Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2828 stalemate

Chapter 2828 stalemate

Fang Yi was also trembling in his heart at the moment.

Not for other reasons, but for the other party's abyss-like gaze, which seems to be able to penetrate him. Everything, in front of the other party, seems to have nothing to hide.

This is an extremely wonderful feeling, and it is also a feeling that makes Fang Yi extremely uncomfortable.

However, there was nothing unusual on his surface, and he was still as indifferent as before.

"Thank you for the compliment, but it's not because you're so good, it's because you have too much trash in Lingxiao Temple!"

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd was in an uproar

Everyone was dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe it.


Who could believe that Fang Yi still dared to be so arrogant in front of the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace? This was truly audacious, so that some people were a little dazed, as if they thought they had heard it wrong.

However, the expressions of the others undoubtedly confirmed this point.

They were all murderous, and it seemed that they all wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces. If the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace hadn't been present, it would have been a big battle.

As for the moment, they dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, their faces were flushed, and they could only wait for Lingyun Xianjun's order.

As for Lingyun Xianjun, he glanced at Fang Yi in surprise, and then burst out laughing. His laughter was extremely wild, filling the whole world, making people feel creepy.

"That's right!! There are indeed too many wastes in Lingxiao Palace!!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Immortal Lingyun's eyes turned cold, and he shot at Fang Yi like an ice arrow.

"But! Even if they are trash, you, an outsider, can't judge them."

As soon as the words fell, the aura of Lingyun Xianjun's whole body also changed suddenly, becoming extremely cold and fierce, making people feel like a crowd of people were on their backs, as if they would be pierced at any time.

Fang Yi was right at the center of this breath, and couldn't help feeling cold.

On the forehead, bean-big sweat drops rolled down.

The whole body is completely unable to move.

In fact, since the opponent appeared, the space has been completely frozen, and he can no longer move half a point. Now, coupled with this cold breath, Fang Yi feels like falling into an abyss.

This is Fang Yi. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been scared out of his wits.

Or, he would have kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Not surprisingly, in the face of absolute strength, all other things are in vain.

If Fang Yi didn't have the powerful hole card of the Water God Temple, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better.

Of course, if he didn't have this hole card, he would not rush into the base camp of Lingxiao Palace, because that would be tantamount to death.

However, Lingyun Xianjun obviously didn't know this hole card, he only saw Fang Yi resisting tenaciously.

"Little ants, you have some backbone!"

"It's a pity, didn't anyone tell you? Backbone, sometimes it's too extravagant."

Lingyun Xianjun came step by step, condescending, everything seemed to be under his feet, and he was the master who surpassed all living beings.

Contemptuous eyes overlook everything and control everything.

As he approached, Fang Yi was trembling all over, as if he could no longer bear the coercion from him and the confinement of the power of space.

However, he still said stubbornly on the surface: "So what about ants? You just practiced a few years longer than me."

These words can be said to be extremely frivolous, Fang Yi is the only one who dares to say such wild words in front of the Lord of Lingxiao Palace.

Lingyun Xianjun couldn't help but sneer.

"Really! Then you can only be considered unlucky, and you were born a few years late."

As he said that, he seemed to have lost his patience, his breath agitated, and a terrifying attack was brewing.

not good! !

Fang Yi was also very anxious. Yuan Tong, who was in the seventh realm of legend, was already so good. One could imagine the Lingyun Xianjun, who was at the peak of the nine realms.

In fact, the other party didn't move at all, which already made him unable to move.

If you are making a move, then there is no doubt about it.

Although Fang Yi is powerful, he still has some self-knowledge. Immediately, he quickly said: "Wait!! I want to know, why did you lead me into the Nine Dragons Secret Realm? Is it because of that statue?"

"What is hidden in that statue?"

This is undoubtedly what Fang Yi never forgets.

Especially after sensing the gaze from that statue, it made him even more curious.

When the crowd heard this, they couldn't help being a little curious at the moment.

As for Lingyun Xianjun, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said slowly: "The dead don't need to know this, bring it!!"

As soon as the words fell, his giant palm immediately reached out and came directly to Fang Yi.

Suddenly, Fang Yi felt an irresistible force coming towards him, as if it wanted to swallow him completely.

It's like a giant whirlpool on the sea, and he is just a leaf of duckweed.

There is no resistance at all.

Just kidding, Fang Yi is only at the second level of legend, the gap between the two is too big, no matter how tyrannical he is, he will be powerless.

Only to be devoured, or...

He couldn't care so much about this situation and this situation anymore, and with a thought, he disappeared into place out of thin air.

Between heaven and earth, only his dissolute voice remained, "I forgot to tell you, not only the disciples of Lingxiao Palace are trash, but you are no exception."

"I'm going too!!"

what? ?

Dare to bluntly say that the Lord of the Lingxiao Palace is a waste, this... this is really eating the courage of the bear.

But what about the figure of the other party?It disappeared?

The crowd looked at each other, one by one, speechless in astonishment.

In fact, they are not the only ones, Lingyun Xianjun's pupils also shrank suddenly, and they were full of inconceivable colors.

As the master of the Lingxiao Palace, he also comprehends the extremely deep way of space, and is aware of all changes in the surrounding space.

But just now, Fang Yi disappeared out of thin air, but he didn't notice anything strange.

It was as if the other party had really disappeared out of thin air.

However, how could such a good person disappear out of thin air?

Space Immortal Artifact, and it is an extremely powerful Immortal Artifact, if it can evade its own detection, the other party must have hid in it.

Immortal Lingyun's eyes turned cold, and he understood everything in an instant.

He couldn't help shouting: "Ignorant child, I really think that I can hide in the fairy artifact of space. I can't do anything to you. Tell you, this space has been imprisoned by me, and you can't escape with your wings."

This thunderous sound reverberated in the heaven and earth, and also reached Fang Yi's ears in the Water God Temple.

He couldn't help but change his expression.

The heart that had already been loosened was raised again.

Because he really noticed that this space has been completely imprisoned, like a piece of iron.

The Water Temple may be able to break through, but once there is any movement, it will definitely be noticed by the other party, and the Water Temple may also be exposed.

In the past, he escaped into the Water God Temple, and he had never had a similar feeling, but this time...

He still feels that the crisis is not resolved.

Even the Water God Temple is at risk of being exposed, so that he dare not make any changes. Fortunately, as long as he does not make any movements, Lingyun Xianjun has nothing to do.

The two sides were deadlocked like this...


(End of this chapter)

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