Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2834

Chapter 2834

"The fluorescent light also wants to compete with the bright moon, it just doesn't make sense."

However, Lingyun Xianjun couldn't help sneering.

As if in response to his words, the endless power of rules permeated his body like a torrent, swallowing the dragon of rules.

The coercion between heaven and earth seemed to have been greatly impacted and became extremely unstable.

Boom! !

The sound of muffled thunder came from the surrounding world, which was deafening.

not good! !

Fang Yi secretly said, under the power of the terrifying rules, he only felt that he was extremely small, just kidding, Lingyun Xianjun is a legendary peak powerhouse of the Nine Realms, and he was only one step away from being able to condense the real Dao, so how could Fang Yi, a layman, be able to on a par.

It is no exaggeration to say that Fang Yi is not worthy to lift his shoes in terms of rules alone.

Fang Yiqiang is strong in his physical body, and he has a strong comprehension of the rules, but the depth of his real comprehension of the rules is far from being comparable to that of Lingyun Xianjun.

Therefore, it is conceivable.

Faced with this vast and terrifying power of rules, Fang Yi is so helpless.

Fortunately, the Nine Dragon Seal is not an ordinary thing. Apart from Fang Yi's comprehension of the way of power, it is also a top-notch fairy weapon, and the power of ordinary rules cannot shake it at all.

It really resisted many attacks for Fang Yi.

But even so, Fang Yi's defeat is already doomed, and there can be no surprise at all.

Boom boom boom! !

The heavens and the earth collapsed inch by inch, and the terrifying power of rules annihilated all directions. The dragon of rules was also overwhelmed, making a sound of compassion, and finally, it also collapsed little by little.

Do not! !

A flash of unwillingness and helplessness flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.

At the same time, the terrifying impact swept over again, making him go with the waves like a leaf of duckweed in a huge wave.

A fishy sweetness surged in the mouth, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out like a fountain.

Finally lost! !

Fang Yi was extremely distressed. He thought he could try it, but he never thought... It really is a dream. In the face of absolute strength, he is still too weak.

"Ignorant child, bring it to me!!"

Immortal Lingyun is full of ferocity at this moment, and once he succeeds in the blow, he is already in sight of victory.

Thinking that the Nine Dragon Seal was about to fall into his hands, and the secrets of this world, he couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart, and his expression became extremely excited.

The protruding giant palm also became more majestic and terrifying.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be caught.

That's all! !

Fang Yi was helpless, Jiulongxi made a feint move, and while his mind was turning, his figure that had been flying upside down disappeared again out of thin air.

Coincidentally, behind him was the barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao, that faint light.

The moment he escaped into the Water God Temple, he just hit the barrier.

And he seemed to disappear above the barrier.

"what happened??"

Seeing this scene, Lingyun Xianjun shrank his pupils sharply.

With the previous experience, this time, he can be said to be fully on guard, even if there is a small change in the surrounding space, he is well aware of it.

But just now, on the barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao, there was a slight fluctuation, as if something had passed through it.

It's just that this is the barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao. How could a warrior of the second level of legend be able to pass through it?

This is absolutely impossible! !

Lingyun Xianjun shook his head fiercely, his face was full of disbelief.

But there is no fluctuation in the surrounding space, as if nothing exists, just an endless nothingness.

"Impossible!! This is absolutely impossible!!"

In the end, Lingyun Xianjun even tried to break through that barrier, but without a doubt, everything was in vain. How could the barrier left by Emperor Ling Xiao be so easy to break through.

After all, not everyone has an artifact similar to Fang Yi's.

good! !

All this is because of the water temple.

Even Fang Yi was stunned at the moment, because as soon as he escaped into the water temple, he found that the outer space had undergone some changes, and Lingyun Xianjun seemed to be trapped in a mirror.

And he, outside the mirror, watched all this.

"Is that the barrier? The Water Temple accidentally passed through that barrier?"

Fang Yi immediately thought of this possibility.

He had experienced the weirdness of that barrier before, and it was impossible for him to pass through it with his strength.

But now that he has indeed passed through, there is no doubt that everything is because of the water temple.

But, what will be behind this barrier?

Why did Emperor Ling Xiao leave a barrier here? What is the purpose?

Fang Yi was full of doubts.

However, at this moment, he naturally has no time to take care of these things. He has been seriously injured just now when he fought with Lingyun Xianjun, so how could he care about these things.

Ji Wumeng did the same, and hurried forward to investigate.

He did not forget to ask concerned: "Fang Yi, how are you doing?"

"Do not worry!"

Fang Yi forced a smile, shook his head and said, "I can't die yet, I'll recuperate first, and I'll talk about it later."

After the words fell, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Compared with his leisurely and carefree attitude, Lingyun Xianjun is like a runaway ancient beast, wantonly rushing into that "mirror space" and that barrier.

But unfortunately, everything was in vain. From the outside world, he looked like a giant beast trapped in a cage.

Time passed slowly like this.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Yi finally opened his eyes slowly.

"How is it? Fang Yi, what do you think?"

Ji Wumeng's concerned voice came immediately, and her beautiful face also caught Fang Yi's eyes immediately.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!"

Fang Yi smiled and gave Ji Wumeng a steady look.

From the other party's expression, as well as the bloodshot eyes, he could feel the concern from Ji Wumeng.

"Really? That's great!!" Hearing this, Ji Wumeng seemed to be relieved, and his whole body relaxed a lot, like a tight spring loosened all of a sudden, and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, Fang Yi supported her in time, and said, "I think it's you who has something to do."

"I've already entered the Water God Temple, so how could something happen, you, you!!"

Fang Yi reprimanded lightly.

Ji Wumeng didn't care, just smiled, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Okay! Where is it all? How long has it been?"

Afterwards, Fang Yi glanced around again. It turned out that they had drifted in a silent nothingness before they knew it.

As for the previous barrier and the space in the secret territory of Kowloon, they have long since disappeared.

"This! I don't know either. After you healed your injuries, we slowly left the place. As for the time, it has been almost a year."

Ji Wumeng replied.

One year, of course, is the time in the water temple, compared to the outside world, it is more than a month.

It took a year to heal the wound once, and it still hasn't healed.

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly speechless.

However, he didn't know that it was due to the true dragon's will and the tail of the real dragon in his body, otherwise, let alone a year, it might not be able to be repaired in ten or a hundred years.

Just kidding, that was a blow from the legendary Nine Realms peak powerhouse, how could it be child's play.

However, these are not important anymore. The most urgent thing is to figure out where this is and whether it is dangerous.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help but glance around.


(End of this chapter)

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