Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2833 The last fight

Chapter 2833

Do not! !

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head.

Breaking into the water temple is a helpless move. If you have been relying on the water temple, when will you be able to become truly powerful?

Moreover, at this moment, if he escaped into the water temple again, he might be exposed.

So... Fang Yi rejected this idea.

Unless it is absolutely necessary.

But right now, it seems that that moment has not come yet, at least I still want to try.

After making up his mind, his eyes were also cold, and the terrifying energy in his body erupted instantly, like a raging flame, steaming wantonly.

Although it is far inferior to Lingyun Xianjun, it should not be underestimated either.


However, in the eyes of Lingyun Xianjun, this is naturally not worth mentioning. He only heard the latter sneer, full of irony and contempt.

"Overestimate your own strength, even ants want to shake the sky, die!"

As soon as the word death came out, the terrifying power swept over like a giant wave without any concealment.

Fang Yi's expression changed drastically, and he was horrified, but at this moment, he couldn't help but retreat, so he could only bite the bullet.

I saw golden light all over his body, dragon scales spread all over his body instantly, and dragon shadows entwined.

At the same time, the power of endless rules also diffused from his body.

There were ripples in the air.

"Huh? The way of space? How dare you use the way of space in front of me? It's like a trick."

Lingyun Xianjun let out a sneer, full of disdain.

As if to confirm his words, the pervasive power of spatial rules aroused one after another space ripples, before they spread, they cracked inch by inch.

what? ?


Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was filled with horror.

I thought that I could use the way of space to slightly weaken the opponent's attack, but I never thought that my own way of space would be so vulnerable in front of the opponent. This is simply...

Fang Yi couldn't help being shocked by this situation, the terrifying attack had already struck.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but flicker, and the sound of dragon chant came from inside his body.

groan! !

Accompanied by this dragon chant, an endless sense of destruction instantly erupted from his body, converging into a gigantic black real dragon.

The black real dragon soars across the sky and the earth, and everything it passes is extinguished, and the void seems to be swallowed by a giant beast.

"This is? The true dragon of destruction? The meaning of destruction??"

"Okay! Very good!! No wonder the cultivation base is so mediocre, so it turned out to be favored by the Destroyer True Dragon."

Lingyun Xianjun's eyes were shining, full of greed.

The True Dragon of Destruction is one of the three true dragons, and the meaning of destruction controlled by it has always been the most powerful one among the Three Thousand Ways. Countless strong men in the past have comprehended a little bit, and all of them have achieved extremely high achievements.

But now, a small legendary second-level martial artist has also comprehended the way of destruction. Moreover, this way of destruction seems weak, but it is extremely pure. Given time, it will become a great tool.

How, therefore, he does not desire to keep it for himself.

If you add the Nine Dragon Seal, then...

At this moment, he seemed to see a great avenue, the supreme avenue leading directly to the peak.

"Boy! Take your life!!"

Hearing a roar, the giant palm thrust forward fiercely, towards the terrifying True Dragon of Destruction.

groan! !

The True Dragon of Destruction seemed to be under great pressure, roaring up to the sky, with a faint sense of compassion, no matter how strong the meaning of destruction was, Fang Yi's strength was too weak after all, and it was obviously difficult to resist under Lingyun Xianjun's palm .

But when things come to an end, he can't help himself.

The two struck each other instantly, the sky and the earth shook, the void shattered, and the whole world seemed to be collapsing.

The terrifying True Dragon of Destruction seemed to be unable to bear that domineering blow any longer, and it burst apart inch by inch, and there was a sound of pitiful dragon chant.

At the same time, Fang Yi was also struck by lightning, and his figure was blasted out like a cannonball.

The blood in the mouth is like a column, spraying the sky.

"Fang Yi!!"

Inside the Water God Temple, Ji Wumeng couldn't help trembling while watching all this, and her pretty face became pale and bloodless.

As soon as he stepped on it, he seemed to be about to rush out.

However, she endured it in the end, because she knew her own strength, and showing up blindly would not only fail to help Fang Yi, but would only add to Fang Yi's confusion, so...

However, she was really anxious and at a loss, so she could only pray secretly.

Fortunately, the next moment, Fang Yi, who was flying upside down, finally stabilized his figure, which finally made her heave a sigh of relief.

However, Fang Yi's current appearance still made her extremely worried.


Fang Yi looked extremely shocked, blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, and his face was as pale as a piece of white paper, like a dead person.

However, his eyes were like hooks, fixedly staring at Lingyun Xianjun.

"Hey! You are the first one to stand up after taking a blow from me head-on. Among the second realm of legends, you are the first."

A look of surprise flashed in Lingyun Xianjun's eyes, but the corners of his mouth were full of sarcasm.

Although Fang Yi's strength far exceeded his expectations, so what?The result will not change in the slightest. An ant is an ant after all, no matter how powerful it is, it is only a slightly stronger ant.

and so……

In his eyes, Fang Yi is no different from a dead person.

In fact, it was exactly as he thought, Fang Yi suffered that blow and almost fell.

That is to say, if he is replaced by any other strong man of the same level, I'm afraid there will be no scum left, no!Not just at the same level, even at the legendary five realms, there is no exception.

At this moment, Fang Yi finally felt the domineering power of the legendary peak.

Involuntarily, the thought of retreat rose again in his heart.

Because the gap between the two was too great, the blow just now almost killed him.

Even if he survived by luck, his combat power at this moment has already been greatly reduced.

In the heyday, neither of them was an enemy with one blow, but now, it is conceivable.

"Son, if you are sensible, hand over everything quickly, and I can give you a good time, otherwise..., I will let you experience my methods."

Lingyun Xianjun smiled ferociously, and approached step by step.

As he stepped forward, the entire space was frozen, like an iron plate, not to mention escaping, it was impossible to move even half a point.

What's more, in Fang Yi's current situation.

But Fang Yi obviously won't give in.

That's all! !

Now, even if he doesn't want to, he can only escape into the water temple.

Fang Yi felt extremely depressed, but he couldn't help himself in this situation, but he was still eager to give it a try before the next time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help reaching out with his giant palm, and the Nine Dragon Seal appeared.

As for Lingyun Xianjun, his pupils could not help but brighten up, looking at the Nine Dragon Seal, he was full of greed.

"Old thief, do you want the Nine Dragon Seal? It depends on whether you have the ability!!"

As he said that, Fang Yi had a thought, the Nine Dragon Seal was shining brightly, dragons chant from it, and a huge regular dragon roared away from it, soaring across the sky and the earth.

The way of strength permeates instantly, and the terrifying coercion fills the whole world, like the presence of a king.


(End of this chapter)

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