Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2832 Crisis

Chapter 2832 Crisis

"You..., this is impossible!!"

Lingyun Xianjun shook his head fiercely, the scene in front of him undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

The way of space has always been the foundation of his pride. There are several rules he has comprehended, but the way of space is one of the six top laws, and the degree of tyranny is far beyond the comparison of other rules, and he is quite familiar with it. Research, comprehend very deeply.

Relying on the way of space, countless powerhouses of the same level were defeated by him.

Even if he was once stronger than him, he can handle it with ease.

But now, a mere legendary second-level martial artist discovered such a profound way of space, so he couldn't help but be shocked.

The most important thing is that before this, the other party's understanding of the way of space is obviously very superficial.

How dare he believe this?

However, the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help doubting it.

Naturally, Fang Yi had no time to take into account his surprise, the terrifying power of rules gushed out from his body like a tide, and the two same powers of rules instantly intertwined, shaking the whole space, and then cracked inch by inch.

At the same time, Fang Yi also shot towards the periphery like an arrow.

His figure is extremely fast, like a nine-day thunderbolt.

It's a pity that all this fell into the eyes of Lingyun Xianjun, but the latter couldn't help but sneer again and again.

"Ignorant child, within the secret realm of Kowloon, I will see where you are going to escape."

Lingyun Xianjun was full of sarcasm. The Nine Dragons Secret Realm is a closed secret realm with only one exit. No one can leave here except him.

Therefore, although Fang Yi showed a strong power of space rules, he still didn't take it seriously.

It's just a bit of a surprise to say yes.

In addition, if he was worried about Fang Yi's escape, he was not at all, because this was his territory.

What's more, Fang Yi's escape direction happened to be at the border of the Nine Dragons Secret Realm, where there existed like an endless abyss, shrouded in a faint light.

No one can go beyond the place.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry, and stepped forward step by step, slowly approaching.

The ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth was like a god of death from hell.

As for Fang Yi, he naturally had no time to pay attention to him. Although he had just broken through the space blockade of Lingyun Xianjun, that was all.

So at this moment, escaping from here is his only way out.

However, the surrounding space has been blocked, and if you want to break through, you must spend a lot of energy, and you may be approached by the opponent before you break through.

The only road in front of him seemed to be the faint light just ahead.

do not care! !

Fang Yi made up his mind, no matter whether he can break through or not, he must give it a try.

If it doesn't work, think of another way.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi no longer had the slightest reservation, and the majestic energy in his body poured out, like a mountain torrent breaking a bank, rushing for thousands of miles.

Terrifying energy came together and turned into a bright three-color sword shadow, like a three-color thunderbolt, tearing apart the space, tearing up the entire world, and slashed down towards the faint light.

brush! !

The three-color sword shadow pierced the sky and the earth, exuding an incomparable peerless aura, as if it could smash everything.

Even Immortal Lord Lingyun couldn't help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes.

It seemed unexpected that a mere legendary second-level martial artist could unleash such a fierce and domineering strike.

"Ignorant child, I have underestimated you. You are so capable at the second level of legend."

"Unfortunately, I forgot to tell you that what you are attacking is the barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao. Not to mention you, even this seat, or even those who are powerful in the Dao realm, will never be able to break through this barrier."

what? ?

Hearing this, Fang Yi's heart sank.

The barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao?The legendary existence of the pinnacle of the Three Realms, the peerless power of the World Realm?

The barrier he left behind, relying on his own strength...

Fang Yi was like an abyss, and at the next moment, as if to confirm the words of Lingyun Xianjun, the bright three-color sword shadow fell, passing through the faint light, but did not arouse any response, just like passing across the water.

Ripples appeared above the faint light.

Afterwards, Ripples gradually calmed down and returned to its original state, everything as if nothing had happened.


Fang Yi's eyes were full of astonishment, a little inconceivable, and a little at a loss.

Because of that sword, he almost tried his best, but in the end, he still got such a result, so obviously, he couldn't break through this barrier at all.

Involuntarily, his complexion also became extremely ugly.

On the contrary, the corner of Lingyun Xianjun's mouth was full of ferocious and ironic smiles, looking at Fang Yi, it was like looking at an idiot.

"How about ignorant child?"

"If you want to die happily, just obediently hand over the Nine Dragon Seal and its secrets, otherwise, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

Lingyun Xianjun sneered again and again, and the cruel look on the corner of his mouth was like an evil spirit from hell.

Fang Yi also felt quite helpless in his heart. He thought he could try to break through the barrier, but he never thought that it would end up like this. In this way, is he really going to be trapped in this secret place of Nine Dragons?

Could it be that he wants to hide in the water temple again?

So, when is the end?It is impossible to really stay until you are stronger than the opponent before you can go out.

If that's the case, will we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey?

Fang Yi's heart was extremely depressed, and it was obviously not the way to keep him wasting like this.

But at present, it seems that there is no other way, but he still said: "If you want the Nine Dragon Seal, it depends on whether you have the ability."


"Ignorant child, since you insist on courting death, then I will fulfill you."

Lingyun Xianjun shrank his pupils, obviously losing his patience. In fact, he didn't give Fang Yi any choice at all.

I saw his foot stepping fiercely, the surrounding void instantly burst, and the breath in his body also erupted like a volcano. At that moment, he seemed to have turned into a giant of heaven and earth, standing upright and invincible.

Rao Fang Yi also felt an unprecedented dangerous atmosphere at this moment, as if death was approaching.

Bang bang bang! !

The sound of heavy footsteps made the world tremble, and the air waves churned.

Roaring energy rolled in, wrapped in monstrous power, and crushed Fang Yi from all directions, as if to completely crush Fang Yi into slag.


Immortal Ling Yun scolded angrily, and then stretched out his palm, the terrifying energy turned into a huge hand, sealing the surrounding space, and grabbed Fang Yi.

not good! !

Fang Yi's complexion changed drastically. Under this terrifying power and that overwhelming hand, he only felt an unprecedented crisis.

Moreover, this crisis is completely beyond his cognition, making him irresistible.

The only way seems to be to escape into the water temple.

But, do you really want to escape into the water temple again?


(End of this chapter)

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