook his head secretly, he could only prepare for the worst, but it's a pity that in this way, it may be difficult to figure out what secret is in this statue.

But at this moment, he can't take care of so much anymore, saving his life is the most important thing.

However, to his surprise, the power of the rules around him has not completely subsided, and the nine dragons of rules stopped at this moment, as if they had swallowed enough.

"what happened??"

The crowd was full of astonishment and puzzlement.

Originally, they were waiting for the power of the rules to fade away completely, and then rushed forward, but now...

The same is true for Fang Yi, but in comparison, he is undoubtedly relieved, because in this way, he has more reliance, but no one knows what will happen to this reliance.

Moan! !

The nine dragons stopped devouring, and roared up to the sky, and then, they all moved towards the huge statue.

Boom boom boom! !

At the same time, the statue also trembled sharply, more and more violently, as if the sky was turned upside down, the surrounding situation changed suddenly, and above the nine heavens, it seemed that there was an incomparable power spreading out.

At that moment, the huge statue seemed to be raised countless times in an instant.

In the world, it seems that there is only one statue left.

Compared with it, Kowloon is obviously inferior, lingering around it, roaring to the sky.

This! !

The crowd all stared wide-eyed, one by one, like stone sculptures, watching this scene in disbelief, their eyes full of horror.

Not for anything else, just because this statue seems to have come alive, surrounded by nine dragons, surpassing the world.

Just like the arrival of the real Emperor Ling Xiao, the peerless edge shines on the Three Realms.

It makes people have an urge to worship.

Even Fang Yi was no exception, his heart was like a turbulent wave, staring at the statue in a daze, speechless for a long time.

Especially, when the nine dragons roared together, he seemed to see the statue come alive.

Moreover, bright eyes were cast on him.

That gaze, as if spanning an endless river of time, came from the distant ancient times, pierced through everything in the world, and directly focused on him.

For a moment, he only felt that his soul was out of his body, and he appeared in front of those eyes like a glass man.

But soon, the eyes disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Kowloon still roared upwards.

The huge statue seemed to have returned to its previous state, still standing motionless between the heaven and the earth.

Perhaps, it really never moved, and everything was Fang Yi's illusion.

The look of the crowd showed this.

However, Fang Yi was extremely sure that the eyes really existed, and if nothing unexpected happened, it probably really came from the legendary Emperor Ling Xiao.

Did the other party leave a divine sense inside the statue?Or is it true that the other party has become so strong that he can span the long river of time and see everything today from ancient times?

If it is the former, then whether the divine sense is still there, will it be harmful for him to stay here.

If it's the latter, then all this is in his expectation?

It's also incredible.

Do not! !

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head vigorously. He couldn't imagine such a supernatural power, such an existence.

To be able to do this, it seems that only by comprehending the law of time, one of the legendary six top laws, is it possible, otherwise...

However, the law of time is extremely miraculous, so far, Fang Yi has not heard of anyone comprehending it.

There seems to be no relevant introduction to the legendary Emperor Ling Xiao.

So, what happened just now?

Is it a trace of divine sense?

What is the purpose of divine thoughts?

Fang Yi was puzzled, and his expression became more and more cautious, because all this far exceeded his expectations, so he had to prepare for the worst, with a vigilant expression, ready to escape into the water temple at any time.


(End of this chapter)

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