Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2829 Dilemma

Chapter 2829 Dilemma

The scene fell into a strange atmosphere.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, not even daring to breathe, while Immortal Lingyun's eyes were like torches, sweeping the surrounding world like a god of death patrolling.

The world was silent.

In the Water God Temple, Ji Wumeng also seemed extremely cautious, and she obviously understood the seriousness of the situation.

As for Fang Yi, he was much calmer than her.

Because Fang Yi is full of confidence in the water temple, which is one of the legendary artifacts of good fortune, as long as he stands still, the other party will definitely not find it.

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen."

Immediately, Fang Yi gave a word of comfort.

Of course, although he said it lightly, but in his heart, he was also a little bit guilty.

It's impossible to stay here forever, and it's not an option to waste it like this, but to be on the safe side, he has no better way, so he can only wait and see what happens.

That's all! !

Left and right are exhausted, just look at the changes of the nine rule dragons.

Before, the nine ruled dragons devoured so much power of rules and reached a critical point. As he escaped into the water temple, the nine ruled dragons also disappeared together and submerged into the Nine Dragon Seal again.

As for the changes, it is still waiting for him to study.

Although it's not the best time right now, you might as well check one or two.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi simply didn't bother to pay attention to the outside world.

In the outside world, countless disciples of the Lingxiao Palace secretly complained at this moment, because Lingyun Xianjun did not speak, and everyone dared not make the slightest change.

As for Lingyun Xianjun, his sharp eyes were still sweeping through the void.

It's just a pity that there was still nothing in the end.

Just kidding, the Water God Temple is one of the artifacts of good fortune, so how can it be discovered so easily? If so, then it is not so precious.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lingyun Xianjun's complexion also became more and more ugly, as if it could drip water from the cold.

There was also a trace of suspicion in the bright eyes.


The scene in front of him even made him a little suspicious, wondering if his guess was wrong, there was no space fairy at all.

Otherwise, with his strength and control over the rules of space, how could he not find anything?

It should be noted that the opponent is only a legendary second-level warrior, so how could he have such an amazing spatial artifact?

But if this is not the case, then how did the other party disappear?

"Master, then we..., and this statue..."

In the silent crowd, a voice finally sounded, with a tentative tone.

It was none other than Yuan Tong, the Great Elder of Lingxiao Palace.

Compared with the previous angry appearance, Yuan Tong was much calmer at this moment, perhaps because even the Palace Master suffered a disadvantage in front of the other party, which made him somewhat comforted.

The anger in my heart also faded a lot.

When the crowd heard the words, they couldn't help casting their gazes over, to the statue.

The statue, because of the entanglement of the Nine Dragons, seemed to be activated before, like a real living thing, but at this moment, it returned to normal, without any abnormality, just like an ordinary statue.

Immortal Lingyun also looked at the statue subconsciously, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he led Fang Yi into the secret realm of Nine Dragons was naturally because of this statue, because there is a legend among the past masters of Lingxiao Temple. Like a great emperor, he surpassed the Three Realms and became the top existence in the Three Realms.

To unlock the secret of this statue, the first thing to obtain is the Nine Dragon Seal.

Because Jiulong Xianzun sealed this secret here.

Only the Nine Dragon Seal can unlock the seal of Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable.

Therefore, as soon as he learned that Fang Yi might be pregnant with the Nine Dragon Seal, he ordered Fang Yi to be allowed to enter the Nine Dragon Secret Realm, precisely for this reason.

In fact, with his strength, it can be said that it is not difficult to win Fang Yi to win the Nine Dragon Seal.

But he didn't make a move because he wasn't sure what the seal was.

Whether only the descendants of Jiulong Xianzun can solve it.

His deduction is not wrong, only Fang Yi who controls one of the nine ruled dragons can motivate the Nine Dragons and devour the power of the rules.

But what he didn't expect was that Fang Yi disappeared out of thin air.

It was as if the world had evaporated.

And that statue seemed to be restored to its original state, and he couldn't notice the slightest difference, which made him not angry.

"Search for me, the kid must have not gone far, the entrance has been sealed, no one can open it without me, and he can't escape."

Immortal Ling Yun let out a snarl, as if sparks were about to erupt from his pupils.


The crowd did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly led away.

Yuan Tong seemed hesitant to speak, because in his opinion, these ordinary disciples were useless at all, looking for Fang Yi?Just kidding, most of these people only have to die.

The Nine Dragons Secret Realm is not big or small, if the other party really wants to hide it, I'm afraid...

Of course, he didn't dare to speak in that case, so he had no choice but to follow the crowd. However, he still looked at the statue with some reluctance.

Just like that, the crowd left one after another, and in a short while, only Lingyun Xianjun and the huge statue remained in the huge scene.

Lingyun Xianjun looked up at the statue, and there was a cunning light in the depths of his eyes.

He couldn't help saying: "Little thief, even if you can't be found, you will never even think about stepping out of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm in this life. This seat is waiting for you at the entrance."

After saying that, he swept the void again, and then walked away.

Finally gone! !

Seeing this scene, Ji Wumeng undoubtedly heaved a sigh of relief in the Water God Temple, and his pale face gradually turned rosy.

Obviously, Lingyun Xianjun put a lot of pressure on her.

In fact, she knew everything about the outside world in the Water God Temple before, and she could vividly remember Fang Yi's many adventures.

The strength of Xianjun Lingyun undoubtedly made her feel a great threat, and she was worried that something would happen to Fang Yi.

Now that the other party is gone, she is naturally relieved.

"What do we do now? Get out? Find another exit?"

Involuntarily, she looked at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was still immersed in the Nine Dragon Seal before, but he has been sensing the changes in the outside world, and he has already opened his eyes at this moment, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Do not!!"

Subconsciously, he shook his head, "Wait a minute! Maybe he's trying to get us to show up on purpose."

These words are of course not aimless.

Lingyun Xianjun actually left so simply, which was a bit beyond his expectation. Could it be that the other party really relied on controlling the entrance, so he had no scruples?

This possibility is not ruled out, but, for the sake of safety, it is undoubtedly not suitable to show up right now.

Ji Wumeng naturally understood this truth, nodded, and then, with a look of worry on his face, he asked, "Would they take advantage of this to attack Feijian Villa?"


(End of this chapter)

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