Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2831 Ambush

Chapter 2831 Ambush

The sky and the earth were silent, and nothing unusual could be seen, just like an endless nothingness.

"Really gone?"

Fang Yi muttered to himself, but there was some disbelief in his eyes.

After spending so much effort to lure himself into the secret realm of Kowloon, and only showing up at the last moment, would he leave so easily?

Do not!

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head.

However, in this situation, no matter whether the other party left or not, it seemed impossible for him to stay in the water temple all the time. It was a waste of time to waste his time like this.

Although he can practice during this period, the search for Ji Wuxian cannot be delayed, even if he can bear his temper, I am afraid that Ji Wumeng would like to see his sister earlier, so...

do not care! !

Fang Yi made up his mind and made up his mind.

"You just stay here and I'll go out and have a look."

"Well! You must be careful."

A look of worry appeared on Ji Wumeng's face, and she ordered.

Fang Yi nodded, and even without any nonsense, he disappeared in place with a thought.

Don't ask Fang Yi, knowing that Lingyun Xianjun is likely to be hiding in the dark, why he showed up on his own initiative, and why he didn't directly push the water temple forward.

It's very simple. In contrast, Fang Yi is more reluctant to expose the water temple, because the water temple is the key and reliance for his growth step by step. Once exposed, he is more likely to face countless powerful people.

Just kidding, this is not Tianshan, nor is it the spirit world. The strong here are unparalleled, far from what he can compete with.

So he had to be careful.

I would rather expose myself than expose the water temple.

Of course, with the support of the Water God Temple, he is full of confidence in doing things, even if he is facing Immortal Lingyun who may be hiding in the dark at this moment.

In the silent space, a figure appeared out of thin air, looking around vigilantly, seemingly cautiously.

Needless to say, the figure was Fang Yi.

"Really no one?"

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's eyes, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

The surroundings are calm. It seems that the other party may really leave and guard the exit of the secret realm. Perhaps in the other party's view, as long as he guards the exit, he can get away with it once and for all.

I have to say, this is indeed a solution.

The exit is blocked, no matter how many methods Fang Yi has, he can't escape from this place, he can only be trapped here forever.

Unless, one day, he can grow up to ignore Lingyun Xianjun, in that case...

But this is obviously too far away.

It should be noted that Lingyun Immortal Venerable is the pinnacle powerhouse of the legendary Nine Realms, ignoring the other party, which Fang Yi can't imagine at present.

Of course, he didn't have time to think about it right now.

After confirming that there was no movement around him, he couldn't help looking at the statue again. At this moment, the statue had recovered to its original state, standing between the sky and the earth, as if it existed forever, and no foreign object could influence its existence.

Other than that, it is still plain and ordinary, and there is no hidden secret.

Of course, if it's so easy to see, I'm afraid it won't be his turn.

That's it!

The most urgent thing is to think about how to get out!

Fang Yi thought to himself, and his eyes couldn't help looking around. He knew nothing about the secret realm of Nine Dragons. The only thing he knew was from the Feijian Villa and the conversations between the disciples of Lingxiao Palace.

Since Lingyun Xianjun said that there is only one exit from this secret realm, there is no doubt that he is trapped here.

But, what is beyond this secret realm?

Covered by that layer of faint light, it seems to be the border of the secret realm.

As early as the moment he saw the light ball, Fang Yi noticed that behind the light ball was like an endless abyss, bottomless.

However, what stands in front of this abyss is that faint light.

Although the light was faint, it was like a ray of heaven, which gave people a sense of insurmountability, and even made people unable to think about it in the slightest.

However, Fang Yi turned his attention to this in order to leave here.

I want to see it before I say it!

After he settled down, Fang Yi walked towards the faint light wave.

Let’s not talk about whether you can pass it through. It’s always okay to see.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's figure became faster and faster, like a flash of lightning.

However, just as he was about to approach the light wave and relax his mind, suddenly, an unparalleled coercion filled the air, freezing the surrounding space in an instant. At the same time, an extremely dangerous breath approached, as if from the bottomless The abyss is terrifying.

not good! !

Fang Yi's expression changed drastically. As expected, the other party hadn't left yet, and was waiting for him to give himself a fatal blow when he relaxed.

However, when he came back to his senses, everything seemed to be too late.

Immediately, he had to do his best, and the breath in his body suddenly erupted, like an erupting volcano, straight to the sky.

The terrifying energy roared away, trying to break through the space blockade.

For Fang Yi, contending with Lingyun Xianjun is tantamount to death.

That being the case, then you can only escape.

But right now, the only possibility to escape is that layer of faint light waves, so that's why he acted accordingly.

However, all his actions, in the eyes of Lingyun Xianjun, are tantamount to idiotic dreams.

He sneered and said: "Ignorant child, trying to break through the space freeze of this seat is just a dream."

Xianjun Lingyun's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he was looking at a dead person.

This time, he deliberately held back, just to give the opponent a fatal blow.

At the same time, every trace of change in the surrounding void is in his induction, ensuring that the other party escapes into the space fairy again, and cannot hide from his perception.

The current situation undoubtedly shows that he has succeeded, and Fang Yi seems to be in danger.

The fact is indeed the case, Fang Yi was horrified, as if he was facing a big enemy.

However, there is one thing that the other party miscalculated, that is, they underestimated the so-called space fairy weapon. The other party thought that they could find out Fang Yi's space fairy weapon after knowing everything in the surrounding space, but it was obviously not the case.

How could the Temple of Water be found out so easily? It has already merged with Fang Yi, regardless of each other.

However, Fang Yi was not in a hurry to escape into the water temple at this moment, because he didn't want to use the water temple unless he had to.

Right now, it seems that that time has not come yet.

"is it?"

Fang Yi sneered, and the vast power of rules gushed out of his body in an instant. With him as the center, ripples appeared in the space, and the space that was originally like a monolithic space began to loosen.

"how can that be??"

Seeing this scene, Immortal Lingyun's pupils shrank sharply, filled with disbelief.

Because he clearly remembered that Fang Yi's comprehension of the rules of space was not enough to shake him, but it was only a few years ago, and unexpectedly...

It's just unbelievable.

He has seen a lot of geniuses, but he has never heard of something like this.


(End of this chapter)

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