Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2827 Lingyun Xianjun

Chapter 2827 Lingyun Xianjun

Moan! !

Kowloon was still roaring, wrapping around the statue.

From a distance, it looks like a peerless emperor coming from the dragon and surpassing all living beings.

The terrifying power filled the world, making the crowd tremble, even Fang Yi was no exception. At this moment, the statue seemed to be the master of this world.

Take control.

Even the remaining power of the rules around it all vented towards it, like a torrent.

In an instant, it seemed to be swept away.

Yuan Tong was the first to react, his eyes brightened, his figure suddenly sped up, and he shot at Fang Yi like lightning, and terrifying energy erupted accordingly.

"Little thief, take your life!!"

Just hearing him scold angrily, the monstrous energy gathered into a huge hand, as if it could wipe out everything.

not good! !

Fang Yi's expression couldn't help changing, and his heart beat wildly.

The power of rules is fading at an extremely fast speed. If this continues, his reliance will be gone in a short while. At that time, he will face everyone's attack.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he is powerless to return to the sky.

Right now is undoubtedly the last chance, the chance to escape from this area, as long as there is a chance to escape from here.

He really didn't want to escape into the water temple unless necessary.

Because this is the fairy world, no one knows whether people will notice if he hastily escaped into the water temple. Once the water temple is exposed, there will undoubtedly be more troubles for him.

and so……

After making up his mind, he didn't care too much, and with a thought, the power of endless rules poured away.

Ripples rippled in the space, layer upon layer.

It's space cascading again! !

The corners of Yuan Tong's mouth twitched and he gritted his teeth, because the stacked space stretched the distance between the two infinitely.

What's more terrible is that this layered space is extremely strong, making it a luxury for him to want to win the opponent.

The inner depression can be imagined.

Boom boom boom! !

The power of space shattered inch by inch, earth-shattering, but unfortunately, it was eternity in an instant. With the obstruction of these powers of space, Fang Yi had already avoided the shocking palm.

"Old man, thanks to your return to the seventh realm of legend, you are nothing but a waste."

Fang Yi deliberately sarcastically.

At the same time, his body shot out like a flash of lightning, killing the crowd on one side, trying to break out of the encirclement.

Just kidding, if you don't leave now, when will you wait? The power of rules will be exhausted. At that time, he will only be able to fight trapped beasts. Right now is the last chance and the best chance.

Bang bang bang! !

He attacked and killed all the way, and the three-color sword shadow traversed the world, and wherever he passed, there was blood and rain.

Just kidding, even Yunxiao and others are not his opponents, let alone those ordinary true disciples, let alone stop Fang Yi.

Moreover, Fang Yi's defense is astonishing, and his speed is unimaginably fast, which is many times stronger than these ordinary true disciples.

If Fang Yi confronted them head-on, they might still be able to hold on for a while.

But Fang Yi wanted to leave with all his heart and fight his way out. These people were like chickens and dogs, completely vulnerable.

"Bastard!! You are courting death!"

Yuan Tong was furious, as if sparks were about to erupt from his pupils.

As the Great Elder of the Lingxiao Palace, he is highly respected. He has never been humiliated in such a face-to-face. Hearing Fang Yi's words at this moment, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

The energy in the body is also like a hurricane, sweeping in.

Suddenly, the surroundings were in a mess.

Those countless Lingxiao Palace disciples were all affected, and those who were slightly inferior in strength were all torn into pieces, and the sky was full of blood and flesh, which was a scene like hell.

Fang Yi was also terrified when he saw it.

The Legendary Seventh Realm went completely mad, and it was astonishingly powerful.

Fortunately, he no longer needed to confront the opponent head-on. Originally, these disciples of Lingxiao Palace could not stop him, and after going through this terrifying hurricane, those ordinary disciples had already retreated in fright.

Just kidding, no one wants to die in vain like this.

In this way, Fang Yi's front becomes wider, and a road leads directly into the distance.

And this was undoubtedly what Yuan Tong did not expect, he was furious, "Idiot! Stop him!"

It's a pity that his words didn't work at all, because the hurricane swept away everything, and there were corpses everywhere, who would dare to die rashly?

Besides, it was already too late, Fang Yi turned into a thunderbolt and headed for the distance.

"Hahaha!! Old man, thank you for giving me a ride."

In the air, there was still Fang Yi's wild laughing and presumptuous voice.

Yuan Tong was so angry that smoke was coming from his seven orifices.

Just escaped like this?Surrounded by the disciples of the Lingxiao Temple, they escaped like this. At this moment, the crowd all looked at the figure going away, not knowing what to do.

The former Lingxiao Temple has always been their proud capital, but at this moment, their hearts began to shake.

Just a second level of legend turned Lingxiao Temple upside down.

It's just...

Besides them, there was another sigh faintly above the void, disappointment?have no choice?

With this sigh, the surrounding space seemed to freeze in an instant, everything seemed to be frozen, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Everything in the space is imprisoned, only the spirit of the crowd is not restrained.

Even Fang Yi, who was originally walking away, was fixed in the air.

"what happened??"

Fang Yi's eyes changed drastically, and a feeling of extreme danger emerged spontaneously.

Is it the Lord of Lingxiao Palace?Almost instantly, Fang Yi thought of this possibility, and his guess was indeed correct, the other party had been hiding behind his back until now.

It's just, why is the opponent so powerful that he can imprison himself, making him unable to move at all.

The same is the space rule, the same is the space confinement, the other party undoubtedly far exceeds him.

For a moment, Fang Yi wanted to escape into the Water God Palace, but he was full of curiosity about the existence of the legendary Lord of the Lingxiao Palace, the peak of the legendary Nine Realms.

As well as the other party's purpose, and the secret hidden in this statue, it made him feel itchy.

Involuntarily, he turned his gaze to the source of the voice.

There, a ripple rippled slightly, and a stalwart man in a golden dragon robe was slowly stepping out of it.

The man in the golden robe looked down at everyone like a true emperor.

The breath pervading his body made it impossible to lift his head.

good!The person who came was none other than the Lord of Lingxiao Palace, Lingyun Xianjun.

"Meet the Palace Master!!"

A group of disciples of Lingxiao Palace, when they saw the person coming, hurriedly saluted, with an extremely respectful expression, and Yuan Tong was no exception, with a faint light of fear flickering in his eyes.

It seemed that he was afraid that Lingyun Xianjun would blame him.

However, Lingyun Xianjun didn't even look at him, instead his eyes turned to Fang Yi, with a surprised and complicated expression.

At the same time, Fang Yi was also looking at him, his eyes met, and there was a faint collision of rules in the air.

"That's right! A mere second level of Legendary Realm is able to display the way of space so well."

"It really impresses me!!"

Unexpectedly, Xianjun Lingyun even spoke a word of praise, judging by his demeanor, he was quite sincere.

It's just, behind this, and his purpose...


(End of this chapter)

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